Can anyone tell me what kind of cigars Capitao smokes?

Can anyone tell me what kind of cigars Capitao smokes?

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he smokes cock

He's shit so he smokes cock




literally never been used by our special units, wtf?

i still never unlocked any BOPE operators

cigar de macaco

He uses guns, the crossbow is to launch micro smoke bombs and fire darts.

>literally cannot think of the game without this scene popping into my brain
It's just so accurate

I wish more Nips played FPS' so they would do porn on this.

>shotguns ricocheting off glass

Oh my GOD

>the constant cocking of weapons
Just imagine it as Mira glass and it all makes sense.

He's a fuckin BR operator. That's cutting edge for them. The other BOPE operator's special move is sneaking up on people and mugging them.

Might be bulletproof/reinforced, considering how ready/able these people were to go to war

Brazilians don't smoke cigars, kid, thats an american shit. We smoke cigarettes.

Siege is closer to tf2 and payday than an actual special forces sim at this point.

It's not that they're ready to go to war, it's that everybody and their mums is packing 'round there.

And i'm brazilian and i never seen any of these traits in a BOPE captain.

DLC operators aren't realistic. Look at Valk, Ela, asians.

Romeo & Julietta No.2

Whats so unrealistic about the asian operators? Besides obviously being women for half of them

there also isn't an FBI who uses mats to cover doors and windows


Women are women, all of them look like shit. Echo looks like a bitch boy from some boy hand. Vigil is literally a fucking edgelord/psycho. Lesion is cool though.

>Tactical shorts
>Ever present toothpick
>looks like every 55 year old asian dad I've ever seen
>Cool shotgun and fun gadget
Lesion has quickly become one of my favorite operators.

What does Vigil even look like?

Nobody knows

They could at least get ONE feature right.
Despite memes, full blacks in brazil are a minority. So it always strike me weird when they use it to represent us. And like someone pointed out, we don't even smoke cigars. It's all wrong.

Where are the Australian operators FUCK

Not even Year 3. At least we get our own server

Havana Gold label

>wears shorts
>2 armor

>I thought that image was a new Splinter Cell game and got all excited for a moment
Damn you, op.

searching for BOPE images always shows a few blacks and the stand out for some reason. Blame Korea, they made BOPE's black first in Crossfire

The cargo pockets are full of armor plates obviously


My man

They exist, i'm just saying it's a minority. Most people are mixed with a lighter tone, not african black.

Chinese magic

You've got a female edgelord BOPE officer and you only notice the game being pure fantasy with a crossbow?

Why Morocco? Why not Israel? They've got a well established and well known CTU scene. Plus you can do lore references with Ash.

They do it for all of them, Ash was born in Israel and Jackel despite being from Spain has the most hardcore muslimish name i've ever heard

muh diversity

>Why not Israel?
tom clancy didn't want terrorists to be playable in his games

>Jackel despite being from Spain has the most hardcore muslimish name i've ever heard
That definitely makes sense though looking at their country's history

>wtf was the inquisition

Iran, please. That said, plenty of Israelis in the OG Rainbow.

Imagine the banter when a Jew gets gassed by Smoke.

>consider yourself a brazilian straight male
>not smoking either Derby or Eight

Morocco and Spain have an entwined history and you can't expect centuries of Muslim rule not to leave a mark. There's not much muslims left in Spain but its definitely something that's plausible

IRA operator when?

>he doesn't smoke cheap paraguayan shit
Haha, what a soiboi

>Some dickhead in a shed cooking up carbombs

I guess australian operator will be a chinese and american one needs to be cherokee. It's plausible.

Yes and Castle is a black American operator too

So ash is a jew. Good I main smoke.

If the aussie doesn't use 'rangs it's a no-buy.

imagine the banter with the SAS and tell me it's not golden

The only people with muslim names in Spain now arrived after the 19th century, that's my point.
I'm just over-assuming that with "their country's history" you meant the medieval Muslim rule and that would just not make sense in a modern setting when you had hundreds of years of heavy persecution towards Jews and Muslims after the reconquista. Any of those who remained there changed their names.

>Thatcher has to check the underside of his car in the morning ever since Seamus joined team rainbow

Cherokee operator would be pretty cool

Dannemann, obviously, everything good in this country comes from european immigrants.
What's wrong with Sup Forumsidya nowadays?

