Will you be coming back?
Street fighter V
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The only Street Fighter I own is II, which one should I get next? I was thinking Turbo
I will if they make a Switch version. I'm not gonna pay 60 bucks to play online.
No. AE didn't solve the lack of defensive options. In fact, offense is even more valuable with the patch, since everyone now has even more options to gain/maintain pressure.
never left bby
Tried it. Unimpressed. Put off, in fact, at how they actually just doubled down on making the game a vehicle for microtransactions as opposed to a real game that people would enjoy.
for you, anything. bout time i started playing fighters again.
Hell no
I actually love Karin so much I just draw pictures of her all day
why did command grabs get a universal nerf though
I'm concerned for the future of the series.
They keep trying to go forward in time. Chun-Li, along with every other girl, has been declining in looks due to age. If they keep the series going, they will have to replace them, I would say, as early as next iteration.
You can tell that, while she still has it, she is definitely older.
What is she showing him?
Sakura's story mode ends with her wanting Ryu's babies.
SF7 will feature the next generation of fighters, i.e: Ryu's and Ken's kids.
good, maybe the game will have a bunch of weirdos and be an actual good fighting game like 3s
where's the full version
It's still a game that punishes neutral focused and/or patient play, so no.
Also it's gay as hell when half the cast has a command grab.
Only I have that ;)
Ken has a son, Chun Li has a disciple and Ryu will be impregnating Sakura really damn soon, so don't worry, they'll be fine.
Hopefully they'll grow a pair and deliver a Garou instead of just an SF3.
What the fuck is that thing on the right?
Third Strike is still last in the timeline, and that was Chun at her best.
anybody got a link to a compilation of all the new added fanart?
if that motherfucker G turns out to be Q, yes
Why in the FUCK does Sakura's s.mp suck so much?
So you don't get Fight Money for single player content any more?
How do i become chun li?
>falke is gen's disciple
back squats/ front squats
rack pulls
dead lifts and leg curls
>netcode is still shit
>even more so now that a bunch of wifi plebs are playing because AE
Your mom's a front squat.
Hah! got him guys
I'd start playing it again if they gave me all the new characters for free, but because I decided to buy their unfinished shitheap at launch I get punished by having to pay for the game again just to get all the characters.
>apology edition
no I'm good
>Will you be coming back?
I never left
this so much, pretty disappointing, don't know why the fuck i even installed it again. Oh well surely they release some slut chut li outfit to fix this.
But user, I never left :-))
Proxy Paige videos
What's the day 1 tier list.
What the fuck was Sony thinking? Those prices killed most of the casual community, online games are more dead than ps3 online games
>Cody showing his boxers
This makes Poison's vagina explode
Maybe people won't be as resistant to change, forcing them to backpedal.
Isn't garou still the last FF game so far?
Yeah for 10 days until fighter z is out
Mah niBBa
So play the PC version?
So how's AE for everyone then. Is there any new cool shit people have been discovering?
Just double perfected a Ken, countered his shinryuken v trigger attempt with a super, was pretty sweet
Hey did anyone else notice you can view models in the shop now
Has Abigail been removed?
Mika seems to have an easier time confirming into combos now, although I have missed a good number of command grabs thanks to the nerfed distance.
No, unfortunately.
I did Sakura's survivals last night and got the same amount of fight money as usual.
The thing is there are more things to spend it on, like Extra mode, which requires an FM fee, and the rewards are random.
>got the same amount of fight money as usual.
Aren't you literally lying since they confirmed they're removing the ways of earning FM
The fuck are you talking about. They're more populated than Steam for multiplatform games.
Let's be honest lads
Sakura is shit
Damn it. I'll keep an eye on the game, but I don't yet regret selling my copy.
Nobody cares about street fighter anymore. The damage is done.
>mfw playing against the 4th consecutive sakura in ranked
they're removing the FM you receive from leveling Sakura up right?
