Japanese game weapons have no sense

Japanese game weapons have no sense.

You forgot to make the jap version 3 times bigger

>games have different artstyles
Who've thought?

>Left = World of warcraft
>Right = Dark souls
really makes (You) think

B-But muh fantasy

>In before some weebish Ken-sama wannabe talks about superior Japanese blades being folded 1,000 times and other shit


>it's another cherry picking east vs west thread

>West (also made by japanese company)

>""""""""art"""""""" style

Real weapon are light and long, spears and arrows will domain games if want realism, since samurai to knight use spears as main weapon, but muh swords.


>not liking exaggerated things in fiction

The mace and the speargun would look ok without the retarded glow effects.

No fun allowed

Is he compensating for something?

>this is a sword

Your labels are reversed.

Japanese weapons have no sense

I don't really get the overdesigned spiky weapons that certainly wouldn't be very good at causing damage. Relatively simple weapons that don't have rainbow glowing effects tend to be the nicest ones. I don't even really mind giant fucking weapons like as long as they at least make sense otherwise.




Having fun isn't the problem. What you find fun is retard and so are you for not understanding this simple distinction

>zamza's just a nerd on a power trip

XC was great


Shichishitou is not stabbing apparently.

i remember discussing hours with friends if this could work and "THE BULLETS ONLY MAKE THE BLADE VIBRATE"


Fucking japs man

I'm pretty sure these are for ceremony only, and not for tangoing with a JRPG BBEG


I don't have anything bad to say about the overall game, but that "sword" looks like it was lifted straight from Banelord the EdgeHogs character reference sheet.

Japanese developers and publishers don't value realism as much as Westerners do.
Your argument is "that couldn't possibly exist as a functional weapon in real life" when yes, that is true. It's a video game. It doesn't need to make sense and most people should be accepting and encouraging of this fact.

lmao, this shit looks like a power ranger toy

Why are western character designs always overdesigned edgy garbage with huge shoulder pads?

erally? Those were ok?

>nerd on a powertrip

it fits with his character, that was my point

>all my life think giant swords are awesome
>one of my bros sees one
>"talk about compensating"

Being gaudy and fucking ugly is a universal trait.



To be fair, you wouldn't want to be hit by that.

Wow wtf is that?

The Dragon Fag Smasher is a work of art.

Looks like a decorative tree branch

why do these always get me

They are the ugliest ceremony swords i have ever seen.

You'd probably contract autism from it. You get taken to the hospital for a few stitches, leave for a few minutes to get some paperwork and come back to you working on your new OC and his weapon, the Ultimate Lightning Fury Slasher Max.

this is a ceremonial sword not used in battle you cute little bastard

Probably is just cerimonial

I though the Japanese were supposed to be good at aesthetics.



Squalls gunblade wasn't so bad. at least the grip was at an angle so it could be somewhat held like a sword.
Seifers is just plain retarded. It's just a gun with a blade stuck to the end.

Fuck haters
I liked.
I bet this sword gives you +critc dmg status

>some games have bad aesthetics and some have good aesthetics
What a shocker

>by the wrath of my blade
What blade?

Just pick one user there's like 20 on it



really makes you think

No fun allowed in my fantasy series!

No no, it's my fun > your're fun


Holy shit, this.

The funny thing is it's almost the opposite now.


this games arent art

I've seen some retarded anime shit in my day, but nothing will top this.


haven't been here long huh


I remember thinking this was a parody when I first saw it. But I was wrong.

>people actually think this is a sword
He's a pizza chef.
>giant pizza cutter to get the cleanest, straightest slices
>pizza holder to keep the pizza safe in transit
>elbow storage for plates on which to serve pizza
>chest herb storage to season the pizza
>shoe funnels to catch any falling toppings so as to avoid making a mess on your gracious host's floor

This is a genius design.

This sword has +lightning and ++bleed dmg

this was no doubt a reference to berserk, also its not really that absurd in the games fiction as cloud is a super soldier despite lookin scrawny, end of the day its just a large sword. The buster sword has nothing on some of the shit out there, especially from stuff like kingdom hearts

And a 10% to paralyze the wielder, because that grip looks to be metal and not insulated.

I'd play an action game where I have to make my deliveries through the pizza dimension while fighting off various topping demons with my pizza slicer for the most efficient delivery times. No missions can go over 30 minutes.

Berserk didn't exist when FF7 was released, kid.

FF7 1997
Berserk 1990

user pls


Didn't Berserk start in the 80's or something?

>ff7 came out before you were born


nothin personnel, kid


>especially from stuff like kingdom hearts
Surprised this wasn't posted yet.

>this was no doubt a reference to berserk
actually it's a reference to Miyamoto Musashi using a boat oar in a duel

Sephiroth's weapon is inspired by his opponent's, Sasaki Kojiro's nodachi

>people born in 2000 are allowed to post here


>have an ability to craft whatever world you want in a virtual space
>chooses to restrict himself to what's realistic

This is why I like Jap games more

What's the appeal of keyblades?


>ending has your protag delivering Dante a pizza after fighting through hell
>he doesn't tip

fact: the less practical your sword looks, the more powerful it is

>hitting people with a giant chunk of rebar
Well, I mean... if you can swing it...

well maybe in that universe you have a decent enough minimal wage that you don't have rely on tips anymore

>attach a handle to a random chunk off a stone wall and call it a sword
The lack of shits given makes it sick.