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Least it was before CU fucked everythang up

Come home...
Come to daddy

What PS2 game is this?

i fucking dislike a lot of dks2, with majula being the most disliked aspect.

contrarians go to >>/reddit/

Majula was basically the only good thing about DaS2

Sorry, redditor, but as much as you want to force the whole "dark souls 2 was actually good" shitposting, you're the real contrarian here.

>it's contrarian to hate the most hated dark souls

When framptfags will grow out of their contrarian teenager phase and admit this is the best Souls game?

>spews reddit opinion
>'I-I'm n-not Reddit, y-you are!'

Really? I hated almost everything about DS2, but Majula was probably the only part I didn't completely hate.

Just started DaSII, skipped the tutorial area
There is something with the tutorial torches? I skipped everything and go running to majula

Explain how it's contrarian to hate something that is hated

>implying it's hated


so we're finally at the point where dark souls 2 players turned 18 and are feeling some nostalgia. the game was b-team trash you faggots. majula was comfy but don't start pretending this was a good game. I mean for fucks sake, you really will start pretending that won't you. your first souls game.

>DkSII threads always devolve into most of the thread shitting on it with contrarians defending it

I'm honestly surprised that Sup Forums hates this game since it runs better than any of the other games in the series. It natively runs at the highest framerate. Maybe it's the graphics kiddies after all.

It generally is compared to the other Souls games, especially on here.

Because it's not hated even though you keep trying to rewrite reality through applied autism to make it true

Sorry sweetie, it doesn't work that way. Now kindly shuffle off back to >>>/reddit/ where your lul so epic contrarianism is tolerated


You get an NPC invader, don't remember if they give anything though.

What if Vendrick would have been a regular man in Majula, say, inhabiting the mansion? And you would find out after the journey that is DS2 and end his pain.

Frampt didn't even show up in DS3

Soulsfags btfo

>implying I browse reddit

I brought the word contrarian to Sup Forums

You're doing nothing more than parroting my own original contribution, speaking of which, that's probably going to be the next hot button insult for this unoriginal shithole.

It's pretty contrarian to hate Majula, which is considered a comfy and pleasant hub.

*blocks your path*

There's a huge amount of improvements that DaS2 brought, but along with some incredibly horrible gameplay.

- Weapons melting due to FPS
- Every fucking corner hiding a gank squad
- Every fucking encounter is a gank squad
- iframes/hitbox being tied to a stat
- soul memory are you fucking real with this bullshit


There's something nostalgically nice about Majula


Welcome home, Chosen Undead.

Majula had an amazing song. I would get so buttfrustrated and destroyed when exploring a new area but that fucking sunset and soundtrack man, I would literally idle on a pretty view and sit for a while.

Majula blank Judo hahaha

I love Junko!

Dark Souls 2 was shit mostly because of shitty game design.
Environmental design was great in a lot of areas. It also had the best fashion souls and coolest weapons behind Bloodborne.
Music was top notch, better than the original Dark Souls as much as that'll trigger bogstandard-orchestra fags.

The setting had a really heavy Ralph Bakshi/Dark Crystal vibe to it and I liked that. Would've liked if Drangleic Castle had more emphasis on the Chess style it had going. There were some areas that would've been way better with better level design but were aesthetically perfect.

If I were to have people work on refining the game I'd say their priorities, in order, would be
Completely overhauling level design and enemy placement
Polishing combat, make hitboxes more accurate, add enemy stamina, remove shockwave shit
Increasing the size of certain areas which seem like they're just 3-4 rooms before a new area
NG+ having new gear, new enemies, and different enemy placements was a neat idea which should've been common sense for the entire series, but it was not fully realized in this and was dropped in DS3
Darken it up some and make the torch mechanic useful in more areas than the depths.

The DLC fixed a good chunk of shit but the game still has a ton of problems. Seeing a merger of the improvements made in DS3 with the aesthetics and style of DS2 would be perfect.

Looks like that lollipop chainsaw thot

Haha us dark soullers, am I right xD?

>Majula had an amazing song.
It was ear rape my dude. How could you like it?
The visuals of majula were top tier though

Just started playing my first souls game Sins of the First Scholar. How do I get past the statue in the tutorial area? I fell off a cliff and died and now my character looks like a fucking gremlin? I don't have enough ranged attacks to beat anything? What gives? Is this supposed to be fun ?

We're called soulsbornians you fucking knave

>unironically referring to women as "thots"

It's pretty comfy but the comfiest Souls hub will always be Nexus until you beat 4 archdemons and the music gets spooky and then later on after you beat all the archdemons you can hear the Old One and it's freaky as shit

Man this made me laugh. Yeah thats the game. Try rolling

Scholar is a shitty romhack of DaS2 for people who figured out everything about the game. You get items throughout the game called Fragrant Branches that de-petrify statues. Just keep moving forward since the game expects you to backtrack and re-trace through areas.