Kapkan doesn't sound like Russian at all. Tachanka's voice is great. Fuze is alright. Didn't try Glaz yet.
t. russkie

I wish cigars weren't so expensive
I'm not even addicted to smoking, I hate cigarettes, but the occasional cigar can be really nice

>they don't smoke only straw cigarettes when working the fields for your henchman, and after eating the cold meal your wife sent you during break hours


What the fuck was the Caliphate

wtf are reply chains
wtf are over 600 years
wtf is the inquisition

>you will never rocks at shorts like this guy

>ywn operate in Rhodesia with tacticool shorts

I'd give her the own Germany and Russian sandwich. If you know what I mean.

shadman is pretty cool when he's not tainting them with body piercings and tattoos

>But green hair is ok

fuck off incel

she had green hair already, not shadman's fault

t. Sup Forumsirgin

>colored hair
Ubisoft hit my mark


Post fanart.

This game is shit

>we will never see IQ's face

Now that I think about it, Shadman hasn't drawn Mira yet, has he?
It's weird, considering how she's clearly the lewdest operator

They literally have a Jew in the game named Ash.

Too old.

>Not liking mommy Mira

Actual BR talking
Firstly, fuck you
Secondly, most of BOPES regiments are equiped with 7.62 FALS

Mira's 40, which should be right up Shadman's alley considering how much MILF stuff comes out of that studio

Actual BR here.
BOPES regiments have literally 0 women, interrogation is still pretty accurate though.


Actual BR here.
BOPES regiments actually all use bow and arrows, crossbow is too high tech for them.

Do you think the Inquisition went around burning people that were not Christian?

Give me some gadget ideas

>playing casual
>on house, go up against a grouped team of gold 2s and a gold 1
>I'm playing as Montagne, the round becomes a 1v4 because
>their Doc runs outside, I walk up to him and melee him when he tries to come back inside
>their Rook then walks right up to me, I melee him to
>their Ela is waiting for me in the kitchen, I casually walk up to her, unfold my shield and melee her for an easy kill
>I start to walk upstairs, their last isn't on site, so I casually walk into it
>He runs in behind me, I end up triggering an Ela mine on site right when this happens
>hip fire him dead as he's stunned a foot away from me
>their entire team starts shittalking me, saying "no brain, no aim, Monty main".

>another game, on kanal
>Using Lesion with his shotgun
>have a gu mine right around a corner, an enemy steps on it and I pop out and 2 shot him dead
>enemy team has a Glaz that's advancing to my corner with smoke so I fall back
>Glaz downs me but out Rook gets me back up
>hold another corner right next to site
>15 second warning pops up, the Glaz and their Twitch start charging down the hallway I'm gaurding
>pop both of them dead the second they make it near me
>Glaz player calls me a bitch

>a different game, on border
>playing blackbeard, get an awkward angle on a guy through that wood wall on the second floor
>he starts shittalking, saying I suck because I was outside for so long
>spend the entire final round shittalking while hiding outside, TKs his teammate for some fucking reason
>we run around outside but don't find him, final cam is him sitting in some odd corner of the map doing nothing.

The community for this game is pretty shitty. Even saw some dude make a diamond fucking rage quit in casual. Every player has this monumental ego and if you do anything that deviates beyond the norm to them they will pitch a bitch fit.

im pretty bad so i dont usually get this stuff, but i was accused of hacking for the first time the other night
>play blitz
>peeking around a corner, other guy is staring at me
>slowly line my laser up on his head
>aim and fire at once
>"ok sure, hacker"

Consolepleb pls go

All somewhat large communities are shit.
At least it's not LoL's passive-aggressive swamp of retards kind of shit.

Why the fuck do YOU think the inquisition was made? It was to root out hidden Muslims.

Completely and demonstratably false.

Where is your argument to support that claim?

Honestly dude, you're both probably looking at the same guys, but you must be american and think they're black while the brazilian lad think's they're mulatto or something else.
Since we never had an actual segregation policy past slavery times (and in the case of Rio, even during slavery, the africans were pretty free, they were even allowed to hold small businesses and gradually pay themselves out), miscigenation was immense in Brazil and our racial standards are very different from most places in America, specially once you factor in late 19th /20th century european immigrants "filling the role" of slaves during imperial times and intermingling with former-slaves populations that for some reason or another stuck to farmwork and other similar ocupations. Things can get pretty wild with half japanese-half black people marrying half italian half indigenous.

He smokes backwoods

Post console Siege moments.