Name a better video game company

Name a better video game company.

Everything else.

Sega before they went full retard.


No salt wanted. This is a discussion for grown ups.
SEGA is a good suggestion. They excellent hardware and where able to tap into the exhilaration of fun through sheer bombast and spectacle through their arcades and home games.

But truth be told, they were always chasing Nintendo. Many of their games were essential rippoffs of existing Nintendo games and a company they still adhered to the business model that Nintendo themselves put in place.

Sega had the advantage of having a high number of B-grade titles, just a steady supply of them.
Nintendo has always just cranked out an A-grade title every so often with sometimes REALLY long gaps between their series.

Sony. Kid shit isn't fun.


>killing his most iconic character every year

"I only play mature games for mature gamer like me"

Let others have fun, retard.

Falcom is pretty good for a small company, especially to last as long as it has without loosing site of it's initial goal.

You took the bait.

>implying some of the best exclusives on the PS1 and PS2 aren't bright and colorful
>implying PS4 cinematic "games" are the best

you got me ther B/ro

my mommy even got my wife's son a switch for christmas

Repeating the only logical retort to your "opinion" in all caps - like a fucking retard - doesn't invalidate the argument. It just makes you seem childish. Which is pretty ironic.

you'd think alot of gamers would like both. i've had sony, xbox and nintendo and there's games i love on all three. sega's cool imb

How the fuck are SONY a better video game company than Nintendo? Did you just read the thread title and sperg out without thinking?

Nintendo completely BTFO by Sony during the 90s because Mario wanted to keep his precious kiddie games (the ones they are still releasing to this day) while serious bussinessmen tried to turn video games into something everyone can enjoy.

I can think of quite few contributions Sony have made to industry including hardware and marketing.

I can only really think of one thing Microsoft brought to the table (a competent online gaming service model).

But they pale in comparison to the contributions Nintendo have made in terms of hardware innovation and game design. Even the modern gaming industries foundation of regional marketing, quality control and licensing is solely attributable to the business model that Nintendo put in place.


Yeah remind me again how much of a broken fucking mess 3D gaming was until Nintendo laid the foundations with Mario 64 and OoT and how quick Sony were to copy Nintendo's analogue stick for their joypads once it became apparent that it was the future of game control.

>while serious bussinessmen tried to turn video games into something everyone can enjoy.
Yeah and look where we are now, mainstream games are a glorified gacha skinnerboxes sold in pieces and designed to be as addictive as possible because when everyone can enjoy it, it means it needs to cater to the massive numbers of retards with disposable income.

>Square "thanks for saving us Enix, hope you don't mind if we rot you from the inside out" Soft

>Squaresoft and Enix separate
>they're both pretty good
>they merge
>quality drops rapidly

This will never not be painful.

Studio Japan

>People don't even call them "Square Enix" anymore and just refer to them as "Square"
>most people playing videogames today probably had no fucking idea that Enix was even its own thing at one time
>most people probably have never played any of the fucking amazing Enix games
>Enix bailed out Square just so that 20 years later they could waste 10 years and all of their money on a garbage fujoshit FF game that could never succeed and be forced to make trash cashins and spinoffs just to try and make back a little of the money they wasted

>video game company

Yes Yes Nintendo created everything, without them we wouldn't have computers nor consoles nor games. Take your pills and go have fun with your obese friends.


nintendo invented the concept of a small joystick hurrr durrr.

sony doesnt make games

Sir-tech before died
Sierra online before Activision
Origin software before EA
Capcom before 6th gen
Konami during arcades age

The reason why NES, SNES, GB/C/Advance and DS were great was third party games. You can name 2 or 3 good third party games for each good Nintendo game.

sonybros literally fucking fuming

play more jumping games lol.

Play mor- oh wait.

>hey guys, check out my playstation, we have walking games!
>heh, forget that noise, over here at Nintendo he have games with walking, running AND jumping!

Are we really coming back to this?

nintendo isn't fun. It's kiddy shit with a few hardware gimmicks. Wiiu proved this.

It's true no matter how many times you drones post that ancient meme from when people abandoned shit like sunshine and instead grew up playing mario64 sm3 and world.

What exactly is a gameplay mechanic that's for kids and a gameplay mechanic that's for adults?

if you can't figure it out maybe you should just stay on consoles tard.


"Literally playing the game for you if you die" is a mechanic for kids.

Please tell us what's a really good game then, what do YOU like?