For every step forward it made two steps backwards. It's a deeply flawed game but it's an okay game at the end of the day.

i don't get this.

you praise the environmental and aesthetic designs of the game, but the first thing on your list is simply axing all of that in a complete overhaul?


Sounds relaxing as fuck

Kind of wish Majula was more like Heide's aesthetically, it's just a bit too brown for my tastes.

>level design is the same thing as environmental and aesthetic design
You have to be 18+ to post here, and you probably shouldn't be mentally retarded either.

>start playing game
>huge ogre shit pushes my turd in like 20x in a row since he's impossible to beat but I still want to beat him, then I ignored him
>want to take some path but it's locked and some human-sized dwarf with a shithead accent tells me nothing and he also carries a cool sword
>ok go to other path
>some lameass sunken city with no context that looks too low poly for me to give a shit about
>first boss is already Ornstein, except he's now evil or something
>next up a lameass pirate cave that took me forever to cross
>gave up when I reached a shitass swamp area that looked like it was made in the PS1 era
>also some stone statue is blocking my path even though I can easily climb over it or even walk around it and shit what the fuck

This is atrocious

>when you define your personality around doing the opposite of what most people do so you start liking shit games that no one else likes
You probably eat paint, too.

Majula has to be one of the worst designed hubs I have ever seen.

>the people who actually enjoy DS2 can't even have a comfy Majula thread without anti-DS2 crusaders shitting up the thread
I genuinely wonder what it's like to have such intense levels of autism that you feel the need to browbeat strangers with your shitty unwanted opinion just because they like something you don't.

firelinkshrine is trash

Probably in part due to the loud vocal minority of contrarians who claim that DaS2 is the pinnacle of the souls series and use shitty arguments to explain away any flaws. I don't mind of DaS2 is your favourite souls game but loving something also means accepting that it has flaws.

Who is this drill tailed cutie?

K8 from prison school. If you decide to read it, I recommend stopping after you get to the part where she has lesbian sex cause everything after is garbage.

Go away reddit

Say what you want about DS2
But the Majula is comfy as fuck

I kind of got sick of the music at the end of the game but I think maybe it was because I was getting sick of the game in general.

>starting with ds2
why would you do that to yourself?

>people who actually enjoy DaS2
you need to be 18 to post here
>redd*t boogeyman
hey you're one of US after all. ;) nvm keep posting about that cool game of DaS2. Sorry for being mean, didn't know you were a fellow channer.

>I thought I'd left you for dead!

>People these days...

>except he's now evil or something
how did you come to that conclusion?

>from prison school.
Disappointing, but thank you.


Can't this just become a comfy homeworlds thread?

got it for free in a humble bundle a while ago.

And by free I mean I keep forgetting to cancel my subscription. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

but isnt firelink in 1 also an "old" firelink shrine

like it looks just like the place where gwyn holds up where he linked the first flame

What's the easiest set of weapons to use?

100x better than shitty ds3 hub

Nexus is best tho

>tfw want to play DS1 again so fucking bad
>tfw remaster with a revitalized online population is still 5 months away

This is the fucking worst feel.

1 v 1 fights are fucking boring in DaS and by the time you get to 2 you should have mastered it to such a degree that it doesn't offer any satisfaction anymore.

the end

>collect Astreaeaea's soul
>that was depressing, I don't feel like a good guy, is doing all of this rly a good idea?
>come back to nexus, music has changed from slow plucking instrument to castlevania spook song
>I am the demons!?!?!?

woahhh hey guys back here at the hub to level up and warp out
obnoxious ear-grating music

>top notch music
I literally cannot remember a single boss track from 2.
1 had Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smough, Gwyn, Moonlight butterfly, Sif.


I appreciate what DS2 tried to do, but to me it kind of fucked everything up.

>People liked non-linear exploration, magic, multiplayer and boss fights, so we focused on these aspects in the sequel
>Areas are empty and repetitive, nothing truly memorable
>Magic is DS launch build levels of OP
>Limits on co-op and arbitrary hoops for PvP
>Bosses are all Big Dudes In Armour


Many consider ds2 to be the weakest BUT
it has the best hub in the soulsborne series, mainly because of the music and the visuals that fit it perfectly.

almost perfect opinion. DS2 is the second child that was born with autism, but at least it was more focused than the vegetable that is DS3.
DS1 is great for actual gameplay/proper build runs
DS2 is great for fashion souls and cosplay runs
DS3 just gave dark souls enemies bloodborne stamina and had nothing interesting to add. Ds2 had issues but at least they tried new things

Have a nice time on reddit then fucker

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

>new enemies
Yes, like those two pyromancers that dropped in the prisoner guy's boss room and spammed flame swathe and forbidden sun while having more HPs than the actual boss.

At least it was til I fucked everythang up.