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whats the point in buying this when i can just emulate it?

I wonder how much HDD space the PC version is going to use.

is it going to use denuvo

sadly yes

yes, its on the store page

what wrong with denuvo besides poorfags getting mad they cant pirate it and dont say it kills your ssd because that has been proving wrong already

nothing. also this is launching with a 20% discount anyways.

Enjoying that paycheck?

No proper physical release, no buy. I'll just wait till it gets cracked.

>buy it on launch on PS4
>never play it
>sell it to some schmuck for 30 bucks
>won't even pirate the PC version

FFXII is shit

>here's a random, unsourced headline from a literal who
Sup Forums arguments, ladies and gentlemen.

longer loading


>anecdotal evidence


Thanks for beta testing, conole c*cks

Saying that doesn't convince people. Try refuting the argument that Denuvo isn't a problem

The "main" feature of the remaster over the emulation is that you ca use two jobs per character instead of just the one.

Also updated sounds, music, and graphics.

Personally I'm going with:

Vaan the monk/thief(ninja)
Bash the samurai/breaker
Balthier the time mage/mechanist
Fran the black mage/archer
Penelo the white mage/lancer
and ash the red mage/knight

Hyped as fuck.

Vaan should always be a lancer. That's the cannon.

Source: me. the biggest ffxii fan in the planet

can't wait to pirate Balthier's game

>prove that a problem doesn't exist
Fallacy after fallacy.

Maybe the PC version will actually cost a reasonable fucking price. I was kinda interested in picking up the PS4 version, since I'd never played IZJS, but not when it's sixty fucking dollars for a two-gen-old remaster. It should be thirty at the absolute most.

It was never $60, even at launch.

>It should be thirty at the absolute most.
lol its squenix what the fuck are you thinking. it will be same as console: 50 bucks. however they're doing a one week launch discount of 20% off so it will 39.99 for the first week.

Dual job system and 4x speed boost.

pretty much all SE games will use it, after all they are one of the ones that paid for it, or was it sony i can't remember

This is 60fps while the emulated version isn't

>pretty much all SE games will use it
Neither World of Final Fantasy nor Romancing Saga 2 used it.

It'll probably be $60, just like World of Final Fantasy. $20~$40 on console, $60 for a terrible PC port.

as a faggot who played ff12 back in highschool and gonna buy it anyways because of my collection, whats the point in playing this again?

Going by the changes it seems all it really is is a license board rehaul, espers controllable and a boss battle against the 5 judges after some dumbass giga dungeon. Other than that everything else seems to be qol improvements and renaming spells n shit. Whats new that will want me to actually play this again

>cheats included

lmao, I'm out

FFX/X-2 HD also had cheats
They're optional though so you don't have to use them

Weren't these all features in the international version? I could just emulate that.


>7 month old scraps

Is there any time when PC isn't getting console leftovers? Why does PC get leftovers so often?

I'd use turbo and encounter rate, but the rest feels like you might as well just watch the cutscenes on youtube, if you're just going to forego the whole gameplay.



Is it really scraps if it has enhancements not present on the console version?
Either way the reason games sometimes don't release day one on PC is likely because console releases are more profitable and thus are prioritized first. Also most Japanese use consoles and handhelds, so if a game is Japanese, it'll emphasize those first and then Western publishers will typically be the ones to push a PC release.
Also like said. Optimizing games for PC takes time likely because you have more than just one set of hardware to make sure it functions on.

were getting zwei 2 arges in a week and were getting ff15 with all dlc and the expansion for 10 dollars less than retail on ps4 a year and a half ago

sounds good to me

No, he would not have listed those as features for the TZA if they were.

We're getting a lot of stuff. There's also the Secret of Mana remake, Lost Sphear, SAO: Fatal Bullet, SAO: Hollow Fragment, and Ni No Kuni II as far as soon to be released ports go.

Im thinking I may do

Balthier:shikari/redmage (all arounder)

Fran:bushi/time mage (idfk what this is but ibwanted a time mage somewhere)

Basch:knight/red mage (dark knight)

Ashe: archer/whitemage (OG whitemage)

Vaan:Monk/bushi (idk what to call this but it will be a high combo pole user that has lots of magick lores so the monk white magick will be crazy strong)

Penelo:black mage/monk (tanky blckmage with great end game white magic for back up)

I know for a fact that the speedup feature is.
I don't recall if the job system worked the same though.

>cheat codes that aren't dlc
what bizzaro world have i entered???

>Storage: 50 GB available space
What the fuck?

TZA introduced the job system. Base game just gave everyone full access to the full grid.

Square does not understand compression. Even when it doesn't account for noticable loss.

Uncompressed audio and higher ressed uncompressed textures

Dont act surprised, the day of 10 gb games are long gone.

IZJS had the job themed license boards first, TZA lets you put two of them on a character since only being able to use half of them was pretty dumb. Then again, so are License boards.

Job System for the PS2 international version only allowed you to choose 1. i know, because i remember being irritated finding out there was gonna be an HD port JUST as i finished emulating the game

What jobs to go for

>that party set up
good luck not killing any end game boss

Reminder FFXII is the worst FF

so that probably means they save it for the big guns

Is today opposite day? Or, wait, was it not opposite day?

enjoy your scraps bros

hooooooolyyyyyyyyyyy shiiiiiiit

i'm taking a week off

Nothing, it was hyped up on consoles because they always get excited for ports and re-releases. The emulated version itself has always looked beautiful and ran flawlessly so any visual upgrades would be at best minimal and unfortunately mostly questionable like FFX HD. Gameplay wise its still the same, having 2 jobs changes nothing since the actual combat is still just you auto attacking 95% of the time.

