Astrologists proclaim month of the PLAGUE!
All Heroes of Might and Magic thread have been new players welcome
Astrologists proclaim month of the PLAGUE!
All Heroes of Might and Magic thread have been new players welcome
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Stop making me reinstall this game.
*blocks your party*
>uninstalling HoMM3
Only memers play 3.
2 is the best one.
Can't we agree that 1, 2 and 3 are the best ones while every other entry can be ignored?
Seems like my kinda game. Buy or pirate?
I have NEVER played one of these games. I'm really fond of SMT but the only other dungeon crawlers I enjoy are action games. I can enjoy a good role playing but I'd rather be off practicing frame perfect butt stuff in muh action games instead.
What's the verdict for me
You have two options:
1) Buy from GOG
2) Go to /vr/, find the Might and Magic general, find the Mega link and download it there for free
You can't do wrong with every Might and Magic game from 3 to 8. 3 to 5 are grid-based, 6 to 8 have a 3D world. They are all good blobbers.
Since we're going there which do you think has the best role playing
Thanks senpai
*outspeeds you*
*fights you on magic plains*
heh nothin personnel kiddo
To me 6 and 7 have the best role playing.
I cant get H2 to work on windows 10
>New players welcome
Any good, not too hard scenarios I should try?
Just play random maps.
That's actually just 6989 skeletons
Arrogance (Allies) is the easiest to begin with in my opinion.
What ever you do, do not buy the remastered edition from steam. Get the original and HD mod it, it brings a lot of quality of life improvements as well.
What else does the HD mod improve other than the resolution?
Some UI changes to make the game runs smoother. Managing units between two heroes is a lot less finicky at least.
Bugfixes, numerous UI improvements and for HotA mod, even a functioning online lobby.
2 = 3 > 5 > 4 > 1 = 6 > 7
Resident Evil
3 = 2 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7
How is 1 better than 4 or 5? Seriously. Gameplay wise it's worse and even graphic are not cute pixel art like 2 but just look like shit.
>Homm3 for retards
>Conflux on the cover
4 is completely different and okay in its own way. 5 is a dumbed down 3D version of 3.
Are using the extra info in HD mod like showing damage of stack considered cheating?
>dumbed down
makes your life easier
Yes user multiplication gives you an unfair advantage
>he multiples damage of unit by stack#
yes im sure that damage x number of units = real total damage
The damage your stack will do has attack and defense , skill modifiers, there is no way you can know how much damage your attack will actually do
> there is no way you can know how much damage your attack will actually do
If you're a retard maybe
This game had such a gorgeous art direction
But FUCK capital sieges
Alright, what settings; difficulty, map-size and number of AIs do I put on my random map for a good time?
>random map
> 5 is a dumbed down 3D version of 3
>in all years of being a slav I never played the campaigns in classic games past the first mission or two
>decide to blind play through them from the very beginning - HoMM 1
It's kinda cool to see where the series started, also it looks hilarious.
Combat is basically 1:1 King's Bounty, similar size field, similar rock-paper-scissors balance with melee-ranged-tank creatures.
The skill and hero system in 4 is far more complex than in 5.