Sup Forums hates paid mods

>Sup Forums hates paid mods
>but is okay with DLC
literally the same thing.

>B-but paid mods has no quality control and how will just crash the game and make unplayable when you have 100000 of these running while DLC has QC
The maker of the game is ultimately responsible for everything
>Paid mods will ruin the modding community that have been doing this for free since forever!
It won't. No one is stopping them for doing it for free and nothing is stopping devs releasing free DLC. Paid mods support the modders and same for DLC

when you have to prewrite arguments to counterpoints you expect to get, you didn't have a point to begin with

>this site full of varying opinions hates THIS but is okay with THIS
shit thread

Those are the two main arguments with paid mods. what, want me to patiently wait for someone to bring it up?

not really, paid micro DLC (especially shit like, extra slots or extra 10 levels cap) are as hated by majority of players

when you start a discussion, have a point
you didn't

The initiative to monetise modding came from the video game companies, not from the modders. It might appear to be an insignificant detail if you're a gullible idiot, but it proves that the monetisation is intended to benefit the game companies themselves. That's the whole point of an ingame mod store: it's a tool to supervise modding and the endgame is to prevent manually installing mods by establishing the monetisation service as the standard that shouldn't be deviated from. Modders stand to lose much more than they gain, because they would be giving up control of their own activity.

it's not gay if you do it for sport

>Sup Forums hates paid mods
>but is okay with DLC
actually most of v hates both. Some dlc is fine but most of them feel like they should have been in the game already, also announcing dlc's beforehand is absurd
>everything else you said
But you are wrong and you don't even have a point. Even the modders didn't want them to be paid. How much does todd pay you to defend paid mods?

>Even the modders didn't want them to be paid
yeah, okay.
>support me via patreon or visit my youtube channel like and subscribe ;)

Who the fuck is okay with DLC?

someone failed speech and debate class

>support me if you like my work
is not the same as
>pay to get it
Obviously they'll ask for donations. That doesn't mean they want their cerations to be locked behind a paywall

One guy said he was okay it so op thinks everyone is okay with it.

Both paid mods and dlc are both necessary to support the developers. You wouldn't want your favorite franchise to die, would you?

>Sup Forums hates paid mods
Is there some period of time I don't know about where all of Sup Forums fuses into a single person and makes a single opinion on things?
Maybe I didn't get the memo.

Paid mods would be okay if the system was more of a Netflix or something where you don't have to pay for every little shitty bugfix devs failed to fix themselves.

Yeah you missed the pinned thread where literally evryone agreed that dlc's are good in the way they are now and should continue to exist. Good that you brought this up so now you know what you should think

You conveniently forgot to mention that something like 75% of the profit from the mod sales go to Valve/Bethesda and the modder only receives a flat rate of some bullshit low amount and that's only IF their mod gets over a certain amount of downloads.
Paid mods are cancer since they're the ultimate Jew, fucking both the consumer and the person who created the content.

have you not seen the amount of FEH threads we get here? they're always bitching for more content

nah, paid mods means paid modders.
Bethesda modders do indian tier work and expect actual wages.
Hence the constant whining.

Whereas we look at modders with actual talent, minecraft modders, they're not entitled little bitches.
Nope, they've got skill, all they need to do is show their github repository to any tech company and they're guaranteed a job.
A job that they love doing, and so they continue modding even after getting it.

Whereas bethesda modders whine and whine and yet have no real skill, most mods are barely technically impressive at all.

You just did it again

I'll pay the 5 bucks to use nexus and i'd even pay those modders a few dollars or some shit but i'm not giving this fucker 10 to 30 dollars every time.

THANKS user!

Yeah, I'd definitely hate for that to happen. However The Elder Scrolls and Fallout can die though. I hope Todd lives just long enough to see those franchises become public domain. Isn't that right, John?

