have these rat fucking bastards never heard of compression?
have these rat fucking bastards never heard of compression?
Other urls found in this thread:
Japan is always 15 years behind the tech curve
>155GB for 4k
>100GB without
Well at least they had the decency to make the 4K textures I won't use optional.
Good luck pirating it white piggu!
a n t i - p i r a c y
Expect Denuvo AND VMprotect up in this bitch
Clearly they have since the console version is half the size. They're either duplicating assets (they did in previous games' pc versions, but this one had dual audio out of the box, so it seems unnecessary) or pandering to the crowd that thinks large files equal quality.
People bitched about Nioh's 80 GB as well. Yet the actual game is not even 30 GB to download. Past Steam's download compression however, it'll probably be around that much yeah.
I'll wait for fitgirl :)
>Clearly they have since the console version is half the size
I've heard the console version with all the DLC, which the PC version comes with, is around 100 GB.
i think there are a number of layers of graphical quality turned off in the console version to make it run at any kind of stable framerate, something it still only barely manages.
>5 hour installation
I have an r7
I believe the current game is about 80gb. Add on a good chunk more for the new stuff and, as noted, the separate 4k textures, and it makes sense even if it seems like far too much for such a mediocre game.
Yes. It definitely turns off/down certain things if you aim for stability or higher fps settings on the pro.
Nier took like 50 minutes with a 6700k and that game way smaller
I can run 16 threads
If anything this makes piracy even more enticing; people have gotten really good at compressing these bloated sizes.
You can take 16 dicks
supposedly its a pirate deterrent. But if it meant that much to get it for free I imagine pirates could live with giving it a handful more hours to download.
you just made a thread with that image bitch
its 2018 how the fuck is the download size supposed to be piracy deterrent? Literally everyone and their dog has at least 50mpbs download speed nowadays.
>put in disc
>5 seconds to install
>5 seconds to delete
if you suffer pirates suffer too
>5 seconds to install
Why lie on the internet, your also forgetting the huge day 1 patch this game had.
>B-but you can just skip that
Yeah sure let me just play this buggy unpatched version, XV was bad enough at launch can't even imagine it without any patches.
How big is this game with all DLC on consoles?
Yeah but customers are paying while pirates suffer for free.
Does it actually have 4k textures or are you just confusing the terms? The file size seems to indicate that it might have, but I don't think I've ever seen a game shipped with actual 4k textures before.
Game devs doesnt care about costumers. they care about pirates.
>its 2018 how the fuck is the download size supposed to be piracy deterrent?
Probably so it takes upwards of a week for 3rd worlders to pirate. I buy my games but huge files sizes wouldn't affect me if I did pirate because I'm not a poor 3rd worlder with a dial up connection.
fallout 4 high-res textures weight 58 gigs, m8
I don't think cranking down the AA would impact filesizes that much
The biggest offender, 4k textures, has already been mentioned as optional. My only guess is that you have to download every fucking audio language or some shit. I wish devs would limit the default voice languages to like two options (the game's native language, and for your region's language) and make the rest optional downloads if there's more dubs.
But what if the paying costumers come from shitholes with slow internet? What about them?
>Does it actually have 4k textures or are you just confusing the terms?
That's a pretty safe assumption to make as according to OP using 4K requires an extra 55GB really no other reason than that, chances are they will do something like Ubisoft does with Rainbow 6 Siege where 4K textures are an optional download.
>but I don't think I've ever seen a game shipped with actual 4k textures before.
Yeah probably not none of the console versions run at native 4K either so it would be pointless to even include them.
>potato pc
Japanese don't understand PC, hey if he own PC must buy another HDD
I always assumed there were duplicate files for English and Japanese audio like they did with ff13. That took up a huge amount of space.
Burgers buy plenty of games.
>But what if the paying costumers come from shitholes with slow internet? What about them?
Then they get fucked but I'm not in agreement that devs intentionally bloat file sizes so it's really a moot point. It's mostly just dev laziness among other things.
People also like to ignore the fact especially with Square their PC versions tend to come with dual audio which takes up a ton of space when the console version lacks it among other things. Console war shitposters will lead you to believe it's a PC only problem but it's not, CoD infinite warfare for example on consoles had a 80GB install size, 120GB with the remaster of CoD4 installed. Xbone first party games for example are horrendously bloated and often have mandatory downloads and the disc often just acts as a glorified key disc so you can download the rest of the game.
Basically there are a lot more factors in play in most cases like with FFXV which will have dual audio included, all DLC, and optional 4K textures. I'm curious to know what the console version file size is with all the DLC installed.
>55gb for 4k
I bet 50gb of that is all the uncompressed pre-rendered cutscenes in 4k
4k textures improve image quality a lot even if you're running the game at 1080p tho. It's just that they eat a shitton of resources and I'm not talking about just the storage size.
Sucks, but I'm sure you'll be able to compress it using Windows. Nioh is like 20GB after NTFS compression instead of like 80. That doesn't help for downloading it, though.
>That doesn't help for downloading it
Most steam games have their downloads compressed, Nioh's download was than half it's actual file size.
That's only like 3 hours of downloading, it's not so bad.
I know I'm in a minority here but I'd rather have it this way.
A 500gb SSD is cheap as dirt these days and if you own the type of super computer needed to play this game you almost owe it to youtself to get one.
