>56,000+ blood echoes
>no biggie I'll get em back
how do I git good brehs
>56,000+ blood echoes
>no biggie I'll get em back
how do I git good brehs
Pizza Cutter
woah.. so this is the power of so(n)yboys?
Don't stop trying.
But don't keep doing the same thing over and over again. If you fail once, might just be unfortunate luck or lack of enemy knowledge. If you fail twice, try switching up your strategy. Be more aggressive, be more defensive, learn parry timings, test out which damage type works best, etc.
by end game you'll be rolling in more blood echoes than you know what to do, don't sweat it. I routinely buy useless items just to spend them on *something*. Am I ever going to need 99 Bold Hunter Marks? Probably not, but it's an investment
go back and spend them if you have so many you'd consider crying if you lost them
By actually spending the damn echoes to level up. Don't get too greedy, that never ends well in a game like this.
Bloodborne is the exact opposite of DS2. It got the combat and gameplay right but messed up the most basic functions.
>quitting game erases your blood echoes
>level up lady (these are never good)
>have to sit through one or two loading screens to reset enemies so grinding is a hassle
>the fucking stupid fast travel mechanics
>have to sit through two loading screens to change lamps
>also two loading screens to access bottomless box
I hate the blind eye this shit gets cause “hur never ever”
Fukkin lol m8
I don't get pissy about losing any fewer than like 100,000 echos
Stop worrying about Blood Echoes. Outside of saving up for weapons in the store, levels are never that critical. Especially past the early game where you're still working up to which weapon you're gonna be using for most of the game.
General advice though:
>Every time you have leftover blood echoes after leveling, buy blood vials. Yes, they're expensive, but you'll likely lose those echoes anyway and having to grind for vials absolutely ruins the game's pace.
>Ludwig's Holy Blade in the vanilla game, Pizza Cutter in the DLC. Easiest weapons in the game to use and stupidly effective. Takes away some of the fun, but if you just want progress then fuck it.
>Genuinely look at the stats on your armor. Yeah, armor is nearly entirely cosmetic, but shit like frenzy resistance on some sets does add up. It can really help in some areas, so look at what you have on.
>Use the fucking gun. Parry spam in this game is broken. Even if you're just mashing to shoot, you're probably gonna get at least some visceral attacks which fucking destroy bosses.
>Take your time. The game pushes you to go fast, but very rarely does it pay off to actually be running around spamming dodges. Enemies get faster and faster as the game goes on, if you don't know how to properly dodge shit you won't get far.
>Some enemies and bosses are way tougher because you can easily do shit out of order. Look around, figure out if what you're doing is main progression or some fuck you level of optional shit. Also, enemies/bosses often have noticeable weaknesses. Use different elements/attack types.
Biggest thing is to slow down. 90% of my deaths, and many other people I see who play the game, are due to just not paying attention or rushing. Falling off cliffs, getting trapped by a mob of enemies, rolling/dashing into an attack, using a blood vial while a boss is mid attack, shit like that. Take a breath and stop rushing. Take the game slow and it's piss easy. Except for shit like Orphan. Fuck Orphan.
stop caring about dying and losing echoes, then you can enjoy the game
>I hate the blind eye this shit gets cause “hur never ever”
these criticisms get brought up all the fucking time and everybody agrees with them you retard, the rest of the game makes up for it though. Miyazaki seems to really like the level up waifus, every game but DaS 1 has it and that game was meant to have it too.
Press the dedicated dodge button you mongoloid, goddamn.
At 56'000 BE you literally are eithe holding to hold em or at a point in the game where they don't matter.
>>quitting game erases your blood echoes
>>level up lady (these are never good)
Every game except for DaS1 did it, so ironically that's the odd one out from all their games.
>>have to sit through one or two loading screens to reset enemies so grinding is a hassle
Probably shouldn't be grinding, but agreed.
>>the fucking stupid fast travel mechanics
Same problem with loading screens, which I agree with but kinda redundant.
>>have to sit through two loading screens to change lamps
Same problem again.
>>also two loading screens to access bottomless box
Same problem again.
No one likes that shit. Bloodborne has serious issues, including the worst of all of the healing systems in any Souls-like game (both finite and limited quantity healing items) as well as a major step back in how fast-traveling/world resetting works.