But you don't actually give this paragon of masculinity anything, user. Bethesda Softworks™ mods are completely free. You just have to pay for credits you would later use to access the mods.
Not really, no. Only thanks to the masterful management of Mr. Howard did these franchises manage to become the pinnacles of roleplaying experience they are today. It's highly doubtful anyone in public domain can possibly be competent enough to continue releasing the best rpgs on the market other than Todd Howard.

There was never a time Sup Forums ever supported paid mods. It's not wrong to say Sup Forums hates paid mods

you will never convince anyone that wrestling isn't gay.

It is in turkey.

>No one is stopping them for doing it for free
Exactly, retard

Worked for Eminem in 8mile

You should be paid based on how much money you bring in for the company. The developer of the game created the base that the mod runs on, gives a platform for the modder, gives them some popularity, something to put on a resume, experience working with a large company, and some spending money whereas the game company gets quite a small amount of money. It's almost like charity. The company is doing more to benefit the modders and amateur developers than they are to themselves. The company is helping their community and you guys are shitting on them.

Nothing wrong with paid mods, only that I'll shit talk the creator and create a bad rep. No respect for people who try to get paid off mods. Gotta crush em.

It is in a general sense, dudes don't get that close to one another unless so gay shit is going on. And wrestling is the gayest.

I'm no marxist but I hate the meme that adding a profit motive automatically leads to higher quality. With paid mods we've seen that's just not true. Human beings are fucking lazy and will use the least amount of effort to get the highest amount of money possible.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hobbyism and fuck people who want to ruin it with money.

>With paid mods we've seen that's just not true.
it only lived for what less than a week at the most? how is that enough time to gauge if its true or not?

>gives a platform for the modder
That's wrong
>gives them some popularity
This is an allegation it doesn't actually happens
>something to put on a resume
This is useless
>experience working with a large company
They don't actually work with the company
>It's almost like charity
Modders can already receive donations without giving a single cent to jewish corporations
>The company is doing more to benefit the modders and amateur developers than they are to themselves
They are receiving money with zero effort, your marketing arguments simply won't work with anyone that knows how it works.
>The company is helping their community
Bullshit again.

The initial modders that Valve/Bethesda worked with had MONTHS to prepare. And the result was either lame cosmetics or adding a paywall to stuff that used to be free. I haven't been paying hyper-close attention to the creation club but from what I've seen it still falls under those two categories.

You pro-paid mods shills keep arguing for a utopian dream where your ideology gets realized, it just won't happen. It's far easier to just take the path of least resistance. With bigger projects you either need a LOT more organization (which Bethesda can't be bothered with) or passion (which hobbyism is far better at). The best example of "paid mods" by far is when Firaxis hired out the Long War mod team for XCOM 2. Oh wait no they didn't even fucking charge for the Long War mod, it was 100% free, I thought that was impossible under capitalism! Bethesda and Valve wanted you to nickel and dime you so surely that was the only way.

Face it, Bethesda (or Zenimax) wants money for nothing, they saw the modding scene and rather admiring the passion of their fans they just saw dollar signs. Rather than creating new revenue streams through real innovation, they just wanted to monetize something that used to be free. The content that comes out of paid mods is lazy because the concept of paid mods ITSELF is lazy.


>You should be paid based on how much money you bring in for the company
Are you saying people buy the base game just for the mods

I'm not him and I get what you're saying, but every Todd's games I buy for the mods, because the base content kinda sucks.

Fuck off, Pete.

How is Tribunal even compared to some shitty horse armor than some faggot is charging 5 bucks for? My almond cant activate with brainlet shit like this

there's nothing wrong with dlc as long as it's fairly priced and actually adds some worthwhile and substantial content to the game. but most dlc these days doesn't fall into that category and are just shameless cash grabs or content that should have been available on the disc that was purposely cut in order to jew the consumer.

>DLC and mods are the same thing
You're fucking retarded and never ever used a mod in Skyrim.
Well, let me tell you that mods not always are guaranteed to work flawlessly, some of them break your game, they need compatibility patches, they're unpolished as hell, authors tend to give up on it, leaving it outdated with glitches and incompatible for new versions of the game.

Sauce of this video?