If it were $15 then sure why not, but $40? whew.

Zodiac Age gets rid of the effect capacity.

>press F2 to win

TZA lets you have two, which is neat cause you can work on getting all the endgame gear without it just sitting in yout inventory, but the con is it can make the game very easy, speedup is in but I think in IZJS you had to beat the game first to use the faster speed.

hopefully it runs well and everything. for some reason there's this 'SpecialK' mod that's become *the* JRPG PC port mod and it doesn't even work. FFX-2 is literally unplayable on PC because there's this bug that makes every post-battle result screen load for 30+ seconds and surprise! this shitty broken mod is the only thing that fixes it.

21:9 or triple monitor support and 60 fps. Is enough for me.

member when faggots on here were defending the 30 fps on console saying it was impossible due to game logic and now we are geting perfect 60 fps for pc?

did they fix the attack animations for Baltheir and Fran? ironically they're the worst machinist/archer because they have unique attack animations with guns/bows that take too long.

That's generally how it works my man, no one was defending it, they were trying to explain it to you. Also FF12 isn't the type of game where 30vs60 fps really matters but if you want to spend $40 for an extra 30 fps then go for it who cares.

>60 fps being perfect
Perfect would be 144 or higher

>they were trying to explain it to you
they were defending saying its impossible and what not you were probably one of them too and now you got blown the fuck out like the retard you are. also 60 is objectively better no matter what go fucking kill yourself if you think otherwise desu

>they were trying to explain it
They were literally wrong and defending something inane simply because it was how things were.

>thinking attack animation speeds matter

Even if they are the worst, thr animation difference does not impact anything worth while. Everyone grinds so no fight will be long enough for it to matter, and even still the game is easy enough where, again, battles will not become long enough for it to matter if you dont grind or do sidquests. Either you will die because you are underlevled, or you can win because quickenings exist.

>decrease enemy encounter rate
>run through that high level area and get zodiac spear

Oof ow but there are no random encounters in FFXII

Too bad huh

That sounds like it would work. If the Zodiac Spear were still in the Necrohol in IZJS. Which it's not.

Why buy this when you could watch it on YouTube and get the same experience? Why buy this when you could get your MMO fix by playing Final Fantasy XI or XIV and get an actual game to go with it?

Why go on Sup Forums when you could watch a special needs class in high school and get the same experience?

day 1 pirate

You sound like little kids.

Some games (emulated ones) have 30->60 fps patches and work fine, others it breaks the logic and is impossible, it's different with every game. FF12 just so happens to not have a 60 fps patch for one reason or another and it's perfectly understandable to anyone with a well formed brain that it may not be possible for the game to run in 60 fps. As you can see it was only the developer themselves that was able to go back in and change it so yes everyone that told you it wasn't possible was correct, Square had to rework it to actually function at 60. No one was "defending" 30 fps, please stop with that mindset, they were explaining to you that it most likely wasn't possible for that version of the game to function at 60 fps.

60 is better than 30, 120 is better than 60, and 50000000000 is better than 120. In the end it's Final Fantasy 12 and there is little to no reason to care about 60 over 30. If you do think it's a massive deal then you're probably a console warrior/fanboy that cares more about shitposting than playing games. If you do care that much then by all means enjoy the game, it's $40 of your hard earned money.

>Good luck, I'm behind 7000 virtual machines

I want to control a full party, not just one character.

I really hope game crackers start getting these done faster soon, lest Denuvo start being used more frequently.

FF11 is unironically a perfected form of FF12, the combat in 12 is a half assed version of 11's. Unfortunately FF11 is dead and FFXIV is more like WoW than either 11 or 12.

They already crack Denuvo games day 1 bro.

Only recent Denuvo game they haven't cracked is AC:O because it uses a double nigger DRM scheme.

I don't think Star Ocean Last Hope HD has gotten cracked yet, has it?

If you want Vaan to be the ninja, make his other class a job that can equip mage gear
Black Robes adds i think 50% more damage with all dark attacks.
Yagyu Darkblade + Black Robes and the fact that the damage cap is removed = fukking shredding shit

Can't wait until they litterally are able to say their game is behind 7 DRM schemes. A vm inside a vm inside...

Dude what, the guy is a thief and dresses like an underage monk.

A sound idea, but the Zodiac Spear isn't there anymore.

This also means you don't have to avoid treasure chests like the plague (or use a guide to know the specific ones to avoid) for a good chunk of the game.


As someone who's never played FFXII, I hesitate to ask why you'd have to avoid opening treasure chests. Scaled loot?

The zodiac spear which was the best weapon available in vanilla would only appear if you did not open 4 specific chests throughout the game

Wow that's even more retarded that I was thinking. What the hell.

will i be able to cheat engine a 3x Fran party?

Square Enix loved selling guides back in the day

>Sup Forums cucks literally use the dual job system crap
Why bother playing the game if you're just going to be gamebreakingly OP by playing with a feature that was never ever balanced around and was only thrown in to appease autists who wanted to be every single job?
Unless the passive and active bonuses don't stack and you actively have to switch between two classes at any point, in which case I suppose that is fine.

>comments on it being OP
>hasn't even played it

Which one is this? The tidus one, the lightning one, or the mmo one?

Video games have been saved, yet again.

I'm buying this but does Denuvo make modding harder? I remember MGSV had denuvo and if has ton of mods

I've played the original and IZJS more than enough to know that adding a whole other fucking job onto your previous one will break the game completely, assuming they stack and you don't switch between them.