
Do you miss it?

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Yes. First MMO where I met a pedo that pretended to be a married mother, that would buy me cash shop shit and exp boosts.

every day

so fucking much

I was a cringy virgin in highschool and would play this game and pretend to be likeable instead of grinding my social skills and actually be likeable irl.

I'm not saying that I would have enjoyed being a normie, but I would liked it better if I was a normal dude playing normal videogames instead of being "Most likely to Become a School Shooter" and play this jewish gook facebook game.

i miss it

1. xXDexl3ssS4suk3Xx
3. are you israeli?
4. Got track?
5. cc plz
6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
7. Pan Lids and Kumbi were FKING expensive
8. Tiger and Suuushi
9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
11. When everyone wanted a thief in the party for Haste
12. Accidentally taking the black cab to Sleepy Woods as a noob, and have no messosfor the ride back
13. Hidden-street
14. Going to Orbis and El nath, not having money for the ride home
15. Waiting for mushmom
16. Get freaked out when the C. Balrogs arrived
17. Party members going apeshit when their leader didn't get them into the PQ
18. Autoclick hack
19. Only Scania, Bera, Broa, Windia
20. Screwing up your hair with Amoria hair coupon
21. Hype when Ludi came out
22. People losing their shit when they got defamed
23. Henesys hunting ground
24. F3
25. Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
26. +15 speed with Red Whip
27. Playing cards or that omok game with strangers
28. That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos
29. Those ATT work gloves that were freaking expensive
30. Fangblade first to reach lvl 200

Following Tiger was fun

>kid comes out of nowhere at my spot
>cc plz

>That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos

Unironically me. Fuck the haircut quest, and fuck the I/L mage using up so many mana potions.

well what were you giving him in return, buddy?

i used to play GMS and now that i live in japan should i play JMS, how much has the game changed since 2006-2008?

Posted his skype on Sup Forums, and they did whatever they had to do, I was too young to understand.

You don't want to know

>how much has the game changed since 2006-2008

I'm so sorry user...

oshiete onegai akari chan~

has it gone to shit?

I have no time to explain, because I'm going to bed, but you can hit 120 in a few hours.


okay man sleep tight

A fuckton. Way easier to level up now, you can grind to 60 in like 12 hours even if you don't know where the best places are to grind. Takes even less time with exp boosts and knowing where the best hunting spots are. There's 4th and 5th job advancements for most of the classes in the game now. The only ones that didn't have a 4th job before were Cygnus Knights, but I don't know if they changed that within the last two years. There's a hell of a lot more classes to pick from and level cap is 250 now. It's also extremely pay to win to reach the highest damage threshold in the game.

I'm just scratching the surface of the stuff they've changed/added over the years, but those are the major changes off the top of my head.

Never fear, Nautilus is coming to save the private server scene with its release in 1-2 months.

>you can grind to 60 in like 12 hours

Maybe if you're a turbo retard and spend 11 of those hours to shitpost on Sup Forums.

Here, watch this a little bit

seems like ill pick it up again, buy some character clothes with my neetbux and shit
thanks for the informacion

You mean you don't?

>9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
>10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
>26. +15 speed with Red Whip
>mfw full bandit instead of the sindit bullshit that fucked over dark sight
Get fucked, everyone else.

I still play on private servers, dude.

Every post I make is a masterpiece.

>just a full bandit
>not a patrician STR bandit
Get a load of this pleb.

Is it time for more classic soundtrack feels?

Thread theme for all Maple threads for the rest of time:

>meme build that relied on you getting a Khanjar in order to function
No thanks. If I wanted to rely on expensive bullshit I'd make a dexless sin and get 5 stacks of Ilbi

I miss Ragnarok Online more.

This one... :(

Yeah no problem man. It's honestly still pretty fun. I think I like '06-'08 MS a lot more, mostly because it was more social and encouraged player interaction a lot more in the early levels, but I don't think the game ever really lost that. Much like every other MMO on the planet, the game's way better if you have a group of friends and/or a guild to hang out with and do stuff in game.

I still play it every now and then, actually. The only thing it's good for now is if you feel like mindlessly grinding for a few hours to decent music.

i hope that i find some good friends in the game and hopefully ill improve my social skills at the same time while playing

Fuck man, I miss old Henseys Hunting Grounds so much. First place I ever grinded in with my friends when I first started playing. It's hard to believe it's really been 13 years since then. I've been playing this game longer than I've been on this stupid mongolian moving pictures website for the mentally impaired.

Dare I say, is it time for another Sup Forums guild?

Does anyone know if there are any Sup Forums guilds on the NA server still up from when Reboot was first launched? I had a lot of fun with you faggots when we started ReMoot

rose tinted glasses the game

it was fun as literal babby's first mmo, and i think a lot of its success was due to the infancy of internet culture allowing it to actually function as a social hub because we were all too young to realize how cringe and autistic it is to go all O.O =.= in the chat

all thats left nowadays is a game where you spam a single button over and over with giant purple numbers on the screen, and wondering where the hell people got their god like boss items


> The code is 133-221-333-123-111

>O.O =.= in the chat
>Not F6/F7

That guy didn't actually play the game, he's just trying to fit in.

This makes me sad. Well, is there anyone here who wants to help start another Sup Forums guild? I'm down if there's other people who want to start

they are dead

If so, where?

The most interesting one looks like Nautilus, but it's still in beta.

>how much for [item]?
>make an offer :)
>[make a reasonable offer]
the game

user who actually played post-5th job considerably here. I could write an essay about all the shit that changed over the years, but a tl;dr is that the game is more fast paced right now and has a lot of content.

