Post actually hard boss fights that make Dark Souls players look like little children
Post actually hard boss fights that make Dark Souls players look like little children
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Is this the cringe thread?
>hurr everything I don't like is cringe
>Mention a legitimately challenging part of a game
Can we not do this
Somebody called?
you first
*Unsheathes negative combo*
Uhh are you blind or something?
Loved this part of the game man. More games should have boss fights in which the attacks are lined up with the hype soundtrack.
Also FURI's sewer boss killed 20+ times or something.
I'm waiting
Still unbeaten after over 5 years.
good thread man
OP posted a pretty hard one
>Heh did you guys know *snorts* that Dark Souls wasn't even that hard.
I just want you to know that you're on par with people who post on facebook whenever you post that.
>implying that's wrong
I used to be really good at 2hu's as a young teenager. But now that I'm approaching 30 my nerves are fucking shit and reaction time has gone to hell.
This made me realize that most people that like 2hu are still children and underage and should be banned from Sup Forums.
to be fair battletoads is a hard motherfucker
That's not the point
That's not Touhou.
sans undertale
dark souls is only hard if you
>takes 10-15 attempts to beat your first time
>all about memorization, once you've beaten him you can easily do it again
that's not touhou you fucking retard
Dark Souls can be difficult on the first run-through as it works on a certain formula. Most of it is just management of various things such as health, estus, souls, leveling, etc. But, the difficult part is learning how to apply the management with some skill or trial and error based on the enemy or environment. Bosses are seen as hard because they often go against the patterns one can find in the normal enemies they see over and over again. After someone knows a game, it is hard for the game to be hard. The Dancer always does her spins and Midir will almost always get stunned at the end for a killing blow. It is then up to the player to experiment with new ways to play and challenge themselves with what becomes their tools.
tl;dr: Games like dark souls stop being hard after you know how to play them, but they can still be fun.
I don't feel like I'm particularly bad at video games, but I took way longer than that. Are you talking about people who have danmaku experience?
Depends on whether you have any platformer experience. It took me twice as many tries to beat him (kept dying to the final gauntlet) but after that I smoked him twice in the next 3 attempts.
But that was months ago, and I'd probably eat shit if I tried fighting him again, even if I still remembered some old tricks I once used.
Reminder Chara Did Absolutely Nothing Wrong !
REEEEEEE! Still haven't beaten the hyper hexagonest.
>Lingering Willy
He's easy as shit to ball on once you have even a shred of muscle memory and grasp on his revenge value. Negative combo is boring and for scrubs.
honorable mention to these guys who are pretty simple once you got a winning strategy.
Megaman 2 not so much but TMNT of course, by a mile
*yugioh GBA the sacred cards
*oppenent summons pic related*
*drops his LP to 1*
*you get assfucked with amount of LP he sacrificed*
*happens repeatedly*
*chucks gameboy across room*
*grounded for two weeks for throwing shit in house*
first hard fight of the whole game
Fuck, I never realized how insane some of the patterns in SDOJ can get when you don't bomb through them, I felt like I was gonna have a fucking stroke watching some of that.
>still unbeaten after 5 years
yeah, sounds about right, IIRC DaiOuJou death label's double hibachi took 8 years before a couple people finally beat it within a couple weeks of each other back in 2011, and hasn't been beaten again since that I've heard of.
don't forget its brother, along with uncle Forbidden Memories
Hard as hell but I dunno if it's Dark Souls hard.
Nice meme
>menu games
>Forbidden Memories
>the masters of each element
>anything Heishin
>anything Kaiba
>dropping Meteor Black Dragon from hand on day 1
I still have the nightmares.
Dark Souls is just about learning how movement and how weapons work, after that the game is a joke.
A-user are you sure people are ready to know of this reshe- games existance?
>meteor black dragon day 1
>back when konami had no fucking idea what that shit does to innocent childrens minds
>Dark Souls
Not really, if you learn the movesets and strategize you can assfuck the game, it's not until bloodborne or dark souls 3 that they really got into the bullshit reflex timing.
Starting these threads with Sans is part of the meme you faggots
Sans is unironically harder than any Dark Souls 1 boss, though.
Sans is unironically a pointless waste of time, because all you do is learn his moves, wheras in DaS you can at least react to their movements.
>wheras in DaS you can at least react to their movements
Which isn't any less of a pointless waste of time. All video games are.
Really if you can grasp basic ARPG combat concepts, i.e. attack, dodge, block, magic and all that shit, Souls is not hard mechincally, it all, it's actually quite basic. The difficulty only really comes if you rush shit and don't check your surrounding, and you need to come prepared (which in most cases just means UPGRADE YOUR DAMN WEAPON ENOUGH)
I will agree on Bloodborne though. Shit's so fast reaction often comes down to combo memorization rather than just pure reaction. DS3 is fast as fuck too but i feel like it's slightly more forgiving than Bloodborne.
The point is that you can clear most bosses the first time you see them, wheras you have to reset for sans. He relies too much on knowing what to
Most people who like touhou probably don't even play the games
>He relies too much on knowing what to
What to what user?
Some patterns don't take learning if you know their similar counterparts from bullethell games. Memorization as a method of achieving difficulty being bad is subjective, too.
the shooting patterns are all very easy, it's mostly about the platforming sections that you'd have a hard time getting the first time
Sans isn't difficult.
You just have to learn his patterns, the only part I'd say is remotely difficult is the final part of his attack.
Well, you're not wrong. I'm just judging by how look they took me. Memorization and actual execution aren't entirely the same either. It's not easy even if you know what to do.
You play games on the top difficulty, don't you champ?
Oh shit, did Sans' buddy Candlejack get this gu
Add the Omega from VIII to those. Ozma from IX at least was a challenge.
>everything i dont like is cringe
>Game has the hardest boss of 2013
>Because it's so shit you don't want to fight it
Truly the most kino shooter
>still can't talk about undertale after 2 years
When will funposters accept that it was a pretty good game?
Pic not related?
shiiiiiiiiit man you used the braindead funny face guy, you might be right then!
The boss fight where you get a high paying job and satisfying career as well as a beautiful wife that's also the loving mother of your children
It's a bait thread
> as well as a beautiful wife that's also the loving mother of your children
just summon and it's easy
I agree, but in Point Device mode, it's easier since you have infinite lives and can restart from the beginning of every latest attack, but it still takes a long amount of time. I've no bombed her, but in Point Device mode only. Took me around two hours.
Damn this fucker is hard
>Once I learn how to play a game it's easy
Makes you think huh
this bullshit is why I quit
Wrong boss, retard.
Funny enough, Hard Man is actually incredibly easy. I'd go as far as to say he's Top Man levels of easy. Even Magnet Man's fight is more difficult desu
I am in love with Clownpiece!!!