>mfw realising if you change the direction while parrying with Karin the result will be different
Shouldn't have taken me this long
What do you mean?
Cause this is sfv the game where only super stubby normals are safe or cancel able.
I remember reading this a few days ago, that since Sakura is free for the week all FM you earn with her will be removed once the free week ends, unless you buy her during the week then you get to keep all FM earned
That'd be some complete bullshit if it's true.
>mfw when playing against the fourth consecutive Sakura in ranked.
It's Menat all over again. Free points for days.
>trying to see unlock the art from beating arcade
>have only been able to beat sf1 as ryu without freezing
Not that I really give a shit about arcade. I just wanted the art.
Why is parrying so satsifying
Just moved house and internet isn't hooked up :( Cant download the AE
Menat seems awesome, but how hard is she to learn? I'm not that great of a player, and her v-trigger combo seems really important to her.
you need to practice her vt1 combos and situations to use her decently.
I bought the game in the steam sale and ive been playing it
Ed seems pretty "white nationalist"y, are you sure he'd want to miscegenate?
What's Akuma's 2nd V trigger do
You can spend it as if it were EX, but you don't get Raging Demon.
I wish I could reset my rank. I have been stuck in Platinum forever and am tired of dealing with Ultra Diamonds more than half the time I play.
Proxy Paige has one loose butthole.
No. The game still suck ass in the game play department.
Won't switch also charge for online starting this year?
I've been playing since release and still can't string a combo for shit. I'm stuck in low bronze hell. The best combo I can do with my main Guile is Jump - HK - Crouch MP - Flash Kick. Is this game not for me?
Depends if you mean release of SFV or release of SFV:AE. If it's the latter, and it's your first real fighting game then it's too early to say that. If it's the former then I really doubt you've played it a substantial amount. Hit training mode or the trials and you might learn stuff
My face when AE means the porn rate might pick up.
Also stoked to have Sagat back.
what are you getting wrong? the timings? I'm a huge scrub but I can handle sfv execution just fine.
The former. I am shit. I can pull off a lot of the combos from the challenges, but pulling them off in a real match is a different story.
*Also stroked to have Sagat back.
post them
I practiced Sakuras first two trials for ages last night and finally managed to get the timing down on the first one. Getting the shoryuken to come out instead of a hadoken was a pain in the ass though. For her second challenge I couldn't manage to get the crouch-LP to shoryuken.
Don't try to do too much so soon. Don't worry about getting off big combos yet, if you're struggling to string them together get something really simply you can do consistently, get your basics right and go from there. It doesn't sound like you play many fighting games, so it may take some time, but if you really want to learn you can do it. I don't have Guile but it might help to try another character and see if you can do better with them. Guile's not got the easiest moveset, try a shoto?
Also it doesn't matter if you can't do any of the trials, sometimes just going into the mode and doing the first few steps of one can help you understand timing and all that, to see where you're going wrong.
And if you hit up training mode, don't practice against the dead dummy. Set it to guard after first attack. That way you'll know what you can combo together and what's not actually working
That's Cody? I was hoping it was Abel.
Japs must think all westerners have blond hair.
What do you use to play? Controller? Analogue or d-pad?
forward-Down-forward should be pretty easy, you just have to do it really quick. Getting it from a jab is a bit tougher though
>For her second challenge I couldn't manage to get the crouch-LP to shoryuken.
Hold down-forward when you do cr.lp. It'll make it work.
>Not finding many games
>Eh whatever I'll hit Arcade mode see what that does
>Can't even finish a round without an online game interrupting
>white nationalist
>raised by Mike Tyson
>try play SF V late last night
>too tired
>wake up early this morning
>too tired
Help me bros
No. None of the season 3 characters interest me, I don't give a single fuck about extra modes, and I hate the balance decisions.
In fact there have been so many bad balance and roster decisions compounded on one another over time that I've given up on the game as a whole.
SFV is the fastest I"ve ever dropped a Capcom fighter