'Cause Atua say so!

'Cause Atua say so!

Worst girl

>wants you to become her husband
>learn earlier that her island has marital orgies where the island shares the bride
Should have gone with a pure girl, like Miu.

What!? You don't like the thought of an entire village coming together sharing its loving embrace for each other as a tribute to Atua?

translator's note: Angie refers to her god as "Kami-sama", which in English translates directly into "God". The localization decided to change it to "Atua" so that dinguses wouldn't get upset over her being a monotheist since she's apparently worshiping a pagan god.

v3? That would be Tenko

yeah what the fuck is up with that?

>brown island people worshiping christian god

I love Junko!

They want to make sure Christians won't complain.
There are very few christians in Japanese and Kami is the generic name for Japanese gods.

Is there a more punchable face than Angie's?

So, what would have happened if she succeeded in using the necronomicon?

Himiko’s tbqh

Rantaro, Himiko, Kokichi, Tenko when she makes that smug face


She was never written to succeed



its literally so edgelord western athiests wont complain

Worst girl, but still has some of the best faces

No explosions sorry.

Who is best girl in V3?

Miu is so good that even when she was designed to be the worst girl she ended up being the best

tfw you will never be teased by Miu.

Why live?

I'd say Miu

It's normal. Christians chimp out when someone uses the term God, Muslims chimp out when someone uses the term Allah WHICH ALSO MEANS GOD, stuff like that.

>Miu was designed to "be unpopular and people were supposed to hate her"
>becomes super beloved instead


I honestly thought she was going to end up being the mastermind because I assumed she was really Junko in disguise due to having the same breast size and being good with computers

Even if it was a vague implication, it would had been a fun assumption to play around. I feel like the devs had a lot of writing done on the game but it turned out kinda wonky in the end.