Bloodborne often gets away with that shit though because a lot of what's underneath is great. But yeah, I doubt anyone is going to deny it has some massive glaring issues. Seriously, who thinks to take the grinding of Demon's Souls' healing items alongside Dark Souls' limited held quantity and put it together? Fucking stupid. The only benefit I can see is to discourage players from hitting their head against a wall endlessly until they beat the boss. But then if the boss is all you have, what else are you going to do? Seriously, it kills the flow of the game to hit a super tough boss and be sent back to a starting area to grind out vials.
say it with me lads
>>have to sit through one or two loading screens to reset enemies so grinding is a hassle
>not just using a Bold Hunter's Mark
If you're actually grinding echoes the investment is easily worth it
>56,000+ blood echoes
chump change my nig.
half of your shit is false or overly exaggerated.
did you play the game or just watch streams?
Bold Hunter mark only ever took my to the last lamp
Not to the dream
I found this game to be easier than the others. Was just fighting paarl and think I figured out why; bosses have very abusable weakness.
Paarl for example is just fire paper and two charged r2s to the dick.
Gascoigne? Just music box into backstab a couple times.
Blood starved beast is just strafe right: the boss.
And wet nurse can be baited into doing the short range forward slash multiple times by dash attacking and dodging back.
Did the other games have shit like this too and I'm only now getting good?
Using one resets the nightmare.
>Paarl for example is just fire paper and two charged r2s to the dick.
>Gascoigne? Just music box into backstab a couple times.
stop reading guides before playing
>Did the other games have shit like this too and I'm only now getting good?
yes, but people only found them out by trying a bunch of shit, which I doubt is how you found them out.
I found out paarl and wet nurse on my own by accident, bsb was just pretty obvious given the startup of all it's attacks comes from the left, but I did learn about the music box from and outside source yeah. Not until my third character though.
paarl is stunlocked to death extremely fucking easily and the in-game descriptions tell you beasts are weak to fire, guide my ass
Nah, they all had that in some form. DeS was broken by magic (all of the games are depending on who you asks), DaS1 was broken by heavy armor/great shield, DaS2 was broken by the fact that the bosses were ass most of the time, and DaS3 was broken by longswords having similar damage to larger weapons and rolling being insanely useful.
Bosses in all games have specific tricks you can do. DeS' Maneaters just need to be kept with the bonfire between you two. Four Kings just need high poise. Most bosses in DaS2 were something along the lines of roll to the left/right and you're invincible. You could pick out nearly any boss and give a consistent trick that beats them relatively easily.
Problems is with the player. Whether you're new to the mechanics, don't understand them, or don't have practice, it all turns into being shit. Once you get the mechanics down though, the games are pretty consistent to get through. And thus easier.
>think about a build
>Reiterpallasch + knights set
>I'm gonna be the vilebloodest of vilebloods
>I will protect my queen
>I'm gonna be a literal vampire
>get the reiter
>try out the moveset
>it's disappointing, so is the transformed version
how do i fucking deal with this
firepaper is understandable, but counting the number of R2 attacks to stumble, less likely. sounds like it's pulled straight from a wiki.
gascoigne box is a dead giveaway it's not all done by experiment.
the rest is easy to figure out, for sure.
I got the number by killing it multiple times. This isn't my first playthrough.
l2parry and build for bloodtinge.
You don't need to go to the dream if you're grinding echoes? If you're worried about needing two screens to reset the enemies, using the Bold Hunter's Mark resets the enemies in the area while putting you at the last lamp. literally the exact setup you need for grinding.
>I got the number by killing it multiple times.
after mastering a game, it becomes extremely easily to work around weaknesses.
it's not as if the earlier games were any different.
I was going for 25 bloodtinge and 50 skill since the rapier attack scales with skill.
I like parrying, as retarded and unpredictable it may be. Killing martyr logarius' second phase without taking a single hit gets me hard every time.
But the moveset is disappointing and so is the damage. My brother went full chad hunter axe and it looks so much satisfying. Then again it's slow as shit and I don't like slow weapons.
but honestly the best game ive ever played
I still found out the stagger potential on my first playthrough. I was using hunter's axe and hit him with a charged r2, he fell over, I just kept doing it. Knocked him down three times and he couldn't even fight back.
On my first (blind) play through I
>knock it out of lightning charge with axe charged R2
>just keep doing R2 when i get a chance
>it never charges again and just jumps around, barely attacking
I think it's too small.
I discovered, like, all zones on my own. No guide.
