What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Very little! Best RE since RE4.

>Written by a bloody yank
>bit the VR meme
>tried to copy Outlast and PT
>DLC wave

>people think this is a good thing or even true

Nothing. It was a good game.

Not enough enemy types and the level design, while it has the right idea, is too simplistic. Otherwise, a fine "morning stretch" attempt of a return to form for the series.


>this is the person who posts this: youtube.com/watch?v=Yo_hMbJQeU4
>and acts like it's some great tragedy that they made RE4 instead

That's not saying much.
The game does start off strong because they went back to their roots and were blatantly taking inspiration from what made P.T. so popular but then the game falls into the tired old cliche trapping of the franchise, some of it manages to maintain that campy RE4 atmosphere so it stays fun but the rest is just inexplicably borrowing from other elements of horror in a strange mishmash, like Lucas' stuff all being SAW inspired.

Also the DLC stuff pissed me off, what an absurd amount of content to lock to a season pass. If they'd added in a lot of the DLC stuff as VHS tapes and taken the time to design a REAL final boss and more enemy variety it would have been GOTY easy and an actual contender to RE4.
Plus, as others have said, the pandering to the VR crowd is painful and as immersion breaking when they purposefully throw shit at the camera.

Made me want more.

Resident evil is the best survival horror franchise.

Start as new thing need connect games using X character and change gameplay to more traditional RE

>The game does start off strong because they went back to their roots
>people think this is a good thing or even true

>Still no SFM porn of Zoe in her ice queen form

I'd play RE3.5.

I liked the Chuck Norris dlc.

It was fun

Nothing. A game that lets me kill Trump-voting rednecks is an instant 10/10.

What RE4 was and was not has nothing to do with the fact that there's been a number of perfectly fine RE games that BTFO of this Cinematic Hillbilly 7 any day and night.

>muh roots
people saying this have literally never EVER played Resident Evil 1. Or they have some shallow, superficial checklist that they stare when making the decision whether or not it's a "true RE game", ie. green herbs, shotgun puzzles, saveroom with an item crate ... etc.

Everything else, the real meat and bones, is so far from OG RE games as it can be. And no, it has nothing to do with first person view; there's been a number of FP-REs in the past 20 years.

RE needs zombies, not Nemesis: The Family + mold creatures.

>Evelyne fight sucked.
>Mia/Zoe choice was worthless.
>Those two dog heads that weren't guarded by Jack should've been more complicated to acquire.
>While I like the Molded there still should've been more enemy variety.
>No dude yelling RESIDENT EVIL on the title screen.

Decent attempt at making a new Classic-ish RE after 15 years, though.

I've played almost every resident evil but im too scared to play this alone.

Nah, they're Hilldawgs, Lucas is though, but you don't kill him

I didn't care for the supernatural elements, call them hallucinations or whatever but hallucinations don't work that way.

It's less supernatural and more of a mold-born hivemind.

The story feels like something out of Hollywood instead of a genuine story like RE1 was.
Lack of a legit laboratory.

But the real reason the ""fans"" are pissed off at it is because of the first person camera and lack of backflipping Leon and anime villains.

literally nothing it's good as shit

contrarians will contrarian. If this game was universally hated, you'd love it.

Who cares about the story? It plays like a streamlined classic RE in first person. At this point that's enough cause for celebration for me.

nigga that would hurt your dick like crazy

*splashes heal water*
Lube and regeneration.

well everything was going fine up until you got on that fucking ship and the game just doesn't know what to do with itself at that point. That and the Final Boss is a fuck mothering QTE.

>literally nothing it's good as shit
and we wonder why the industry and gaming press is so shit today? GenZ literally has no fucking standards, whatsoever.

>lack of backflipping Leon and anime villains

I thought that‘s exactly what the fandom didn‘t want because there was simply too much of it in RE6.

>until you got on that fucking ship
"that fucking ship" was THE most Resident Evil section of the whole fucking game.
Not too surprising that Soyboi underaged fags would hate it; it's not "cinematic" enough, and is clearly too non-linear to them to boot. Obviously it's even worse considering that you have to *gasp!* fight NORMAL enemies while at it !

Wait did it really go back to its roots? I thought it was basically a PT clone?

Boring poop monsters.

Other than that, pretty much nothing; especially after the DLC gave the game a better ending.

Is the DLC worth playing?

