Cell is coming to absorb you.
The last vidya char you played as is your only defense. How fucked are you?
Cell is coming to absorb you.
The last vidya char you played as is your only defense. How fucked are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Would Ultima kill Cell?
Dr. Doom, Wesker, and Wolverine in MVC3. I'm totally fine since Doom and Wolverine are immortal. Doom could literally just fabricate so many soldiers and bullshit gadgets, and wolverines claws could cut sayan armor and he's literally unkillable
yume nikkis is going to kick his ass
majin buu, I think ill be fine
Good thing I have Chadhan on my side
>Hogyoku Aizen.
Cell ain't shit.
>Generic PUBG Woman
I'll fuck her before I die I guess
>Cell fires a ki blast that destroys everything in a 50km radius
>Aizen can't escape in time
>Aizen dies
>Cell moves on
Bureachy characters can't tango with DBZ characters
>the last character I played was also cell
Well fuck
It's even better than that; Doom has taken on godlike entities like Galactus and emerged victorious.
Doom is seriously one of the most OP characters in all of Marvel. If there's any Marvel character who would even stand a chance against DBZ's absurd powerlevels it would be him.
>Cell was under the impression he attacked Aizen.
>All he does is an illusion.
doesnt Cell already know Ultima since its kind of like spirit bomb
God I fucking love Sup Forums powerlevel discussions.
Could Cell defeat a Gundam? Probably.
But he's just a dude in a mask
No he's basically Reed Richards +Tony Stark + Dr.Strange rolled in one
I'd add batman, iron fist, and superman onto that list too. His powerlevel is fucking insane and he is rarely fighting. Everytime he loses it's just a machine.
you're fucked, Cell
im good
>goes to hell to rescue his mom's soul and tell the devil to go fuck himself
Absolutely BASED
>Sonic the Hedgehog
I mean he might as well be a Dragon Ball character half the time. I might make it.
I think I'll be fine, Cell can't into magic.
Can Superman tank a spirit bomb?
And all of that took tons of preparation one time things
None of that is apart of his basic equipment or powers
It's like saying red skull could beat Iron Man because he has the cosmic cube
Considering that he just beat Bernard, I think my boy Rider's got this.
My disgaea 5 characters, how many hit points does cell have?
>Blue Vegito in Dokkan
Cell is so fucked
>DOOM Marine
Guess I'm doomed
>russian gopnik with a makarov and pockets full of canned tuna
Warrior of Light would kick his ass. I'm good.
Cell one shot Saitama, no difficulty
Better odds than Mr Satan, at least.
Probably ok.
Even when caught by surprise, he's still the universe's #2 wizard and #2 super-scientist. He shows off the power of multiclassing like you wouldn't believe.
Cell can sense people
Way too many
Goku with a powerlevel of 10 could survive someone hitting his head with a axe easily
Goku had a powerlevel of about 120k when he fought ginyu
Goku is now way way way past that
Poor Cell
It probably counts as magic so maybe not.
>implying i dont want to become a part of perfection
Any other response is plebcore, this was a test and every one of you failed.
Absolutely. Spirit bombs bounce off people who are pure of heart, remember?
>Goku with a powerlevel of 10 could survive someone hitting his head with a axe easily
>an axe
He survived being shot in the head with a pistol.
He is not the universe's 2nd best magic users
He is the 2nd best on Earth but not the universe
Can he or can he not survive 10 billion hit points worth of damage in a single turn
Disgaea characters probably beat DBZ characters at decently high levels since half the high level attacks in Disgaea these days involve destroying galaxies and shit.
>was going to destroy the solar system in his final attack
10 billion is chump change
>Injustice Superman
Nigger he'll help Cell absorb you then appoint him Secretary of State in his new world order
Perfect Cell has a power level of 1,300,000,000
And then dies to a laser gun...
And Aizen can fuck with all senses. Cell can't beat Aizen.
We don't know cells powerlevel
Probably. Perfect Cell can't deal with Buu magic hacks.
Absorbing me will make him weaker though. Why would he does that?
>My DBO Saiyan Turtle Hermit, picture is outdated
Is there ever a rough estimate given to how strong you get in that game?
yeah something tells me im actually safe. as long as im not goku
depends on the gundam, really.
