>Thread about vidya weapon discussion gets deleted
What the fuck is going on lads
Thread about vidya weapon discussion gets deleted
Other urls found in this thread:
blame the new mods that just got hired
pray they get slapped on IRC for doing this
This shithole is truly beyond repair
Take a wild fucking guess
They won't
The only way this shit will end is when they are removed from their positions and replaced with people who care and will actually do their job.
>you will never hit the lottery and buy Sup Forums
You're legally not allowed to buy Sup Forums unless you're an Asukafag. Are you an Asukafag user?
Just post pictures of shit and yell CLEAN IT UP JANNY
>replaced with people who care and will actually do their job
>their job
Mods don't get paid, user.
I didn't want to know about this feel
Just imagine all the shit I could do. I'd get rid of all the P C u c k s here.
Did this get autosaged already?
but user that's rude and i dont wanna be the baddies.
You mean bumplocked.
Also, we received a new batch of soy-infused jannis recently so there's that. They've been doing """work""" on Sup Forums.
Maybe this board would be less shitty if you assholes dropped that shitty and obnoxious meme.
I thought only jannies did it for free?
Sup Forums is a website with no login required, with a ban system that can be beaten in 5 minutes.
None of the mods are paid.
There are barely any adverts on work safe boards.
If you expect instant deletions under those circumstances you're retarded. You're lucky there is any moderation at all.
I dunno, let me test
Oh fuck off
Oh fuck off
Someone can't handle the bantz
Did we hurt your feefees mod-kun? Suck it up, cupcake. You are not immune to criticism, especially when you (and the rest of the moderation team, including janitors) do as shit of a job as you have been doing.
Thread's on page one, dumbass. Some people sage.
>instant deletions
300+ post porn threads
>(op) can't we have some human decency on a human website?
>(you) le fuck off, it's ah-none-mouse, and bans can be broken in 5 minutes we do what we want fuck youuuuuuuuuu
so you dont understand that bans have a spiritual value in them and are a slap on the wrist, even if a light one?
fuck off to the red boards and be inhuman there.
Yeah I noticed it finally updated when I posted
Still, the point is valid. Mods tend to be totally absent which leads to shitposts galore but when you criticise them for it, they suddenly appear. Seems to me like they're always here but choose to allow shitposts to run rampant on purpose.
Normalfags would get banned quicker than I would buy a sex doll with my new wealth.
Asking someone what their favorite thing of all time is on these boards won't start good discussion. Its a tough question that many can't answer, and all they'd be doing is replying to the OP.
I'm a Unit 001 fag and that's damn well good enough.
>Asking someone what their favorite thing of all time is on these boards won't start good discussion
My man are you justifying the deletion of a thread specifically about vidya that has a picture about vidya as well?
>Its a tough question that many can't answer, and all they'd be doing is replying to the OP
That still doesn't make it off-topic. That one should've naturally gone to page 10.
>god of war threads get deleted
>EA games thread gets deleted
No moderation is better than this shit, the mods literally allow marketing campaigns on this board but also literally delete video game threads.
I don't get my panties in a twist if an off-topic thread gets that many replies and is favored over a vidya thread. Sup Forums moves much faster than the other boards here so besides that thread theres likely to be many more where I can discuss video games.
>Reading comprehension = 0
I don't know why I tried to argue with you
>EA """""games""""" thread gets deleted
Okay that's a good thing.
No, we're talking about EA's new marketing strategy that uses AI to impact your gameplay so you buy more DLC. I'm not even joking. It IS video game related because it quite literally impacts the gameplay and it IS business related because the intent is clear.
>It IS video game related because it quite literally impacts the gameplay and it IS business related because the intent is clear
I know, I know. I just fucking hate EA.
And now they intend to use your browser history and your porn searches to target you, how does that sound?
>EA's new marketing strategy that uses AI to impact your gameplay
holy shit what
i mean, i knew Destiny puts you against higher-level players that use items that Buniee's system thinks you'd want, but this i hear of for the first time
Wait what?
It's a known problem that mods for Sup Forums will abuse their powers for stupid shit, OP
That's why /vg/ was created.
Well I live in the third world and I don't use social shit or anything so this doesn't affect me anyways.
It can still affect your gameplay, even if you live in the third world you still have a "virtual" fingerprint that they can trace to you and affect your gameplay accordingly.
I love Junko!
I only play single player games though, basically I just pay for PS Plus to get discounts on games.
are traps ghey?
> detects depression
> don't use this power for good, by directing the depressed to non-drug based relief programs
> use it to sell more shit to them when they're vulernable
kill these "people" (nonhumans) on-camera if you ever get the chance to, actual people.
whats wrong with porn threads? are you 12 and mommy wont allow you to be here or something?
Good for you, but it still is vidya related, so it should be allowed on this board. Not to mention they could actually influence single player games in the future, if those even exist for much time.
Also just so both of you know, Sup Forums was cited by name on the leaked info, so they definitely are here.
Stop pushing the shill threads with stupid shit like videogames and you might get somewhere.
>so they definitely are here.
>but it still is vidya related, so it should be allowed on this board
Yeah I never said it shouldn't.
>Not to mention they could actually influence single player games in the future, if those even exist for much time.
Don't worry suicide is always an option for me.
i honestly wouldn't be surprised if the cunts in marketing of some business were stuffing the submissions email application for moderator on every single board available, every time it becomes available
Welcome to Sup Forums with neogaf mods/jans
It would actually be a smart idea for them, it would also explain why blatant marketing campaigns are allowed when legitimate vidya threads are routinely deleted.
Are you 12? There's a dozen other boards for porn, fuck off.
Oh there's moderation. It's just not on Sup Forums. Reports on Sup Forums usually aren't dealt with but if it's on any you can bet your ass it's going to be purged instantly.
and this one is one of them too, if you dont like it you can go back
> get a job at their office or otherwise gain access
> find a note about a login and password
> expose the shit out of the company on the entire site
someday, this will happen
just as image related happened
That guy would have to be suicidal because he would have lawsuits up the ass.
How the fuck do you think I got this info?
Sup Forums is not profitable.
Of course it can be the question is whether or not Hiroshima uses said profitability.
>one of the internet's go-to hubs for "cool" opinions and fresh memes isn't valuable to any
How many more happenings do you need to be convinced this shithole has value?
It is profitable, when you sell 'native advertising' and also sell user data like Hiro does.
>Not buying Sup Forums with the sole purpose of shutting it down.
I shiggy diggy
New mods haven't even been chosen yet.
Sup Forums has a terrible reputation to normies and previous generations, which is the large majority of people.
come back moot
>Sup Forums has a terrible reputation to normies and previous generations, which is the large majority of people.
If fucking only. We aren't actually scary anymore.
>Have to be an Asukafag to buy 4chins
>Are you a Asukafag?
The zeon tattoo I have says I cant be. Sorry user.
So? If you control the opinion of the "cool crowd", you can better sell your products to the normans.
Besides, Sup Forums isn't anti-normalfag anymore. Just look at how many faggots denounce loli, how many faggots link directly to reddit and claim nothing is wrong with that, how many faggots defend AAA gaming and denounce japanese games.
And that's not even touching the amount of lingo that's being misused. People here don't know what the difference between a script-kiddy and a hacker is anymore, they call every anime girl a trap, they think trolling is just someone who disagrees with them or acts retarded, etc.