>Leveling is faster and the game wants you to play all classes
Leveling is way faster, you can hit lvl 200 with some dedication in days, even hours if you really know your shit. Because of this the game recommends you to play/level all classes in one world through the legion system, which is basically adding additional stats/effects to your characters depending on how leveled said characters are in one world. For reference, the character limit in a world is 42 compared to the 4X classes that are in the game. The effects you get from the legion system vary depending on the class. There's also link skills: shareable beginner skills that certain classes have. You can start sharing a link skill at level 70, and at level 120/210 the skill itself levels up to 2/3. Link skills are important. For example the Mercedes class has a link skill that gives her a passive additional 10/15/20% EXP and allows her to teleport to Victoria Island every 30 minutes. Once you level your Mercedes to 70, you can start sharing the skill to another character. which is huge and basically translates to 'level this class to 70 to have +10% on all your characters'.


Retards like yourself don't understand what makes old Maplestory such a nostalgic experience for many people.

Every day.

>Because leveling is easier the job advancements have changed
Maplestory adjusted itself to make lvl 200 quicker, but not before increasing the level cap to 250 and eventually releasing a new job advancement at level 200. Before and after the release of fifth job, Nexon focused significantly on releasing post lvl 200 content, which the game is abundant with right now. Third and Fourth advancement were adjusted to level 60/100. While fourth job at lvl 100 may sound off, the advancement progress only takes place through levels 100-140: at level 140 you already have all your 4th job SP to max all your skills. After lvl 140 comes the 'hyper advancement': three additional skills obtained at level 150/170/200 and hyper stats, which are additional, more exotic stats like HP/MP%, crit rate, knockback resistance and such. 5th job is not what the playerbase expected. It's actually gachashit where you open rare-to-get 'nodestones' that give you a random 'skill node'. A skill node has three different types, but basically the node either boosts the power of your existing 1st to 4th job skills, gives you a new 5th job skill, or gives you a 'special effect'. That's right, 5th job is not about leveling and getting new skills. The worst thing about nodestones is that the skill you get may not even be of your class. You can disenchant skill nodes to create specific nodes but the rates are shit.

You're the retard for thinking that my post implies at any phrase that I don't understand the appeal of pre-bb Maplestory. I'm just explaining the changes that happened over the years from a game perspective. I could've easily said that the game's shit because no stranger will try to make a conversation like before and party quests are dead, but since user said he'll play JMS I assumed he wanted an explanation for game changes.

yes i missd my friends i made there the most. some of them are my best friends. people from venuzela, canada, israel, new york, paris. i still talk to them sometimes but they are on different times and programs for communication in facebook steam and skype. such good ppl i met on maplestory

i showed my normie friends maple and it turned out a lot of people played it. everybody liked and would hang out with our group in the quad and we would talk about maple with some groups. smoking weed and playing maplestory was objectively better and more fun than hanging out with any/all of them though.


Never played it, only pic related.

Does Sup Forums know of any games that can give me that nostalgic feeling that Maple does?

Private servers are too much of a pain. They always die within a few months.

Were Battle Mages really that shit?

Are you an idiot? Royals has been up for 4 years and regularly maintains 1000+ players.

Yeah but fuck Royals.

im still playing reboot, not as great as before but its okay i guess

I'm on MapleRoyals right now grinding zombie shrooms, so you tell me.

the problem with that scenario is that you are playing on royals

>but the rates are shit
This honestly describes every version of Maplestory from 2009 onwards.
Does anyone else remember early alpha/beta where you could get an inventory full of panlids in like 2 hours of farming that zone outside Henesys?

The last time I played was a little over a year ago. This is the game I've spent the most money on. I cycle between devoting a lot of time to playing it then dropping it completely for awhile then starting all over again. I hate this game.

I also hate all of you because I'm downloading the game again right now.

>tfw bought 100 CSS at one point
>all but 5 failed
Closed maple and stopped playing until now

Why is Royals bad? Do they do stupid shit?

Maplestory 2 never. Even if we get it, it'll be filled with the memespouters, trapfags and circlejerkers of today, not 2006

it's all lewd 3D anyway

>P1:cc pls
>P1:dude, fuck off

and? maplestory only with thick shortstack asses and thighs smothering my face is the perfect game

>not doing both because you forgot which hotkey did which face

scrolls and cubes are the worst thing ever but fuck it feels so good when they hit

reminder that this is official art

>icogs without guardian and return scrolls
I've done that a few times too. Ironically enough all the times I succeeded was without the safety

No need to miss what still exists. Reboot makes it better than its ever been.

I didn't want to feel tonight, user.
The worst part is they've made so many changes that it's impossible to try to recreate those memories. This game was comfy af and it's left a hole in my heart.

orchid is my wife

she's our waifu

Absolutely. It still hurts, every now and then.

you can have this slut

That's one way of admitting you're a complete idiot.

Nobody is ever going to play reboot with you because reboot isn't old maplestory.

>don't make me get my main

How does this make you feel?

Fuck I didn't want these feels

Is your penis ready?

Mu took my soul for awhile

Why is this allowed?

Your name can only be 12 characters long and you postes a 17 character name. But i do get what you mean ofc

Why wouldn't it be allowed?

Nobody will play with you, idiot. Not that it will ever release in the west anyway.

Ey thanks for explaining user. Started playing a few months back but did not know what 5th job actually was in detail. Highest char is still lv117. At this lv i feel it becomes less easier to lv up. 0-80 felt like a breeze

Were you able to cute yourself up from the accumulation of free things from events over the years?