As long as I can keep him happy with some ice-cream I'm as good a gravy.
toei filler
Can't catch a laser nigga
Corvo from dishonored, might be able to pull some shit with ZA WORLDO, but I don't know if anything in his arsenal can kill Cell.
He can't fuck up ki
Movies are non-canon
Nice try
Was the asspull laser ever explained? Did it have some of Freeza's power inside?
Actually, according to Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha - Ora to Omee to Scouter, Perfect Cell's powerlevel is 900,000,000
Maybe if the pilot had newtype shit or DG cells.
But my Forbidden Gundam is fucked
Yeah. Just seems like anons were saying Goku is impervious to weapons in general. Laser gun isn't that farfetched, and considering Freeza could've just armed all his henchmen with Saiyajin killing lasers...
So basically something that doesn't matter
>My XV2 CaC
I'm okay
Injustice Superman is evil
He let his guard down
That's just regular Perfect Cell, Super Perfect is 1,300,000,000
Issac is doing fuck all to cell no matter what shitty item combo he gets
they tried to retcon it
>Was the asspull laser ever explained?
Goku keeps dropping his powerlevel down like a dumb mook because he gets cocky.
>Classic Megaman
I'm fucked. Cell's too fast, and lemons ain't gonna do shit.
lets be honest, powerlevels in general dont matter as soon as frieza transforms into his second form
still less than brolys 1.4 billion
It's non canon in the timeline maybe, but that doesn't mean it 'couldn't' happen.
>let his guard down
>dropping his power level in blue form
>literally a god
Oh, yeah. He can actually.
I don't think you understand how powerlevels work.
Would you pet him?
Cell's gonna be the one getting absorbed bitch.
Bring it on, insect.
Name 1(ONE) character who can stop him
>Movies are non-canon
Except that movie was so canon, that it got an anime adaptation in the current anime.
Odds aren't good, but they've been worse.
>the loli from hat in time
Well at least I'll die knowing the game sucks dick now that I've actually played it for once instead of jerking it to the porn. Honestly I thought the game would be half-decent given how much of a following it has but it's just as bad as yooka-laylee.
Nigga if there's anyone who can out bullshit DBZ fighters it's fucking Aizen.
Fuck Cell, Aizen would destroy anyone short of Jiren, that's how bullshit he is.
Broly's power level was constantly rising as long as he was in his Legendary form
I thought that game got completely terminated to shit, are there fan servers up?
Literally the only canon powerlevel numbers come from v-jump and Daizenshuu
Kirby can eat things smaller or slightly bigger than him
And Kirby is smaller than the average 6 year old kid
Plus he would have too be fast enough to suck up cell
Also Kirby can't suck up powerful enemies untill he beats them some enemies he can't suck up at all and he still can't suck up things way bigger than him
Not canon to the anime or manga
Movies are just like the anaglam comics in DC and marvel
It means nothing to the actual comics
His ki keeps rising which means he can just keep using his best attacks and spam powerful ki blasts
>Not canon to the anime
Did you never watch the first part of super? It's literally a retelling of GoD and FR. And yes Goku gets shot and nearly dies from it. Just like in the movie you're saying is non canon.
>Kirby can eat things smaller or slightly bigger than him
Not with Hyper Nova.
>And Kirby is smaller than the average 6 year old kid
Technically he's only 1 inch long in the games but w/e. Also Gohan was short as hell too.
>Plus he would have too be fast enough to suck up cell.
He could be, the Warp Star is absurdly fast, and moves like ESP let him teleport.
>Also Kirby can't suck up powerful enemies until he beats them some enemies he can't suck up at all and he still can't suck up things way bigger than him
Again, Hyper Nova.
I'm fucked
I was playing attack of the saiyans so Gohan, but saiyan saga Gohan. Yeah I'm done familam
He wasn't ssb retard
You would know that if you watched it
He was in base form with nothing protecting him
Hyper Nova is a powerup he has to pick up and eat so no
Plus it wouldn't work anyway because it still doesn't work on everything
And he still can't suck in something more than a 100times taller than him
Also the warp star is slower than cell
I don't think you know what a retelling is. Gohan could go super no problem in the movie, but nearly died in the movie. Both versions have him getting killed, and Frezia blowing up the planet. The movies are canon, Super just retells it to people who never seen them.