Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Can we get Xenoblade thread going?

I just got to chapter 4, and I gotta ask, am I insanely fucking lucky or is this the norm? I've popped two normal core crystals on Nia and got Boreas and Finch and out of four normal core crystals and one rare on Rex I got Floren and Gorg.

I'm asking this because, beyond field skills, is there ever a point to not using a special character blade? All I've done special before unlocking the core crystals was slapping on a Bunny choker with 21 luck.

I guess I don't understand if I've been extremely lucky or this is the status quo. Makes me kinda sad because there's absolutely no reason for me to use some no named blade. It's like, why did they even bother with it?

Other than that, I'm enjoying it a lot. I will say I'm a bit worried it's too easy. I definitely haven't grinded and I've only used bonus exp to level Rex and Nia once. That's it. Despite that, I'm having an easy time of it. The only hard fought I had was against some special bird that took forever to kill. Is this because I got OP blades? I already read that Boreas is pretty good on Nia so I lucked out there I guess.

[SPOILER] I did not see Vandaams death coming :( [\SPOILER]

Other urls found in this thread:


The RNG is really favorable to you early on, because the game really wants Rex and Nia to have a full roster of Rares, but the least rare Blades you have left to roll, the least generous it'll become.

Also yes, you should always be using Rares (unless you're lacking ones needed to fullfill the class you're aiming for, like say you want Nia to be full healer, but you only have Boreas and Dromarch on her, you can switch Finch off for a common Healer).

Commons are mostly for field skills and merc missions. Completing their affinity grids before releasing them also puts them back into the pool with an additional star, and completing 4 stars commons' affinity grids before releasing them gives you an extra Overdrive Protocol.

The game's definitely not ball-busting hard, especially if you catch on how the battle system's layers work early on, but I still had some trouble with the chapter 4 final boss despite having a lot of good rares (I was lucky enough to roll Floren and Boreas directly on Nia, they're really good healers)

Also use ctrl+S for spoilers

Ewwww stinky feet yucky

You're not lucky unless you get Vale/Kosmos/Zenobia or something equivalent to them early on.

Vale was my first blade. Zenobia was my 4th.

yes you are
fuck you
you can't remove special character's blade



>last is Vale

how fucked am I? I already sacrificed 200 LCCs to her with no response. Before it is asked my luck is maxed using Rex (I have Overdrives) and Justice is Lv. 10.

I believe it’s possible to make common blades better than some of the Rares but we’re talking about the real bottom of the barrel ones.

Use rare and common cores and pray to the god of nightstalkers and jiggle tits

Obrona noooooo

>It's like, why did they even bother with it?
Was it a feature in the previous games?

>failed spoiler
I knew he was going to leave the party since I couldn't bond any blades to him but it never occured to me he might die.
Pretty metal way to go though.

Commons have a real niche.
The give better stat mods than rares (up to +25%) and they can have that orb adder passive that doesn't appear on any rares.

Personally I find a good standard set up to be two rares and 1 stats stick common, since I hardly ever use all three Blades in combat anyway.

I didn't work out you could combine low levels in field skills into higher levels until ai got to uraya. That could have been explained better

>tfw 4 star commons are more rare than rare blades


Did they really think the fakeout with Gramps wasn't enough and still needed a father figure to die?

damn i just got to chapter 4 too, just got fuckin (blade name spoilers) nim and kora for nia, have finch for rex as well as that gravity tnk assassin guy, feeling super lucky esp with my nia rares


Is Vale really that good? I got her for Rex before his MC powers happened, and sure her working really well with Mythra due to her Dark element and Break art was great, but I never thought of her as "you're lucky you rolled her first"

>doing KOS-MOS's sidequest
>KOS-MOS continues to make little girls gay

Can she be stopped?

hey is there a way to take like nice screenshots in this game? like without all the gross ui elements in it?

Good job with the spoiler you faggot.