And hey lower loading times.
Just another reason to pirate on top of it not getting a proper physical release on PC.
Thank god HDDs are not being effected by Cryptocurrency craze
Locked 60 or 4k/30fps? If the combat pretty much plays itself the latter is ok right?
This just fucks over people who can't even get a 500kbps. Oh btw I live in America btw.
God bless our nigger nets.
You realize certain American cities and states have shittier internet than the rest?
>super computer
>4k pretty boys
>4k asses in tight pants
>Gladio telling Noctis he's got a puny D in 4k
Sign me the fuck up.
For the most part textures only care about vram quantity and the bandwidth to feed it.
The most effective anti-piracy technique is retarded file sizes.
>he fell for the SSD meme
150GB is NOTHING if you didn't fall for the Samsung shills
The only asses in tight pants are the ones you can give your multiplayer avatars. It's a waste.
Not a very tech savvy nigger here, are my speeds any good?
>anti-tampering texture files
If you're actually planning to get this legitimately on release, it won't matter. There will probably be pre-loading.
Yea, unless you live in a small town and like getting fucked regularly you have shit internet.
How long until someone makes a mod that replaces all the guys with girl characters?
>5 seconds to install
but then the girls will have male voices
>PC is an unviable platform
>release PC version last because PC gamers pirate more often than they buy
>if they want the game, they'll buy it on consoles
>"you know we could probably sell this on PC"
>just throw it on PC
The Japanese know better than anyone else that PC gamers don't buy games, so why cater to them? FFXV could've been 10GB on consoles while PC was an entire TB, it would sell just as much, all of 5K lifetime copies at 90% off.
Rather get a nude mod for the guys. Preferably with fully detailed 4k parts.
compression was only lost in the last 10 years, if japan is 15 years behind they should still have it
Installing from disc is usually pretty quick
>release PC version last because PC gamers pirate more often than they buy
I would buy it if they gave it a proper physical release, but they aren't so I'll just pirate it after it gets cracked.
Use that miku software to make voices for them
Tell that to all the people making mad dosh on PC selling games
It's worth nothing that the PS4 version is 83GB with all the DLC
Uh huh, keep thinking that
>PC gaming is so profitable
>that Sega makes all their games only for consoles
>and DQ and KH will never come to PC under any circumstances
sure showed me
It's true though? Seriously not even meme'ing, PS4 games are installed near instantly, and all the data is put on the PS4
As a counterpoint look to literally any indie game ever made
SEGA is retarded what else is new?.
Pc gaming profits include the retards that got stuck on gambling on lootcrate microtransactions.
Well it's sure as hell faster than downloading 50+ gigabytes
You and I know indie devs are desperate enough to put their shitty games on everything and PC fags are dumb enough to buy them, just look at the absolute state of steam
shit guys this will take me down to less than 700gb of free space
What about larger companies like Square Enix? Is PC profitable for them? Or is it just some crumbs off the floor while consoles are their main revenue? Do you think indie game sales are enough to persuade Square to put KH3 on PC, for example?
also this
>DQ and KH will never come to PC under any circumstances
But you can play almost all of those games on PC already
I live in the largest australian city, population-wise and I barely get 1 mbps, I would rather have the internet of a third-world nation
>PC gaming is unprofitable
>nuh uh look at this chart that's nothing but lootcrates and pay 2 win shit making up the majority
>point out it's a chart that's nothing but lootcrates and pay 2 win shit making up the majority
>and point out this won't persuade Square to put their two other flagship properties on PC
In fact that gives Square less of a reason to put games on PC, their opinion is that PC gamers don't pay for games, which is largely true.
But australia is a 3rd world nation
Aren't modern games averaging 100 plus gb now? I don't see anything unusual.
faster than most people
>muh lootcrates
>meanwhile all the sports games on consoles are making billions selling cardpacks
No but i think sony paying them money to only put it on the PS4 is enough of a monetary incentive to not care.
Modern AAA games usually range from 20-60 GBs. If they were on a Nintendo console, that be somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-30 GBs because Nintendo forced them to optimize it better.
I don't think Sony cares enough for most Japanese games to moneyhat them. At best you'd argue Yakuza, as the Yakuza 6 event was full to the brim with Sony logos and branding.
Those are with compression.
4K resolution is 4 times as much shit as 1080p was. This means you can expect a massive increase in size for all textures, images and video content.
Square Enix gets special contracts with console companies because it is fucking Square Enix. That's why some of their of games don't get ports. Why risk a multiplat release when company X is going to give you money upfront ?
>70% is audio
They wouldn't take those contracts if PC, for example, was profitable enough to make as much money as the contract would oblige. This is what people mean by "PC isn't profitable", it will have games held away from it because Sony or Microsoft paid people a sum of money so that it doesn't come to PC, which is greater than the amount a PC version would have gotten them. Those Japanese games not coming to PC because of "licensing issues"? That's because they don't think the payment to update the licensing is worth what PC will give back.
Bad games don't sell on PC which is why Japanese devs don't port their games too much
>texture sizes have increased
>games use a wider variety of textures per scene now which means even more textures can be used than before which means more space required
>gpus are efficient enough that games allow you to select use uncompressed textures in options.
rev up those neurons
I was referring to something like Project Diva. And this thread is about a Japanese game.
should've been DLC
Only on absolute full max 4k 60fps you retard