Easy Allies goty awards going on live right now.
Zelda won an hour ago
Ben is a fag
The chat being this asshurt is hilarious.
Nah. It might win if Kyle actually speaks up for once but as it is now the most vocal ones are clearly for Persona except Damiani.
It seems most just don't care at this point.
>Disregarded the other games in the top 10 to just only talk about Zelda and Persona for the 8th consecutive month
For what purpose?
Why woudn't they just rank them like most places do so every game could get some talking points?
>they narrow it down to two
>one of them is zelda
>damiani immediately spends like 30 minutes shitting on every little detail he can think of
>they get to zelda
>he tries to brush every problem under the rug
gee I wonder what'll win GOTY
Because we'd be here for another 10 hours.
Both sides are trying to nitpick the other game as much as possible. At this point, it's the only way to really do it.
Full nintenbro autism mode, it's embarrassing
Also Jones is going in god bless.
gotta please the patrons, whatever is highest in the poll will win
Ben and Huber do the same thing the other way around, mate.
Jones is fantastic. His Revali voice honestly had me cracking up.
I feel like if this wasn't on stream someone would have already said "alright if it'll shut you up we'll make zelda GOTY, okay Damiani?"
Ranking the games would be too mean.
Seriously, what else was going to win besides zelda? Nothing else was goty as it
Next one of these streams someone needs a counter for everytime Ian brings up Dark Souls because that's one of the 3 real games he's ever played.
Maybe make it a drinking game
Most of them want Zelda as GOTY, don't kid yourself. They're just humouring the audience a bit with this debate but if it went to a vote Zelda would bag it with no problem.
>huber defends Persona blindly
>it's fine
>damiani defends Zelda
>it's not fine
Autismo Damiani attacking and nitpicking everything in P5 a RPG, while defelcting every genuine fault in BoTW an action adventure game.
I won't deny that but that doesn't mean they wouldn't still be discussing the alternatives regardless. My issue is how Damiani just belches out filibusters until he gets his way.
probably why bosman straight up left, what's even the point.
They didn't, Ben agreed about the pacing, some parts of the story and dungeons.
Ok, time to rank the EZA members Sup Forums (No Don since he's barely there)
I'll start
Kyle > Jones > Huber > Blood > Brad > Ben > Ian > Damiani
Don't be dumb. What do you think Huber and Ben did with Persona?
Damiani is criticising Zelda non-stop atm, I haven't heard a single negative thing about Persona from Huber.
The whole point is to tear down a game which Damiani did. Why nobody went hard on him at zelda was just terrible on their part
>They didn't
>faggots are complaining about them not ranking each game which would take even more time
>faggots are complaining about them not just giving the GOTY to Zelda to get it over with
Jones > huber > Kyle > Don > Ian > Damiani > blood > Brad > Ben > Amanda > Sophie
And Damiani agreed about the story and the lack of themes in dungeons and shrines. What's your point?
Huber hasn't said a single negative thing about Persona. You're just very biased so only see one side.
A typo autismo-chan.
It's because the top 2-3 were obvious if you've paid attention to the Allies, the lower ranks would have been a lot more interesting.
But I guess they don't want to argue in their GOTY talk podcast besides for 2 games...
Kyle > Jones > Ben > Huber > Ian > Blood > Brad > Damiani
Who else doesn't give a shit about either of these games and is just watching for the autism?
>Huber this high
He's literally just a hype man. Worst ally.
What the fuck did Sophie do to hurt you?
His positive attitude really brings out eza
Nothing, in reality it would be jones > Amanda > Sophie > Don >rest of eza
But that's not realistic.
What I'm trying to say is there's no right way to go about this. People will complain regardless. I'd like to hear their ranking of each game, but we're at the seven hour mark as it is.
BOTW is a good open world game, and that's a fucking achievement in and of itself, but as someone that doesn't even like RPGs generally speaking I loved Persona 5 way more. I lost 80 hours to that game and it never dragged. I put like what, 15 hours into BOTW? 20? I had my fun, I left the sandbox and if I wanna I'll go back but I don't feel any desire to explore the entire map or even attempt to progress the story.
Wait they've got it narrowed down to BOTW or Persona?
What happened to Odyssey?
Those aren't mutually exclusive. We knew from the start what the top 3 was going to be, so going this long with just the top 2 (with most of them not even speaking) is just boring and is dragging on. Ranking the games would have been more interesting and we would have heard about more games at the same time.