Anyway it's not too rare to get a handful of rare blades and you really never have to use the common blades if you don't want to. That isn't to say the common blades are bad though, far from it.

What the fuck is up with this, seriously. I haven't gotten a single 4 crown common in a dozen legendary cores.

>Violence Machine: Increases damage dealt each time a special is used (max: 300%)

Yes, she's that good.

It just clicked for me that the little girl is supposed to resemble Shion.


>Her sidequest ties up what happened with the Bladebots.

Why wasn't this done in the main game?

I ended up with 5 or 6 of the 4 crowns out of roughly 200 common, 300 rare, and 200 legendary cores

God damn. I'm never going to be able to unfuck the rare blade distribution in my party.

Having played chronicles 2 I kind of want to go back and play the older ones but I am not sure I want to deal with that gacha bullshit again.

buy the DLC goy

Is there some DLC supposed to be coming out this month?

The previous games didn't have blades or gacha bullshit at all.

Have you got the Overdrives from finishing all of the drivers' affinity charts? Those pretty much let me do what I wanted to do

That’s only in 2

You currently get "free" item packs for purchasing the season pass
One of them is more Overdrives

Not yet. I should probably figure out how many overdrive protocols I'll actually need for min-maxing stupdity.

Should be 3
Put Zenobia on Zeke
Put Vale on charcter of your choice
Put KOS-MOS on character of your choice

Tank Blades are basically pointless to use Overdrives on because Tora's blades are set in stone, Hammers aren't good on anyone, and Morag gets enough sure thing Agi blades to fill her 3 spots.
Unless you plan to Overdrive commons with higher agi mod than rares to Morag, but that seems like a waste when you could just open them.

And Healer role falls off in usefulness at the top level due to the strength of crit healing, but if you're going to have a dedicated one, then Rex with Nia and Ursula is probably the best, but it's Rex so you don't need Overdrives anyway.

>KOS-MOS continues to make little girls gay
And she's not the only one!

I was planning on giving Nia all of the Ether cannons. And putting Morag in a frilly dress and giving her sissy healer blades for bullying purposes because Tora seems to be a much better tank.

Although, if you control Morag and give her Overlcocking Bangle and three katana blades, can you just chain evasion arts - swap - evasion art infinitely to be invincible the whole time?

And does auto-attack damage matter on Morag or should I just stack AGI to the sky?

I only have 4 blades left to get

and that boy who looks like a girl

Did anyone save the edited hairy minge pics base on this from yesterday thread? Post them please. I can't find them anymore.

Good riddance.

I literally only have bookgirl left to roll

She was actually my first one

Well, 2 out of three of the good Ether Canons, Sheba and Herald, are special cores. So you can guarantee them on Nia anyway.

Keep Brighid on Morag, it's better than a Katana for her just in general and the evasion art has a longer animation.
Your constant evade idea works pretty well, but I don't know if it's 100% uptime
Auto attack does matter on Morag, but really only with Brighid because she has a passive that gives up to +250% damage (+10% per successful "Evasion") so she actually can do damage while also doing her job.

My first rare blade was Perceval which is cool.
But then I had Newt, which is pretty much the same character, except fire, all on Rex.

What a waste.

>But then I had Newt, which is pretty much the same character, except fire

They aren't the same at all Newt is WAY better
Read their passive yellow nodes in the affinity chart

Question for a mechanic I never really figured out, what determines whether or not you can use the same blade again in the next round of a chain attack? It feels totally random.

Then I hope gacha is deemed a failed experiment for the rest of the franchise.

I think it's how well you succeed at their special's prompt + how quick you are on the "continue chain attack" prompt.

Do you mean...... This one?

For the character you started the chain attack with, it's if you hit the prompt to continue the chain.

For other characters I'm not sure either, might be affinity related.
Seems like you can always get two rounds, but sometimes you can get three+ rounds? Might be affinity or trust related.

Learn to git gud with the archive, user

For better and worse, every entry in the series has had some pretty radically different mechanics.

