I name the main character after myself

>i name the main character after myself

>I give the main character a regular name that isn't mine or anyone that I know's

the real brainlet choice is using your username for the protag

>i name the main character after my cat

>have multiple personas that i cycle through depending on the type of character i want to play

Post the name of the last character you created and what the game is
>Shmoogy Doogle
>Persona 5

>he doesn't invent unique characters with elaborate back stories on the fly.
Nice improv fegget.

>i name a female character some fantasy sounding name that ends with an A to signify that it is, in fact, a female

on that note

That would be weird, I use female version of my name.

>i use a special invisible text character to make my player nameless

I pretty much use any Latin sounding name or the "space marine" name generators online. They always sound cool and are usually non gender specific.

>name MC dad
>villain talking to me sounds like an edgy teen whose nintendo got taken away
>love interests havw daddy issues

I either cycle through preset names to come up with ideas and just make up a name from there, or just wong it entirely

>i don't play games with only white protagonists

>he puts a photo of myself as my profile picture.

> his nickname is real name
Millions of these downies

Only reason you wouldn't use your own name is because you're an insecure faggot trying to escape

>Dark Souls 2

>I name the main character NIGGERFART69

>I name the main character the canon name

>I name my character after my middle name

"Hark, hear ye! I doth proclaim BRIAN champion of the realm! He and his brave knight Shmoogy Doogle, and trusty mage NIGGERFART69 hath bested the ancient evil. May his reign be eternal and their legend live on through the ages!"


Mount & Blade

>I name the main character a swear word

>enemy can rename your character

Female belf mage
Was a random name I got for a female draenei mage and i just used it for the mage too.

>enemy can reassign your gender

I give it the name of gods, or just after the way they look

I do this, or when I play a girl I use my girl nickname

>That fucking loser who named a female character after his crush

h-how do I get a girls nickname

I have a common last name I use in 90% of applicable games, with several female names and several male names I've used for RPG's since I was 11 years old.

I use the default name if it's available. Other than that, while I don't use my real name, I don't look up the canonical name for the protagonist in fear of running into spoilers.

>girl nickname
what did he (female) mean by this?

Be an effeminate little bitch. I went to a party and cause it was all guys the two girls there decided to make me a girl to help boost their numbers.

I like to name my protag Hitler, makes for hilarious text bubbles

>not having Latin or biblical name that works well in RPGs
I would kill myself if I had a soyboy name like Cameron or Andy.

Demons Souls

Lord Byron

>name: faggot
>gender: female

>Final Fantasy 7

Every single nameable character has a name in a similar vein.

I name them after my gf, jelly?

Name your character after the name of the game.

If I have to pick a name, I just go for the canonical one. If there isn't one, I uninstall the game and refund it.

I always name it after my waifu.
Even more sad.

Ever since playing Dead Space I use Isaac as a default name for male characters

Mexuldra the Nanomancer, i like making really ridiculous names. Last character before was Graudor the Man, then Zarzuela the Destroyer, then my main characters I will always name Gluborg and try to make them look like an alien

>I name my characters after bands & musicians