ITT: Vidya characters that are literally you
ITT: Vidya characters that are literally you
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Someday i will succeed.
yes I was fucking shocked too of how realistic and accurate portrayal of millennial neet he was, he was a shithead but he had the best moment in the entire game when he rescued his sister and mom in full gear with his bong
>Prone to acceptance
>Rash decision making/action when there is no other option
>not the best looking
>Love my mom
Maybe you should stop smoking weed and yelling at children in video games.
im the same loser, expect that i dont smoke weed
pretty accurate
Do you assholes actually curse and scream at your parents while smoking a huge bad of weed and jerking off with Cheetos?
I actually lock my door though.
This guy is literally me
literally me
I do neither of those things but thanks for projecting
you are the guy who has invented bitcoin?
are you this autismrunner?
i honestly thing that speed runner is ok and the fat fuck is in the wrong here (i hate fat fucks, can you tell?)
t. that speedrunner. fat fuck is hillarious and it's annoying as shit to hear that twiggy boy try to defend himself with i-i-it's fine. beta as fuck
What the fuck was his problem?
Is Jimmy even Michael's son?
His mom is a whore and also, he has curly hair and his face is that of a mutt.
Nah, he says it's glitchless but continues to abuse glitches throughout. Fat guy is right.
>"wait you clipped the gun out of bounds?"
This isn't a shitpost I am actually the real Super Mario please help a me I'm trapped in this board
>maybe people will finally like me if i say every flaw in the game is a glitch xD
glitches are flaws in the game, yes
You need to figure out what a glitch is kiddo.
Unintended software behaviour AKA bug.
Bugs aren't glitches, dumbass. Neo-Sup Forums please go.
>"A good kid? A good kid!? Why? Because he sits on his ass all day, smoking dope and jerking off while he plays that fucking game?"
Too close to home boyos. Too close.
>Bugs aren't glitches
t. non-developer
That was fucking cringe
and got cucked by your girl who you though loved you.
My life is nowhere near as bad as his but I keep doing shit that Max would do and regret long down the line
Michael is what everyone on Sup Forums strives to be
Jimmy is what everyone here actually is
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
You've killed thousands of people?
literally me
At least some of us are Franklin. Not all that bright but able to turn a lack of morals and a single useful skill into a living while sucking down abuse and disrespect from your betters.
shiet at least your avatar is one badass motherfucker
I just want to go fast.
Franklin has the hustle and strives for more
Unlike anyone here, lmao
his fault for not teaching his son any better.
>fuck ton of glitches
Every 6 months this glorious trainwreck never fails to disappoint
Max Payne, only character I've ever played that wasn't full of it. Properly Jaded, and properly hopeless.
Only if we were physically fighting, no other times though.
Yeah but Franklin is a nigger
just like the majority of Sup Forumsedditors