Oh god it's starting again.

I can't wait 'til Xenoblade XXX where they start mixing game experiments with giant mechs locked behind gatcha.

This is the first Xenoblade I play and I'm really enjoying it. And reading all these posts saying that the 1st game is better just makes things more exciting. What's the best course of action I can take after finishing chapter II in terms of looting/leveling/progression? Also is 9 hours into the game to finish chapter II (sidequests included) a great pace?

>My first rare blade was Perceval which is cool.
Same. Then I got the electric loli.

I think it might have to do with whether or not they destroy an orb

Was it really necessary for Rex to have 2 waifus

Funny enough, Raikko was my first rare blade and is maybe the only one I completed all her affinity chart.

No. "Great pace" is 7 hours to finish the whole game.

that's it, thanks!

>out of character art
Fucking drawfags, Pyra doesn't have a single ounce of shame in her entire body.


At least this time the artist remembered to draw the fucking core crystal
>All that Nia art with no core

Honestly he should've had three.

Oh well, I guess if you've already found it then I guess I don't need to post it again.



you'll do fine lad, though might have been better yo get finch on one of the two other characters you get later, boreas is GOAT healer


One of her lines is she herself saying she is self concious. She says this hundreds of times throughout the game.

she is pure. Mythra is shit

*staring Zeke intensifies*

Here and /vg/, really dude?

I saw it someone stole it

What a shit meme, He's been pushing this meme so hard but nobody caught on to it yet, huh? Kinda sad really.

Pyra the best

Wait do you see zeke again after his first apperance?

Zeke is a party member

My dude did you see that drop he's fucking dead

Literally the best girl. Both in the mind and the body.

Ravioli ravioli don't lewd the electric loli

>Ohey here's a quest where I have to kill some mobs surrounding these people, no big deal
>Wait why is there suddenly a mob 4 levels higher than all these quest mobs here
>Wait why is there an even higher level mob here all of a sudden


Don't use many rares on Rex. Its becomes pointless later when he can use any blade from your other characters collection.

Where's your pic bro.

She's really good too.
If only there was a reason to actually use Hammers.

I guess the solo Rex section in chapter 10?

depends on what you want your party makeup to be. personally since I rex - nia - tora i just use all my cores on rex and transfer to nia for actual use. i pop commons on other party members just for field skills.

*pats head*

This image isn't anywhere in the Xeno general, what are you on about?


>Pyra is excited to visit Rex' village
>The first thing Rex does when they arrive is go to his parents grave with her.

Are her tits big enough to call her an oppai loli?

It's right there with the exact same filename under a spoiler.

What is so good about Kosmos? I found the cannons to be pretty shit with bathtub girl being least shit but still pretty shit.

>Implying he won't be revived as a cyborg and become a real Zekenator

canons are great on zeke/nia


>Explore Leftheria's weak side cause I always go the strong side cause it's closer and I'm lazy
>Find a random common blade being attacked by four monsters
>Kill the monsters
>Think "Wait why was the blade in trouble? Blades just regenerate from wounds, and her driver wasn't in trouble"
>Blade thanks me, says her driver is an Ardanian kid and they came to Leftheria to train and get stronger, but the kid fell into the Cloudsea and is probably on an island below
>Go find the kid, he's pissed off at his blade for taking him here on a training journey he doesn't want to do when he doesn't know how to fight or really even wants to know, and doesn't want to be a driver anymore and just wants to go home
>Reunite driver and blade
>Kid tells his blade what he told me, he doesn't want to do this, she basically plunged him into mortal peril when he doesn't know the first thing about fighting, and he's going home
>Blade responds that learning how to fight is the entire point of this training quest, he needs to stop whining and actually wield her sword
>Kid gets even madder and leaves
>She thanks me and gives me a reward, then chases off after the kid
>Mission complete screen says "their relationship was patched up"
Success, I guess?

but she is a cuck that doesnt do anything