Dragon Quest is still great, so I don't give a shit.

take the new zelda game. It just fucking just cause 2 repacked with some bullshit tacked on. You people sicken me.

I cannot.

I do not like the switch, but they never promised anything they did not deliver.

I remember, being fifteen years old (now 29) delivering a very hateful message to them in that they did not have a decent first person shooter. Granted, I did cite very mad 3rd party titles and the person replied in kind. They said it wasn't what they wanted to do, and that if I wanted that, then I might just buy a PS2 or Xbox. A very civil message. Thank you, Nintendo.

So Just Cause 2 is kiddy?

No it isn't you don't have that great hookshot in BoTW, and for that alone it sucks. Why the fuck did they decide a hookshot would be a bad idea for BotW, instead favoring the slow ass climbing.

played dated shit with twinks elf face tacked on is kiddy yes.

Man, I own a switch and had a wii u, but nintendo isn't even close to the best game company.

They straight sabotaged their own games for two generations with gimmicks, spent one of those generations not giving much of a shit about their core customers, normalized disc locked content for their games, still won't modernize their online crap to standards we had 12 years ago, let their localization team butcher a bunch of shit, lied repeatedly to customers about crap...

I don't trust them for shit. All the switch selling well means is that they'll start fucking with us again.




typical Soynygger autism

You don't have an answer do you?

I can't, Nintendo is the best.

That NEVER EVER happens in single Nintnedo game EVER you desperate salt shitter.

pffft. I wish. They are one of the worst companies and have been since the Dreamcast died. They fucked up so much of their hardware, at this point they can crash and burn for all I care.

Honestly? If you don't like it, do it yourself.

Oh wait, you don't even know how windows 3.1 works. The fuck outta my face.

I have to give Nintendo credit for the Switch. I think they finally found their stride and maybe the Wii U was a prototype to what they were trying to make but the tech wasn't just there yet.

I can see the Nintendo Switch getting the Windows 10 treatment and frankly all the consoles should at this point but I think Sony is going to make a PS5. Microsoft should just keep going with beefier hardware and keep the Xbone brand and call it a day which I think they are going to do since they are doing this with Windows 10. ie: There isn't going to be a Windows 11.

I can't imagine why or what else Nintendo could come up with at this point. The Switch is printing money. They'd be stupid to make a new console in like 10 years when they can just keep making hardware revisions for say 20 years.

I think we're finally getting to that point in gaming where it's going to be revisions instead of next generation consoles.

Oh, tell me how that hardware works.

How does a C Dos prompt work? How?

BA budump BAW.


Fucking rats that talk shit and can't even code.

Shut your fucking mouth and never talk again.

>I have a prompt that lods my tandy 1000!

the fuck out of my face and never speak to me ever

What are you even talking about?

Did some drunk grandpa from the 80s discover Sup Forums?

Why Nintendo haters always such retards? There is genuine criticisms that can be targeted at Nintendo (not expanding enough, lack of western studios, not valuing third-party enough, arguably the lack of power for their hardware, outsourcing mediocre spin-offs to fill their release schedule, etc.), but it's always "hurr durr Mario's kiddy" and "fun is a buzzword" and "they don't even make CGI trailers" kind of shit or downright lies about their games.

idk man. I used to shitpost the same talking points for (Yous) but at this point, I can't deny Nintendo's success with the Switch. Like I said in an earlier post, I think they found their stride and I think this needs to be Nintendo's last console but with hardware refreshes and revisions.

Now I will go back to calling Nintendo a retard and making fun of Nintenbabbies if they make something else in like 10 years instead of just going the Windows 10 route with the switch.

Like the wtf can possible make at this point. The thing prints money.


>not expanding enough, lack of western studios, not valuing third-party enough
none of this is bad

Because OP asked them to name a better video game company, which they CAN'T. So they resort to shit posting because they can't bring any intelligent discussion to the table. Ironic that they call Nintendo "kiddie shit" when they're the most childish and immature morons on the entire board.


How is having 60 people teams to make HD retail games (so they generally end up being smaller scale and it take them 3+ years to do it), only having Retro Studio as a Western subsidiary that make games or lacking third-party releases any good? I'm not asking for Nintendo to balloon in size, but all their internal teams combined are about half the size of Ubisoft Montreal, a single studio.

I know the point you're trying to make but I don't necessarily agree with it. Relatively speaking, Nintendo are a fairly small company, they only have about 5000 employees throughout the world. Sometimes there's a strength in being small, it creates a focus and sense of quality control and also a mystique. It would be like asking Studio Ghibli to expand. It might actually dilute the very essence which makes them special in the first place.