How did you discover cainhurst? I couldn't even find the backdoor to the clinic on my own.
>he's not a vileblood
Bloodtinge as a stat is "all or nothing" variety if you're going to min-max.
i got every boss until paarl for the 2nd try i think. i just couldnt beat him, if i locked on i couldnt attack the leg and if i didnt i couldnt hit it either as he was running and jumping
hate that boss so much
That's right, I'm a Hunter of Hunters
All the reiterpallasch builds I've seen have 25 bloodtinge.
Reiter's main damage dealer is skill, not tinge.
Here's a map
i started a few days ago. are you talking about the forest with the 3 guy fire boss?
those elevators are so fucking confusing
>Stroll though an end-game chalice dungeon
>accidentally trip over ten billion blechoes
hunter axe is literally easy mode. it's fun as hell, but you can build it completely in an unoptimized way and still be decent.
go for more bt and focus more on the quick shots if you're using the rapier gun. you can chain it in attacks making someone good at parrying a fucking nightmare to fight. if you are bad at this then just pick a new weapon to build around.
my guess would be looking around.
it's what I did.
Now that yo usay those two places, I think I lied without realizing, I used a fuckton of guides.
I feel like I should feel guilty, but I don't. It's retarded how zones work in all soulsborne games and I'd rather not deal with the headache.
There are two elevators there.
Not that you'd need them, right? You can kill the 3 fire dudes on one try, right?
I discovered it on accident, I found the letter early but apparently you need to kill the witches for the trigger to spawn, spent about an hour outside rolling around trying to figure out what to do. Later came back and found the carriage.
such is life in the dream STALKER
for base dmg maybe, but to play up the weapon's skills, no.
It's my first build, so yes, I'll probably be bad at this.
>more bt
guess my build is fucked then, I've already got like 30 ski, twentysomething vit and 18 end.
With chain attacks you mean stabbing and shooting with the reiter?
>It's my first build, so yes, I'll probably be bad at this.
bt builds require some amount of planning.
>guess my build is fucked
you can beat the game without a great build, you don't have to restart.
>With chain attacks you mean stabbing and shooting with the reiter?
yes, you can bait opponents into attacking after you get halfway through an attack chain, and then use the quick shot to visceral attack them.
oh you mean the transformation attack
Is it really necessary if I'm only gonna use it to parry? Or is the damage good?
>you can beat the game without a great build, you don't have to restart
yeah but if I can't pvp properly with it then why bother
>if I'm only gonna use it to parry?
do you not know how great visceral attacks are?
Or is the damage good?
bt builds, not with the shortsword gunblade, but they are the most ridiculous dmg builds in the game. it is seriously retarded.
>yeah but if I can't pvp properly with it then why bother
you can pvp with anything given the right connection. pvp is fun, but just like most fromsoft souls games, it relies on a bunch of shitty mechanics to make up the difference.
>tfw making a Voldemort cosplay with Reiterpallasch and pumped up ARC
This is the closest thing I saw to a Souls thread so I just wanted to stop by and say FUCK these guys.
Use the item that transports you to a lamp
>t. Someone who just got to the prison cel with 0 BEs and 0 Vials
>56,000 is a lot
I only get mad if I die with 200,000+
Visceral damage scales with skill, not bt, as far as I know.
I took the kirkhammer to Paarl and he was a joke, a few swings and he staggered and I got a visceral. Rinse and repeat.
He did kill me with the aoe once though
I found the letter by accident and just happened to do hemwick witches after I found it triggering the cainhurst cut scene
doesn't stop bt builds from being ridiculously overpowered.
the reiterpallasch, is a mix build though, it's not amazing, but it requires a good mix of skill stats as well as a skill ceiling.
Guess going victorian knight build wasn't the greatest idea for #1 build. I'll stick with it, fuck it.
Which is da bes bt weapon combo?
>want to do an early game blades of mercy run since it's one of the only weapons I haven't used
>remember I'd need to grind for like 40k blood echos in the starting area to be able to afford them
>don't have ps+ so can't go into a friends world for ez farming
Cant you do chalices if you search for a glyph? I don't remember them using materials
nope, not if you are offline. I had to plat the game in 2 days using a free trial of PS+.
If you can bear to wait that long, rush Bloodstarved. Let Snatcher take you to Hypogean Gaol.Kill the two pigs there over and over. It'd tedious but by far the best way to farm echoes somewhat early in the game. Farmed for Blades of Mercy this way too.
