Let's have a thread about trains and moving shit.
I've been playing openttd and re-living my childhood autism.
what's your favourite logistics based game?
Let's have a thread about trains and moving shit.
I've been playing openttd and re-living my childhood autism.
what's your favourite logistics based game?
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Why its open ttd of course
Is transport tycoon 2 any good? I've always wondered but never bought it.
I just want a reason to post this on Sup Forums, I bet someone else here had it.
Factorio. No contest.
Was OpenTTD previously.
>transport tycoon 2
There's no such game.
I'm sperging on openttd so bad right now, still can't build decent railroad systems. Don't have enough autism
You don't have to build two-way railroads. Just connect two location with simple two railroad tacks and don't bother with global train network, it's just not worth it.
Well shit user, apparently I always thought Railroad Tycoon 2 was Transport Tycoon 2, everything I know is a lie.
Factorio is my favorite game about moving shit
I recognise that menu but I'm not sure I ever played it, was this an educational school game?
All of you factorio cunts should try openttd if you enjoy the trains in factorio, openttd is the grandpappy of train logistics games.
I like conveyors. What game should I play
Posting in anticipation of an update from /n/ user
I'm pretty sure everyone playing factorio played ttd at some point.
Someone explain to my dumb ass how to automate trains in Factorio. I can make it go one way but not the other. I tried putting the stop signs on either side of the track. Does the train only go one way by default and I have to add something to make it bi directional?
A locomotive on each end.
Okay I'm not THAT dumb
For the vanilla game I could agree with you, but as soon as you start adding some good economy and difficulty mods and stick to one or two vehicle packs (basically anything to make things more difficult and not feel like you are playing a tutorial), then a network is absolutely necessary to survive
from memory, you either need the two trains or a loop at the end yeah?
I've got locomotives at each end of the train and one straight track north to south. I've tried every combination and permutation of train stops and move commands but I can only get the train to move north when it's full and it refuses to go south no matter what command I give it.
For all the guys willing to experience some real OpenTTD autism, I strongly suggest this thing right here
Coupled with at least the downloadable FIRS mod.
It's a completely new .exe file that has been modded with some serious difficulty mods (you can see the complete list of mods by scrolling down the page in the link), so it's basically a new full download of the game.
If you put it in the same folder of your vanilla game, it will automatically transfer all NewGRFs and settings from that so you don't have to download them twice.
Take a good hard look at the new settings before playing, there are loads of new things that might need some adjusting.
If you feel like the vanilla game is too easy, this is the thing that solves that problem.
A train needs a signal on the right side of the direction it is going. A two locomotive train requires signals on both sides of the tracks to let it know both directions are safe. Stops follow the same right side rule.
yeah I'm torn between this and just building a spaghetti autisomo map vs no AIs. I don't know what I find more fun.
With that pack you don't really need AIs, the game becomes way more difficult so you'll have a lot of fun playing it solo to get the hang of the new mechanics.
It's an overall 9/10 pack, the only thing it needs is that mod where faster trains following slower trains simply slow down to match the speed of the train in front, instead of stopping when they are too close and starting again in this infinite stop&go loop. I forgot the name of that patch tho.
neat, well thanks user, I'll try it out.
Oh shit nigger, grease monkey jobs are NOT for the faint of heart
Signals turn tracks into one-way tracks, so if you fucked up a signal somewhere the train will refuse to depart unless it can bypass that signal somehow.
>tfw when you spend days working on a scenario that in all likelihood you will only play for a couple of hours
I would do this in Red Alert 2, make the most amazing maps ever and then never play them.
Red Alert 1* did 2 even have a map maker?
It did.