I get it, that's why I specified that I don't want Nintendo to balloon in size, but there's production realities to take into account. You're not making an HD retail game in 2018 that is a minimum ambitious/to industry standards in any reasonable time frame with 60 people teams. I mean Nintendo gets it too, they aren't making 8 bit 2D games with ten person teams anymore, they're just very, very slow to adapt and grow.

>Name a better video game company
There isn't one tho.

Even Ubisoft is better then Nintendo.


>Even Ubisoft is better then Nintendo.
Explain yourself

This. I respect criticisms, there are a ton to make about Nintendo, their anit-consumer practices, and their games. It's blind hate that's annoying. Nintendo has done so much for the industry that is worthy of praise.

Not that I disagree but I just want to point out that Nintendo has 5000 employees while Ubisoft montreal has 3000. Still ridiculous that Ubisoft as a whole has more than 10,000 and EA has 7000 and neither one of them have their own gaming platforms. I'd expect a company as big and as old as Nintendo to have a larger staff, I wonder if they're overly picky about who they hire.

Most of Nintendo employees aren't making games. Nintendo EPD is making games and the divisions it replaces (Nintendo EAD and Nintendo SPD) accounted for slightly under 800 people (as of 2014). So even if it has grown to say 1000 people since then it's even worse than I thought: Nintendo internal studios are not half of Ubisoft Montreal, but a third.

Yeah out of about 5000 employees worldwide you'd be lucky if a 5th of Nintendo employees were actually involved in making games. I don't necessarily think is a bad thing. You know that when a mainline line 1st party Nintendo game is in development is being by a very condensed core team of some of the most celebrated game designers in the world. That kind of reputation reaps its own rewards.

Basically anyone at this point. Not even shitposting or joking.
Don't bother replying to me. I couldn't care less what a brainwashed corporate whore has to say to me.
They were my absolute favourite throughout the 90s. Then they became insufferable kike feces, releasing trash hardware 2 generations behind and half-assed games that can be done by indie devs, sold for 1/3 of Nintendo's premium slit eyed kike tax.

>comparing AC to BotW

Is it just a lack of taste or poor education?

Well if you look at his filename you can see he's an incomprehensible mess.

I can't Nintendo is the best.

I want to play some mario kart 8 with you user and let you fuck me up the ass.

>Atlanta Falcons completely BTFO the Patriots
They clearly scored less points
>t-that doesn't count!

>Name a better video game company.
Its literally impossible.

They lay the foundation of the modern industry
They designed modern joypads (think about that, Nintendo were the ones who decided HOW we will play games and every one copied them)
They're produced some of the most memorable gaming experiences ever made
They've set the standards for game design for everyone else to aspire to, they continue to challenge the industry's expectations and trends (the success of consoles like the DS, Wii and Switch in the face of conventional wisdom is astonishing and commendable. Nintendo just refuse to be told what to do and always stive to push the envelope of what GAMING is when the rest of the competition will happily stagnate).
And they're still producing genre-defining software like Mario Odyssey and Breath Of The Wild which expose other developers as the lazy clueless hacks they truly are.

The industry would be a fucking shambles without Nintendo.

I love how quickly autistic Nintenchilderen come together as soon as Sony is mentioned. Cry more faggots

You have it backwards roach. And you still can't name a better video game comany than Nintendo. Everyone in the world knows it. How does that make you feel?

There isn't one.

I can't.

I wish I could. There are some companies that brought me games I enjoy more than Nintendo products, but at the same time they've also fucked up in some othert way.
Nintendo on their own are okay/good, but everyone else being awful/not having much to offer elevates them to the best status.

>I don't want to grow up, because being an adult with actual responsibilities is hard. Let me relive my childhood over and over and never actually progress as a human being

Nintendo is the Harry Potter of video games

>comparing 2006 graphics to 2017 graphics

No one is comparing them as games, you fucking simpleton. Enjoy your arrested development

But what if I have a good PC as a companion to my Nintendo console like any other Nintendo fan over the age of 16?


maybe if we were still in the 90s

They're the worst. There's a reason they lost every generation.

They lost the third generation?

>There's a reason they lost every generation.
For real, why the fuck doesn't Nintendo get real FIFA games yet?
Whats the fucking point of selling a console if it doesn't have FIFA or CoD on it?