I'm Redfield

Welcome to the family, son

how the fuck am I supposed to discuss the videogame this thread is about when I bring up a point and you immediately make 15 assumptions about my points. RE7 was at its best when it was about the Bakers and the mansion, and the ship had basically nothing to do with any of that.

Nothing its basically a classig resident evil with the classic gameplay in a new perspective.
Hell if you play it in vr its basically the best resident evil to date to the point its not even comparable with any horror game played on a tv, vr is soo far ahead.

They listened to what dumb fans said about 6.

>Nothing its basically a classig resident evil with the classic gameplay in a new perspective.
Is this actually true? What the fuck I was told this was nothing like the old school games? Should I pick it up?

Not a Hero is pretty good.

And it's free.

pretty much nothing.

i was expecting nothing and ended up with an actual game

I mean pacing wise its certainly more like the older games. You aren't punching any fucking boulders, thats for sure, and weapon wise you don't get into the really heavy stuff until real late in the game, so compared to 5 and 6 its a massive change.

Yeah, it has puzzles, keys, item management, the works.

You might as well get the gold edition.

>Not a Hero
>that garbage power armour UI for the entire game
Only good in VR, otherwise cluttered garbage that only reveals what we basically already know.

Well shit, I will look into it then.

The ship is weird, especially with the random FMV cinematic out of nowhere when the ship explodes. I get the hunch that the game was originally meant to start on the ship, with the cinematic happening at the end of the 'prologue' but then the studio got orders to make it more like the P.T. demo with a spooky haunted house instead.

The only bad things about RE7 were the unskippable cutscenes and the burger writer.

>genuine story like RE1
boy, that shit was B-movie trash

>RE7 was at its best when it was about the Bakers and the mansion, and the ship had basically nothing to do with any of that.
Anything and everything Bakers related was absolutely generic, predictable and WEAKEST the game had to offer.

Like I said, you kids just start to cry when you are tasked with actual survival and horror for once.

Jack and Marge scenarios were amazing

They were not. They were literal Outfags x Amnesia tier shit.

When the hell did you ever have a chainsaw duel with someone in Outlast or Amnesia?

Uh... all video game plots are low-budget B-movie tier trash.

Still wondering why video game movies always fail hard?

>one of the shittiest "bossfights" somehow negates the rest of the 99% of the game

I liked the game a lot until the last 1/4. The ship felt annoying if only because of playing the level in both the past and present, I think I would've enjoyed it a lot more had you only done one of those. And the mines just fucking sucked. Zero reason to just run past everything. And the last boss was boring

Not him but you do kill Lucas in Not a Hero.

Haven't played it, but by what i know of it, mold creatures are a boring enemy. More variety of monsters would had been cool.

Sort of this. I'd argue in favor of the mansion between the dog heads, snake key revisit, and of course the mansion basement. But right behind it is the ship, which at least tried to be multi-floored and had a hint on non-linearity to it. I genuinely don't know what game people were playing if they say both the old house and training area were better, though I'd say a close third was the greenhouse fight which is sort of the old house I suppose.

They tried calling it a resident evil game

Chris' new design.

Otherwise, not much.

And it largely played like one. Had little to do with the overarching lore but 6 adhered to lore more and fat lot of good it did that pile.


Lasts like 5 minutes if you run past everything but the two fatties at the end.

The ship lacks a lot of the charm and gameplay strength of the Baker mansion. Even if the ship had better level design (it doesn't) and better horror (it doesn't) it would still pale to how memorable and satisfying to explore the rest of the game is. The ship never loops in on itself. The ship doesn't hide secrets in unexpected places. The ship doesn't have a single memorable location.

the 2 fatties are the only thing i ran past

you just freeze or kite them away from the ladder

I ran out of ammo in my mad rush to get my first sub 2 hour run so i had to improvise

This, the game felt very rushed, once you're out of the house, onto the ship, it rolls downhill like a boulder.

Also holy shit all the DLC, they rushed the game then took their time making the stuff cuz they know dumbfucks will pay for both.

it tried to be old school RE, while going for what made RE4 good, but failed to do both.

He didn't mean that the story was of the quality of B-movie trash; he meant that it was LITERALLY the story of B-movie trash. Biohazard 1's western name could've been called Zombie 5 and nobody would've bat an eye besides the fact that it'd be a new frontier for the "franchise"

>The ship doesn't have a single memorable location.

Getting the power cable immediately comes to mind. Never did fight that Molded but hearing that fucker get closer and closer while unscrewing the cable was nerve wracking for me every playthrough. It also has that shitty picture puzzle and that one molded spawn after getting the machine gun.