Think of the positives guys, PUBG isn't GOTY and Dream Daddy isn't in the top 10
But you need a hype man. The people you like would be worse off without him.
>lets vote
>Ben: Now hold on...
Not if the hype man is a dumb sack of shit.
We'd get to this point anyway. No matter what, there would be a long debate over whether Persona or Zelda is better.
PUBG isn't even top 10 either.
Mario would have more of a chance that way. It was just given up because they were in a sudden rush and Kyle is in a bad mood and didn't want to bother with shit.
Does Ben want Zelda or Persona to win? Just pick a horse.
Loved persona and it was fun but honestly zelda deserved it.
Giant Bomb isn't good.
Kyle's heart was really in Mario, but the others are clearly set on Persona and Zelda.
This stream has been pretty dissappointing. It's just been the Ben-show for most of the time, with Damiani and Huber speaking up in the last hour. Other than that it's been silence.
Especially disappointed in Kyle.
Mario was fun but short. It felt like it was not necessary to go back visiting every level but seeing peach in her outfit
I'm disappointed in Kyle as well. We all knew Ben wouldn't shut his mouth though.
>The only one who was swayed went to Persona anyway
>Persona still lost
5-3 Zelda Won
Genuinely liked the discussion. Everyone felt pretty reasonable.
I was fine with Odyssey, Persona or Zelda winning. Loved all three of them.
8 hours of autism so we can get the obvious, for fuck sake.
Look we made over 8 hours worth of "Content".
I did too. Actually enjoyed the discussion more since I was happy either way
This convinced me to try BOTW I'll borrow cousins Wii U,I never played a Zelda game in my life,need to see what's so special about it.
I'm not mad about Zelda winning GOTY in and of itself, I just hate how this year had a billion great games and it's the only one every website has been dickriding for the last eight months. Like, look at this stream. Was Splatoon 2 even mentioned once?
Play on pc. 4k 60fps
Blood wants to go home.
Splatoon 2 got mentioned in best multiplayer.
Personally I'm glad zelda and mario swept, they put gameplay above everything unlike a lot of previously acclaimed GOTYs.
Yeah, for multiplayer. PUBG won though.
Of course...
Eza was amazing
Huh, surprised Jones went for Zelda.
>Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 wasn't a sequel, it was a port of the 'first game' with some extra content.
>it was a port
>Ben puts Xeno 2 at 8
What a faggot.
Why? The last JRPG he played and actually finished was FF6 a 22 year old game, Horizon was out of the picture and he's an open world/watch tower fag.
I see that Xenodick is still riding your ass user, give it time by March i'm sure you'd forget about Xenotits.
Go to bed, kid.
He seemed to be speaking pretty highly about it and complained a lot about Zelda’s story.
I thought TSA hated XC2? Why'd he rate it so high?
Jones is a great guy but his tastes are pretty vanilla, and what's the point of fighting for Horizon when he can put it in his personal top 10.
Horizon zero dawn was no gaem of the year
quiet baka
>Huber's the only one that didn't put Zelda in his top 3
I knew he was the best boy
Not enough Dream Daddy.
Huber is a mad man, good shit
this,XC2 is shit even XC X is better,now go jerk off to your waifus
Pretty boring compared to GB, it’s not like people actually watch this stuff for insightful vidya commentary
>Ian straight up lying about what won "best game to play in one night"
fucking wew lad
Who mentioned dream daddy? Besides Ian
A very good game but not a GOTY, just like Wolfenstein 2/DOOM/Ys8/FFXV/Dark Souls 3 etc you get the point.
I don't think it was brought up once from what I remember
I don't understand why he's in the game industry at all, he doesn't enjoy games and he never ever finished a game in the last 7 years that's not named Souls/Borne or something me 2 hour indie puzzle game.
He's just memeing.
I have no clue, he's basically just a video editor they let on
He does fun fiasconauts and I really enjoy his easy update videos
Than keep him off the podcasts/GOTYs like Don, i see no passion for video games in this.... man?
Fiasconauts is good in spite of Ian not because of him. He plays the same lame character every time.
Easy Update is like a 40:60 mix of good to shit. The good's good though I'll give you that. Only way we ever get stuff like Opinion Yell again and I really enjoyed the portal 2 torture chambers.
But he didn't? What Remains of Edith Finch is what won
>Always role plays a girl.
>Always goes full lesbo.
>Always drag things down with his "dialogue".
Table top isn't """video""" games.