I have an EU copy of Bloodborne but I only have a US amd JPN PSN account. If I buy the DLC is there anyway for me to play it on my current account using my current my save?
Pls respond. I never post in Bloodborne threads because it took me over a year to beat it.
haven't played the game in a while, how much do the give and can you get a +souls relic by then or no?
You have to buy Eu dlc
I think you need to beat the hemwick witches in order to get runes which is after amelia? Been a while for me to
I think it's too early for any kind of Moon rune, but unsure. Anyway, one pig gives about 3200 echoes and they're super easy to just kill with charged attacks followed by backstab viscerals. They give blood vials as well. You can clear out the weak-ass dogs in the area if you really want to, they hive about 750 or so blood echoes each, and if you feel really ballsy even kill the snatchers (the guys with bags) but i don't recommend it.
It's still tedious because you need to warp back to the dream often but far better than trying to run through Central or Old Yharnam a million times. At least it's 6400 blood echoes each run, and more if you kill some dogs.
yea shit i forgot about that, whatever. I'll go give it a try when I have time.
Will it be possible for me to use that EU DLC on my US account? I only bought an EU copy because Collector's editions were all sold out in the US at launch.
Only if the ps4 is russian
>make an Ailing Loran chalice
>buy a shitload of Bold Hunter's Marks
>equip all 3 Moon runes
>go to which ever level has the cloaked beasts right outside the lantern (first one I think?)
>spend approximately 1 minute killing all 8 or 9 of them
>you now have about 80,000 echoes
>use Bold Hunter's Mark and repeat ad infinitum
I forgot to mention, if you're new-ish to the game still
After killing Bloodstarved Beast one of the Snatchers spawns right outside the Cathedral Ward lamp, around a corner out the front. Let him kill you, he takes you where you need to be. Search for a lamp upstairs. Once you find it, run outside the cathedral (ignore the snatchers and weird humped hags) and turn left outside while hugging along the wall. It will lead you right to a shortcut that leads you around the annoying-ass Snatchers. There's a big walking up the stairs that will run at you when it sees you. Run in fast enough to prevent that or just dodge it. Charge-R2 his ass, then visceral. There's another pig below a bridge further along the road (not downstairs) that guards a small treasure. Kill that one as well. 6400 blood echoes for almost no effort. Just be wary the pigs might kill you sometimes with their running attack.
You can also grab the tonitrus up at the very end of the road and sell it.
Alternatively you can also go to the Abandoned Workshop (also available after Bloodstarved), get the Doll set there and sell it. It's something like a flat 35000 echoes.
There is also another Chalice, which I can't remember the name of off the top of my head, but on one of the early levels you find a door with a bell witch on the other side. She perpetually summons red spiders and you can use Thread Cane to kill them very quickly. I think each one gives about 3000 echoes or so and there are usually 3 every 10-20 seconds.
>you spent an entire series learning how to deal with damaged enemies
>so instead of letting you reap the rewards of your practiced art we will literally impliment and RNG that either lets you break shields like you're supposed to or you get a shield to your face
Ya they where pretty bad
*shielded enemies
nah nah, I've played this game like 20 times
I know that’s why I said one or two if you do or don’t use a hunters mark
I played it and all of it is right
>farming bloodvials
Only casuals and people bad at video games do this.
Some Loran chalices have more than 3 bell maidens that keep spawning spiders. And if the map has bridges you could position your character so that the spiders just jump to their death perpetually while you just stand there and get a coffee and maybe browse Sup Forums.
>loss 90,000+ blood echoes
>feel nothing
This is what transcendence looks like
this. I have vials and echoes up the ass now to the point I'm buying stupid shit just to spend them.
Late game gives you a retarded amount of echoes, specially the pigs.
this, why the fuck are you running around with 56,000+ echoes man? That's atleast about a good 15 level ups
>playing Bloodborne
>not playing it safe
>press r2
>press r1
there, you won BB
Its funny. I was reckless in BB. DS3 is the game where I'm slowing down and watching my surroundings. The amount of fucking things that can jump you man....
All this shit is in DS2
You see an enemy, you attack it.
yeah the game almost lost me on that alone. The first mobs killed me and I was getting sick and tired of farming them just to survive the area. Luckily I paid attention to a very good walk through and rebounded enough to like the game again.