>while going for what made RE4 good

I can't find a trace of RE4 in this game. For me, it was more like Rev1 but weaned AWAY from what RE4 influence that remained. The only trace of the over the shoulder numbered games that I can see in VII is that it reuses and refines 5's inventory system. Otherwise, it's basically a ballsier Rev1.

RE7's director also directed Rev1, and things get even funnier once you realize both games have ships and slimy creatures are the main enemy in the entire game in both. The 3DS version of Rev1 even has first person aiming.

Yep. Also little details like psychostimulants being a reworked scanning mechanic and antique coins being the handprints of VII. And though its success can definitely be questioned, Rev1 did in fact attempt to bring back the slower pacing and claustrophobia of the older RE games, not unlike much of VII's design.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Ship was the best part of the game along with the first mansion part?

The the mine was the weakest especially after thr dlcs showed how action should work in RE7.

Doesn't the power cable trigger a fatty?

I remember it lumbering around the corner.

Nope, been saying that myself for the past year, though I maybe like the old house less due to how short the whole thing is, how underwhelming of a presence Marguerite is (until her boss fight, anyways), and how really the only interesting thing about it is bugs which are more of an annoyance than anything.

Yes it does, and you can stop unscrewing it to fight the guy. But nah, I always focused on the cable and then got the everloving hell out of dodge.

The old house has the upstairs which salvages it somewhat. It still isn't as bad as the mine, which was just redundant and lacked a boss.

Eh, upstairs is alright. It's got one of the more memorable scares in terms of buildup and payoff for sure but I wish there was just a little more to the section itself, I feel like it's a bit too easy to just run past most of it when hell does break loose, like it's a little slice of the mines' spiral path of doom but easier.


Written by the guy who wrote F.E.A.R who is only capable of writing horror stories about a little dark haired evil girl with mind control powers who can appear as hallucinations and make people explode on command.
Other than that the game is pretty great. youtube.com/watch?v=H3nlzihPVAE

>people saying this have literally never EVER played Resident Evil 1.
>continues with gibberish
Then go ahead a prove without using a shallow superficial checklist why it's not a RE game instead of spouting empty gobbledygook you pretentious cunt.
These people are unbelievable. For literally a year they were trying to shoot down the mere idea that RE7 is a RE game without arguments and nobody bothered to actually put in the effort of proving them wrong, and now that someone actually made a list of things that inarguably make it a RE game they resort to dismissing the idea of lists.
Fans of true Resident Evil games don't breathe, so you should stop.

Even RE6 was way better than this boring, half-assed shit. At least Jack and Margarette Baker were cool characters though.

No no no user, notice how everyone else ignored the bait.

If you thought 6 had any sincere merit as a game beyond good controls then yeah, you'd probably think 7 was boring.


I honestly felt like they ran out of money after the Jack section, which is weird cause that was like a quarter of the game.

Richeard Pearsey was the narrative designer, which is a position that is technically above the script writer but still i believe the scenario was imagined by some Jap and he just adapted it.

RE6 had good mercenaries and Leon campaign had the church fight (while everything else was atrocious) and the other capaigns also had one or two good scenes.

That's...actually agreeable. RE6 had some good ideas but they're buried in SO many bad ones.

Final boss is shit.
Not enouth monster types.
And some of the DLC should of been in the game from the start.

Other then that I honestly think RE7 might become a cult classic.
There is already a small but die hard fanbase for 7 alone and I think it will grow over the years.

I think Revelations 2 has better controls than 6.

Margret bit was still very good and imo even scarier in ways. Lucas bit was a little lack luster but still enjoyable and the boat / salt mines weren't very good.

The one good thing about the salt mines was that it's probably the only instance of a relatively modern type of mine depicted realistically. Metal nets and concrete sprayed walls and ceilings to prevent falling debris, and proper air exchange piping. It's not one of those 19th century mines supported with wooden beams that every piece of entertainment media has.

The Baker family are all legit great villains and the atmosphere of the house is really what sells the game.

I was hoping the mine was going to have a huge laboratory hidden in it.

>just got back from a particular Shitty day at work
>A RE7 thread!I love those...its always nice praise this to triggered RE6 fags
>but I am dead tired.
Dont let the thread die guys I will be right back!

Not a Hero I feel fixes that and a big laboratory in it

When will we get a full game of Joe?