I like that jump!

I like that jump!

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What's the story behind this?


Chibi cheated while speedrunning TTYD and someone noticed.

he did a sick jump and he liked it

Any video? And did he get shit for it?

does he still live at home

damn he's now fucked someone else's wife AND cheated in a speedrun AND he's still gonna get away? now that's skill

I too like this moment from over two and a half years ago. It never gets old. I never get sick of seeing it in the catalog at least twice a week. Truly a moment worth chortelling over for years and years and years.


Not just someone; the guy who discovered the skip in the first place.

> And did he get shit for it?
The guy accusing him basically said "there's no reason for you to lie about it, just confess" and Chibi confessed. Then people moved on with their lives.

t. Chibi

The only thing that ever stuck with me out of this entire situation is how fucking autistic that guy calling him out on cheating is.

how long has it been since caveman+chibi run

so? the man's a hero.

Thanks fellas.

chibi was speedrunning paper mario(forgot which one) during his stream and he used some cheat to make his jump slightly higher and he says
>i like that juuump
like he wasn't surprised. its really hard to do, its like 1 frame input hard

They video doesnt explain shit. Chibi needed a frame perfect jump which is only possible when initiating a fight at the highest point of said jump. He used action replay to increase his jump height and got caught cause in slow-mo you can see mario falling before the fight starts. That would mean a failed glitch without action replay.

these people speedrun the games for thousamds of hours
of course anyone who runs the game would know whats needed to get the jump

>you cheated
>things return to normal

Yeah a real hero. It's good that he called him out on it but that image of the chatlog is autistic as fuck.

Chibi threatened to rape a girl because she wouldn't give him a ride to a con

Are you surprised or something? It's speedrunning.

No I didn't.


He did nothing wrong btw. People only hate him for the caveman incident

It's not as if Chibi was acting uncharacteristic during Caveman's run.

Full explanation for anyone who cares

The runner cheated on a trick that requires frame perfect timing, the cheating was obviously noticeable since mario has to be at the peak of his jump before the battle starts, but you can clearly see him dip down a bit before the battle, proving that he wasn't in the right position to get the trick, and without cheating, would have lost a lot of time

Yeah thanks for that, autist.

You know what Sup Forums, I feel kind of sorry for the guy. At least he seems relatively upbeat, involved in some sort of hobby. Not the brightest crayon in the bunch socially, but who is? I'm just tired of shitting on people all the time. Looking at myself I know I've been too much of an ass to people in the past.

reuploaded this lost gem




too far man

this is why i stay anonymous on the web

It wasn't a completely bad and autistic idea- he wore black and all but oh god the fucking singing

>17 year old

The absolute state of circumcised cucks. You guys get your cocks destroyed and aren't even allowed to use your half functional numb "dicks" to fuck teen pussy.

People you are not:
>Anthony Burch
>Chris Chan

“Autistic” isn’t an insult, normie.

you dont use your dick to fuck teen pussy either

>Not being meticulously detail oriented

Chubby should have known what he was getting into. They're like fucking forensic scientists.

The guy literally figures out a way to glitch through a floor that has a hidden area underneath that skips nearly half the game, if anyone was going to accuse anyone of foul play in TTYD it would be him.

you need to be 18 to post here

Then why are you here?

>Trying this hard to fit in.

Who are you quoting?



Aaaaand you've lost. Thanks for bumping the thread.

In fairness, Chibi is the only man left in his house and has a job on top of his speedrunning shit.
He works to support his mother.
He may be a bottom of the barrel degenerate manchild trainwreck, but I respect he's showing responsibility.

Chibi made me realize it wasn't gonna work with my ex-girlfriend

I showed her that video of him trying to be funny on the couch and she sympathized with Chibi

God that balding guy freaks me out

>Then people moved on with their lives.
Not really.

>Chibi wants to join teh speed run community
>"Sorry you‘re not autistic enough"
>Do a speed run challenge with cheat and gets caught
>"Welcome to our community!"
It all make sense now.

honestly this. His entire manner and way of speaking just screams autistic to me. Chibi's still a retard for cheating though

I don't get speedrunning. You have one life and you spend it playing the same game over and over and over again for an arbitrary number? Maybe it's because I'm an artfag but that just feels like so much wasted time. How did so many people get suckered into doing this? Even your worst NEET at least plays different video games.

Aren't ingame bugs allowed in speedrunning? Or are just few autistically selected bugs?

It's fun to find little skips and weird glitches and try and beat your best time.
But what these people do is a detrimental form of autism. It's an absolute waste of precious life.

he literally changed values for the ingame behavior outside of the game

No, he was literally using cheats in order to easily perform the glitch.

>state of the arc

also where's the proof? All he was able to get was a confession. Doesn't mean the dude is guilty

>he literally changed values for the ingame behavior outside of the game
Did they analyze the video frame per frame to be sure of it?

