Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

No standalone game.

Not made by next level games

Is this the first time we've seen his full hair?

It's not really surprising or anything.

isn't in smash

They're making Mario Strikers 3
I hope...

More likely Luigi's Mansion 3. Dark Moon was really successful, it sold 5.5 million and is the 10th best selling 3DS game, higher than any Zelda game on the 3DS. I don't know if they would be able or willing to replicate that same style the first game had, but it would be nice to see the series in HD.

Literally the perfect man

Stop, Rosalina is the biggest and best, and she is my wife.

I hope not. Mario Strikers was so great.
>flipping over the goalie as toad and walking the ball into the net

Poor form.

>boo teleporting right past the goalie
>waluigi making a perfect wall around himself to sit and charge his ultra smash

You sound like a deluded luigis mansion faggot fanboy that didnt even for a second stop to consider charged's sales, bitch


I can't Waluigi is prime husband material

>play online
>everyone just uses the dry bones teleport from across the field to score

>still no wario waluigi game

God please I want it so bad

>no RPG story mode
almost got me

Camelot are better. Or they used to be at the very least.
But if they can reclaim their glory then this could be a GotY game.
