What’s the most anticlimactic boss fight in all of gaming?

What’s the most anticlimactic boss fight in all of gaming?

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Vendrick from DS2, he is Anticlimactic in a good way though

Fable 2
>Rey = Player
>Kylo = Reaver
>Snoke = Lucien



>implying thats not the best scene of the movie
>at least until it backs off hard from everything that makes it interesting

best scene in the movie is when the rebel ship goes light speed through Snoke's

it looked cool but it's extremely stupid

Whoa let's do a tactic that is absolutely op and has never been done before and fucks consistency. Star Wars is more garbage than its ever been. It looked nice though.

Darth Nihilus

It's obviously been done before.
Homeboy in the other ship shat his pants when he realized what the rebel ship was about to do.
If that was a new thing, he wouldn't have been scared.
I bet those cheeky rebels did that kind of shit all the damn time. Buncha kamikaze suicide terrorists if you ask me.

He did nothing wrong.

It doesn't take past experiences to come to the conclusion that something really fast flying torwards you is generally a bad thing

So why not do it all the time then? Except use unmanned drones? You can probably take out planets with light speed collisions making all the tech they had developed for weapons like the Death Star and pretty much anything else utterly pointless

Why didn't anyone do that against either death star.

This is it. I didn't even realize it was a fight the first time I played it. Thought it was just a cutscene. Reaver did it all for me.

Yeah, that's why we saw it all the time in the last 8 movies. This is what happens when you sprinkle hard sci-fi into a fantasy story.

still GOAT, tho

He caused the collapse of the entire NA Templar club by pissing off the wrong guy.

>Be overwhelmed by the souls of countless demons and turn into a giant mishmash monstrosity.
>In gameplay it's basically just a giant reskin of the Golem/Treant enemies from earlier in the game.

Slasher of veils

Damn, ya'll niggers all forgot to leave your brain in theater lobby.
Suspend that disbelief a little, nerds.
A writer comes up with some shit other writers never thought of before.
What should they go back and retcon literally everything because of this?
Shit you niggas dumb. Don't even know how to watch movies.

I always assumed them jumping to ftl was some sort of wormhole or something. If they are actively moving through space why don’t ships ever randomly explode from hitting space debris at at a billion m/s

Such a great character with so much buildup, and then you actually get to tangle with him and he dies like a chump. You actually have to do poorly on purpose to see the entirety of his fight.

So you're saying it's okay for a writer to put whatever he wants in a long estabilished franchise without a second thought and get away with it because "lol it's just a movie nerds"? Is that also why Yoda can summon upon the forces of natures as a ghost thus opening the possibility of an army of ghost jedis striking lightning on the opposition?

>Extra-modes final boss is much better story AND gameplay-wise

The best scene in that movie was when they were fighting the elite guard.
That was some good choreography. it made me want to play Dark Souls again.

i was pretty fucking underwhelmed by darksiders 2's final boss

This and General Scales in Star Fox Adventures.

*mutinies in your path*

>didn't even get to fight or fuck the main antagonist of the fucking game
What were they thinking?

yeah it's dumb. they should of had some shit where they shot the ships with some new 'hyper space deflector disabler' since i always imagined they had some sort of system like that in place

Before the first ever jump Han says they can't just jump whenever they want, gotta make calculations first to make sure they don't hit any shit on the way

>lmao bad writing inconsistencies are okay because i want to like the movie XD

writing of new material that involves old material in star wars has paid attention to detail before, so there is no excuse.

I'm pissy about the lack of explanation on tracking through hyperspace.

Is there any real reason admiral yaaaas kween couldn't have explained the plan to him and everyone else on the ship?
Outside of spite. Because it's not as if they were pressed for time or had other important duties to do, they just kind of sat around with their fingers up their asses for 14 hours.

Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or more likely, were paid to crawl out of.

I liked how the faceless red mooks actually gave the two a run for their money.

If ships can do that much damage in light speed why didn't they just do that to the death star the first time around?

>Shit, he's got me beat
>Better switch to ebonics


Legit that's probably the 2nd best lightsaber fight in the series. So TLJ has that.

>TFA: Rey > heavily injured Kylo
>TLJ: Rey = Kylo
It was kind of bullshit, tho.

Guild Wars 2 final boss, you stand on a turret and shoot him till he dies. Random event bosses are more engaging than that final boss fight.

Space Marine's press X to punch the daemon prince final boss "fight"

>this is a mutiny
>we have you captured at gunpoint
>if they move, stun them

excuse me, uh... commander dameron now? Supreme leader dameron? whatever.
If our guns have less than lethal aplications, and we're actually trying to take over this ship.

I can accept a single bomber completely destroying a destroyer
I can accept Leia flying through space (through instinctual use of the force, somehow)
I can accept force facetime
I can accept Luke projecting from across the galaxy
I can accept Yoda calling Thor for a favor just to fuck with Luke

But that scene completely breaks space combat if any hyperspace-capable ship can just do that whenever they want

Absolutely atrocious follow up to Gehrman.

Don't bother wasting your breath defending this boss, bloodlets, it's fucking dumb and boring.

I come into these threads and i'm the only one who ever posts him
good to see someone else agrees. Game was legit fun up till then.

Joker at the end of Arkham Asylum, Bioshock Infinite's horde/survival thing. Really as good as Bioshock 1 and 2 are (Infinite is solid) none of them have great final bosses.