Yes, try to keep up.

Yes. There are a few videos analyzing this run on youtube.

I agree with that, it's fun watching people glitch out games or do perfect jumps in AGDQ, but when they mention the hundreds or thousands of hours spent to get to that level, I just feel pity.
At least with fighting games you can go to tournaments, travel and meet people and make friends, but the bulk of speedrunning seems to be doing the same thing over and over, counting half seconds trying to get the fastest time which really only matters to you. The whole thing feels extremely futile, even when compared to other ways you can spend your life playing vidya.

Is there a speedrunner ITT? Why do you do it?

Action Replay isn't a bug mate

Malleo is the closest thing TTYD has to Pannen it's not that far of a stretch to say he checked it frame by frame. Heck even with the 1/4 speed on youtube you can see the jump slightly dip, which would've ruined the glitch if chibi didnt cheat

What kind of job

>doing the same thing over and over
>Why do you do it?

Autism. Repetitive behavior is a clearly defined trait of autism.

Chibi is good people

I hold an any% world record for an indie game most people on Sup Forums have heard of (won't say which though). Only took like ~20 hours of work to get it though, I'm pretty proud of it.

That's what I guessed.
I was legitimately curious if someone found a new bug inside a game that significantly reduced the playtime that would be allowed to be done on a speedrun or not. Because I know bugs in general are allowed, but not that specific case.

I just like going fast and challenging myself, but I couldn't see myself devoting all that time and energy to getting WR, frame perfect runs.

The skip involves performing a second jump immediately after an encounter. Chibi lost height and then was able to jump again despite being mid-air and falling.

look at this dude


It's a fucking guy playing a fucking videogame by himself, who gives a shit if he cheated or not? Why are people that watch speedruns so autistic? They chimp out at everything.

(that means he cheated)

He was "going for a world record" and advertised it in a niche community that respects records and has strict rules.

one of the most autistic things i have ever witnessed

He used an action replay to simulate a bug that WOULD significantly reduce playtime. But that bug is extremely hard to pull off (requiring exact angles and two different fame perfect inputs) so it's not generally done.

Neither is "normie".

>going for a WR
>in paper mario/ttyd
does he not know that the paper mario games have pannen power level communities attempting to break the game non-stop

Chibi's PB was more than an hour behind the WR and the skip only saves about 15 minutes so I don't even know why he fucking bothered.

Stupid people think they're the smartest in the room, dunning kruger effect

how do we know that you need to be at the top of the jump to get it to succeed

That's how the game works.

>I was legitimately curious if someone found a new bug inside a game that significantly reduced the playtime that would be allowed to be done on a speedrun or not

Absolutely allowed.
The thing is, sometimes new tech/bugs that are found make the run really really stupid, to the point where the community for a game will set up a separate category on their leaderboards.
One that allows the trick and one that doesn't so they can keep doing the route they find fun.
There's a bunch of examples of this. Memory corruption in Symphony of the Night, Exploration glitch in Link to the Past, 52 Death glitch in Final Fantasy 6 to name a few.

It really only causes problems when someone new tries to run the game and doesn't know what category they should submit for/what the rules for a category are.

> You can either fuss up now, or face the consequences later

lol what a massive faggot

Becaus, funnily enough, these runs are so scrutinized to find what glitches work amd how they work that people who literally practice this hundreds of times can tell you if you fall at any point after that jump the glitch will not work. This has been tested so many times and thats the result.

Someone TASed it and found all the frames that work.

>how do we know that you need to be at the top of the jump to get it to succeed

one could argue that art is wasted time

>all you do is put pen to paper over and over again for arbitrary purposes.

Anything can boil down to a shitty argument that way. Why do people do anything? The speedrunners I know of run their respective games because they enjoy hunting for glitches, new strats, and beating their own time. The speedrunner MisterMonopoli was good enough at speedrunning Halo 2 that his name got immortalised in the halo 2 anniversary achievement "Monopolised".

It adds to the entertainment though, you have to give the autist that much.

While philosophically you have an argument, speedrunning is still a waste of fuckin time. That said it is really fun to watch and I'm glad there are autists (like me) who speedrun for the entertainment of others.

Something doesn't seem right about this post
I am accusing you of shitposting
So I will analyze this and conclude with more information later.

>speedrunning is still a waste of fuckin time
>I'm glad there are autists who speedrun for the entertainment of others

You contradict yourself. How is entertainment a waste of time? The very nature of entertainment is that the person watching is enjoying themselves. How is that a waste of time?

It's entertaining and yet a waste of time? Fuck you, buddy.

Post your favorite speedrunning moments.


Except for autists on Sup Forums, evidently with OP.
It always shocks me when faggots here manage to outsperg speedrunners.