Spear in game

>spear in game
>only combat move is a forward jab


What are some games with actual satisfying melee combat that isn't just fucking rigid swinging and pokes?

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Are you fucking dumb my man

If I gave you a spear would you really slap someone with the stick part instead of stabbing them

Dark souls 2

>game features halberd
>it's either just a spear or just a long axe
>game features sword
>you can only slash

Shut the fuck up

>only combat move is a forward jab
>why does a thing do exactly what it was designed for

Gee i don't know user
It just so happens that pointy bit on end of stick happens to be more dangerous than blunt whacks


Nioh implemented spear combat very well. Just look at the moves

Spears were designed for distance combat, it just so happens they were also efficient in the hands of untrained inept retards like you, fucking nutsack wrinkle.
>this means we should model all combat for only this specific weapon around untrained retards

I only want spear and shield combo
How can there be So Few games that does this? Its not like it was uncommon in the ancient times


>game has spears
>you fire them from a bow for maximum thrust

>You can't throw it

>coolest weapon is also so bad you can't bring yourself to ever use it

You're thinking of javelin.

For honor

>throwing a spear

>Spears can be divided into two categories: those designed for melee combat and those designed for throwing

>Santiers spear
Still the best weapon in all of souls

I mean there's not much one can do wrong with one. Just thrust. Obviously in trained hands it's gonna be much more effective but that's true for any weapon.

Nioh, but it might be too cuhrazy with the spear twirling, spin kicks and over head leap moves.

ITT people confusing spears with naginatas

Not every pole weapon is a spear you motherfuckers if you put a sword at the end of a stick that ain't a spear

The retarded faggot neanderthal here is you for using a spear, kill

play nioh you brainlet

wrong, that's you and this is me
kill yourself

who cares? spears are shit-tier weapons for low-test faggots

you are and ugly monkey fuckboy like Op image now kill
self and dont ever reply to me again if you do you literally eat shit


you're wrong and probably a nigger, projecting as always.

why is this man pointing a pellet gun at me?

Because then you would bitch about how staves and spears use the same animation sets.
You just can't be happy faggot.

>because then something I invented in my head

Spear me from your rapid weabooism

>spear weapon
>can't pole-vault with it

Who cares. Spears and lame and only NERDS use them.

you can in nioh

Even Rune Factory lets you do that

>can stab with spear
>can spin spear around head creating a tornado like effect
>can fucking ride spear, stab in the air, and slap enemies away
>can stab stylishly with spear, before throwing it straight ahead

Props to you if you know what game I'm referring to

t. swordlet

Even the league of legends spear champ uses his spear with more diverse attacks, what kind of shitty games do you play?

even shit like brawlhalla can do spears right


If you're using something like a pike then all you can really do is poke people from far away but a spear with a bladed tip can and should be used to do more than just thrust with.

A very normiefied answer, but pretty close in any case and no one else is taking a shot at it. That would be the previous game in the series, PSU

youtu.be/8hC9LE6t0s4?t=506 8:26 to 9:26

Ah, I was wrong, was mixing some other photon arts and also I was thinking of the Double saber tech that does a tornado.

All good man, I know what you're referring to. PSO2 has a couple of PSUs PAs

Is there any game with better spear combat than Nioh?

NIOH! Nioh is the game for you my nigga , having so much fun with it right now.

Kirby? I'm now too sure on every single one of those, but from what I remember you can do most of those.

*cuts your dumb pointy stick in half*

I'll impale your asshole with my "spear" OP

*flies away out of reach of your puny sword*...
*teleports behind you and satbs you from a mile away*
pssshht... nothin personell, s(w)o(rd)y boy...

it's a hologram

*its a relativistic spear cannon*
*destroys the planet and you along with it*
what now swordlover?...

Already mentioned but I'll add a recommendation for Nioh, spears are fucking superb in it.

heh, not bad kid.. not bad at all...

too bad it was all a dream ;)

>game has swords
>you fire them from a ballista

Psssht... Nice try... But I can still one-up you...
My spear houses a evil spirit that eats dreams.... known as Penigger...
*wins and can't be beaten*
This battle is mine, foolish faker...
*walks away*

*cuts open the stream of time*
*swims to the past and plants a tiny sword inside your baby body*
*returns to the present and activates the tiny sword, cleaving your heart into halves*
Some blades just.. cuts deeper

if you're fighting someone in armor, swinging bladed stuff wont do jack shit. thats why people used to hold their swords by the blade and fucking club people with the guards or whatever

>thats why people used to hold their swords by the blade and fucking club people with the guards or whatever

Wrong, that was done purely for comedic purposes

>holding by the blade
Fucking what
Just hit them with the pommel

go try swing a sword at a piece of metal and watch nothing happen. people didnt get cut by someone trying to cleave with a sword

*activates temporal duplicator and removes the blades*
*stabs through dimensions, piercing your time displacement and ending your existence*
Looks like I... stuck it to you... Dad...

Too bad swords are flat at the tip huh

Could've used the thing to maybe sort of poke a man if not for the flat tip

I mean yeah, if you're bad.

Assassins's Creed Origins actually. Has nice staves as well

You don't get any of that sweet leverage if you try to strike them with the pommel while simply holding the handle though, user.

Holding it by the blade with one hand was an actual thing though, used to thrust at armored faggots.

Nioh has great spear gameplay.

But can you do THIS?


Thanks japan

Well yeah, that's what a spear does dumbass

Legit most exciting battle I've read of

Man, Eleanor was fun to play as.
Needed more Rock Swarm though.


Bushido Blade 2

>you can throw it
>even has unique animation
>it does less damage than a bow or a fucking boomerang, and instantly breaks the spear too
BotW was a mistake

>hey dude I wanna show off my AWESUM SPEAR SKILLZ so can u pls just flail around like an idiot with ur sword n shit and not attack or nothing so that I can film myself PNING u? I'll buy u a pizza later

You'd want the puncturing or hammering end of a poleaxe in that case.