Far Cry 3, reducing the fight with Vaas and if I recall right, Hoyt, to a cutscene with QTEs was uninteresting.

People also say the Hive Mind in Dead Space 1, but for all the many times I played through that game I never found it a bad final boss. You had to use most of the mechanics you've learned through the game, it was big and weird looking. For a random brand new IP I thought it was fine, just not very challenging.

People hated the final boss in DS1? It wasn't anything memorable but it wasn't bad by any stretch.

Star Wars hasn't had great consistency to begin with.

looked cool
that's about it

I find a lot of random lists and people saying they found it a bad boss.

Quick google search on this list has it as the 2nd result...Funnily enough after Joker gamingbolt.com/14-worst-final-video-game-bosses/2

I think Dead Space overall has pretty good boss fights as few and far between as they are.

“New technology” wasn’t good enough for you

It was in Rogue One, so the empire had already been working on it for decades and the first order just got it working

Why is Goldmember being lasered in half?

Borderlands 1 by a mile

>Reach the villain
>Game pulls that shitty "MC refuses to fight and the villain somehow kills himself with his own idiocy so the MC doesn't have to" cliche in a cutscene.
>Game over, no proper final boss.

what a fucking awful game

Nashandra in Dark Souls II. What the fuck were they thinking?

They do explain it. It's the reason Finn and New McCharacter go do that casino side quest.

>they tracked us through hyperspace!
>fuck you, thats how, now lets go bash the fash

>ctrl-f Demon's Souls
>no matches
there was basically no last boss.

Maurauder Shields.

Hoyt in Far Cry 3. A couple of buttons pressed and your german bald friend is avenged

Where you getting that Rey = Kylo thing.

Cuz in that fight Kylo did all the heavy lifting. He took on like 3 while she fought 2 and he had to save her from the last one.

They only matched on the force tug of war which is fine because it was mostly symbolic anyway.(Though lame only because them backpeddaling on Her going dark or them both going grey killed any chance of the overall story not being trash)

If you had posted Mother 3 i'd have hunted you down and gutted you

If I wanted to leave my brain in the theater lobby, I would go watch Jumanji. Which is actually a good popcorn movie unlike the trash that is TLJ

Final boss fight in Shadow of Mordor i think
Or the final boss fight und Mankind Divided

God damnit I had forgotten. What have you done ?

>tfw friend gave me a gun at level 1 that 1shots everything
>get to final boss
>1 shot
Ive never actually killed the final boss without a modded weapon

Why did you pick Jumanji as your example? Someone else mentioned it recently; is it getting a remake or something?

Is that a fucking langolier?

None that I can fathom.
Poe wasn't even trying to take charge or anything originally, he just wanted to know the plan and his role in it.

It's in theaters right now
This time they get sucked into a video game

pretty much since from the start your told he is the answer to your problem and once you finally get to him you see hes gone hollow

Jumanji got a remake and it is beating the shit out of TLJ. Like literally beating the shit out it. SW only won on Week 1 because it was SW. Every other week after was Jumanji because what do you know, Jumanji is actually a decent movie.

>thought a Reaper fetus was underwhelming? Wait til you see this!

Tbf though, that Maurader Shields fancomic wound up taking some of the sting out of my salt.

It got a remake where the gameboard realizes that nobody plays board games anymore so it transforms itself into a videogame you get sucked into.

But if it's a multiplayer video game, wouldn't it be filled with hyper competative tryhards spewing racism and misogyny?

couch co-op only

She actually saved him from the last one. She tossed him a saber after he dropped his and he killed the guy who had him in a head lock.

But yes, during that fight he took on the most guys.

>that piano note when i first walked in
For all the shit i sometimes wanna give DS2, that was sort of brilliant

After Zatura or something, I was afraid this movie would turn out to be very bad. Guess I should give it a shot

Great movie. There is a reason why it is about to earn 900 million with a 100 million budget and if it performs above expectations in Japan and China will easily do a billion.

no one play's couch co-op anymore either though

>wtf it's so small

Final boss in Nioh still pisses me off. Pushover Kelley followed by hydra from Dark Souls in the round. Sad. I even liked the boss rush leading up to it.

>best scene of an absolute garbage movie
Thats like saying the best part of eating shit is the last bit to come out cause its the freshest

Thirded. Totally disappointing for the sort of game it is.

All of them in Dishonored. Mostly because you can really avoid the fight and just quickly murder the boss.

I do. Online is not a replacement for having a buddy in person, don't even play online anymore. Don't like the disconnect.


I actually don´t know if this or the main games boss was worse. Enjoyed the game, but damn were the endings disappointing

sauron in shadow or mordurr

Probably because the writers back then never thought of that.

It stars The Rock and Jack Black and is about playing video games based on a 90s property. It's basically "market research: the movie".

Old Star Wars actually explained this in the EU, but Disney deleted all of the extended universe from canon.

Originally, ships that entered warp-speed pretty much traveled through the Immaterium and emerged back in realspace at their definition. The jump in speed was just an illusion from entering warp space. In warp space, contact with a gravity well would outright kill you/destroy your ship, so things like planets/stars/manmade structures with gravity generators or sufficient size couldn't be flown into. The gravity distortion would destroy the attacking ship in warp space and it wouldn't even affect the target.

Disney removed that explanation so now they'll have to write their own excuse next movie.

Also *destination not definition.

False King is essentially the real final boss.

Most FPS games.

Because the Death Star had a fucking huge ass deflector shield protecting all of it?