What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mini Switch

>Kids at heart

They're just fucking asking for it

It'd been less than a year. Not yet


>and those who are kids at heart
They know their fanbase so well they actually found an innocent sounding word for manchild.

>kids at heart
It's like "special" in that its a phrase that's so tailored as a polite way to say retard, that it's a funny way to say retard.

probably a direct full of well games more guided towards children, even more than mario & pokemon,

>Interactive Experience

This really could mean anything.

>kids at heart
holy shit that's quite savage

My guess.
Nintendo Lego game. With physical merch tie-in.

>kids at heart
they are aware of their fanbase

Kek, they know.

>kids and those who are kids at heart
can't wait for the shitposting Tbh


>kids at heart
no NO N O

Get ready those C. S. Lewis quotes nintenbros.

>Specially crafted for kids and those who are awake right now, reading nintendo's twitter wondering how it all lead to this

Whatever it is, im sure most of Sup Forums wont be able to close their mouth for weeks.

Kingdom Hearts games are coming to Switch.

>kids at heart

>kids at heart

You know, outside here, no one looks at the "kids at heart" sentence badly.
It is used all the time for people that like Disney movies and the such (which is quite common).

>b-but nintendo is not for kiiiiiidz
post yfw nintendo is literally recognizing their fanbase as being childs and manchilds

everyone is a kid at heart. the saying "old in body young in mind" isn't a thing for no reason. No one actually feels like they've grown up except for the fact that they do adult mundane shit



final warning

Nintendo kids SEETHING

>only posts not spouting memes

>Have a friend at work who is a soymale
>Glasses, the beard, all of it
>People already think of him as "that weird guy"
>He brings his Switch to work and is playing it in the break room
>Two female coworkers are sitting far away glancing and giggling at him
>mfw I sit down and play some mario kart with him, just to try to spare him the awkwardness
>It was actually really fun
Seriously though guys, quit taking this shit out in public. You might as well just sign a lease for your virginity if you do.


I expect plenty of soy-based shitposting following this presentation.

I am bracing for a meltdown the like of which Sup Forums has never seen. Guys, please, just remember that Nintendo isn't going to stop making traditional games because they also make what is to come.


I know many of you like to meme the manchildren thing, but regardless of how kiddie Nintendo seems to you, the fact is Nintendo generally never specifically states that omething is for kids, they're always pushing the "fore everyone" thing, so it's likely to be something most Nintendo fans will have no interest in. The went out of their way to say it's "specially crafted for kids."

what actually happened

God they should really pay you for this.

lol you're really asshurt about this soyboy thing aren't you, faggot?

I just don't want 200 pages of wojacks when I wake up tomorrow morning because of a one-off goofy accessory.

come on, man. That's low tier stuff.
You gotta step it up a level.

Nah, I wouldn't make fun of him. He's not a bad sort, just sort of socially clueless. The guy in that post is insane, I wouldn't dare let it slip that I browsed Sup Forums or use memespeak in public like that.

If it's Nintendo LEGO i'll shit myself

Did they just admit their fans are fucking soyboys?

>interactive experience
so its a sony game


I-I'm still a kid at heart, can I come too?

Too bad.
Here bomb.
Fuck you.

it's only bad when nintendo caters to casuals


yeah, that's not even in the same league, you triggered Nintendickgobbler.

>Two female coworkers are sitting far away glancing and giggling at him

They were probably talking to each other about the threesome they had with him the night before, when they went to his house to play Mario Kart.

I own all 4 Wonderbook games. I wish there were more.

Reminder that this is what happened to the Sony christmas fanboy who got attacked by the cat.

>Nintendownie's delusion

I would but these idiots are posting their stupid faces all over facebook and other social media platforms with their mouths agape like they're getting ready to take all the dicks at once. At that point, any mockery on my part pales in comparison to their own endless self-degradation.

>soyny not in the same league as nintendo
you're goddamn right

walk away from the screen nigga just close your eyes haha

I'd love for you to be right, but this guy has never had a gf.

Good. That's what he deserves for sperging out like a Nintendownie soyboi. Cat should have went for the jugular tbqh.

I think the twitter region should be taken into account here. It seems some Nintendo twitter accounts are saying "kids and adults" while others, like the Japanese one, simply say a "new way to play".
This is UK, they have shit taste in games and we should always remember that.


75m sales vs. 10 million sales. Come again in ten years, Nintendie.

Inb4 some new kind of amiibo activity that actually works well given the tablet form

>actually explaining soyboy
What a fucking retard. if I were stupid enough to have that slip out and someone asked me, you know what i'd say? "BECAUSE YOURE LIKE A HIPSTER THAT DRINKS SOY MILK"


Rank the hotties in the Switch reveal trailer

1. Blonde chick at the airport looking over at her friend's/boyfriend's Switch (I'm calling her Cassandra)
2. Asian chick on the plane putting on her earphones (I'm calling her Jasmine)
3. Karen the bing bing wahooer
4, The Asian chick at the esports Splatoon 2 part (I'm calling her Jenny)

Nintendo has more sales for core gamers. Young men play video games but nothing good just FIFA and COD and sometimes stuff like Destiny. People who buy the Switch actually get it to play games.

it's almost like it's fake or something

>i-it's f-fake

Yeah, that I actually came to mind when writing that but I thought maybe it was too far-fetched. Judging the the types of games that sell in the UK, I expect they'd be the most anti-kiddie and most likely to call things kiddie, even despite working for Nintendo. Still not getting my hopes up because there's a good chance it's going to be something I have zero interest in.

>nintenkids resort to literally stealing memes from sony

I'm calling by you autistic

The ARMS logo not being on his arm annoys me more than it should.


rank them FAGGOT

The amount of Nintenautism in this thread REEKS. You guys need your own little gay island just off the coast of Mentally Ill Manbaby land.

>s-s-s-stealing memes
imagine being this cucked

trolling is a art

>director/producer of Animal Crossing tweeted about the announcement
>never does this unless it involves AC somehow

What if its actually a new hardware addon like the amiibo or whatever which pairs well with NEW ANNOUNCED SOFTWARE?
If it really is a new hardware addon, I would honestly expect that.

>New Animal Crossing
>It's a gimmicky piece if shit like that board game

if you slow it down I might save this

Let's hope not, but if it really is something like a "new way to play" I expect them to market it with some software.

>trolling is a art
>a art
I want subhuman shitskins off my Sup Forums

>somehow forgetting that all the soy shit he spams is a stolen meme

You fell for the art of trolling.



Still 75m vs 10m. Learn your place Nintenbro. You are behind the Xbone.

idiots like you really are a diamond dozen on Sup Forums...

It's a doggy dog world, user.

Anyone else start crying and clapping when they saw this? I know I did. No one does what Mommytendo does. NO ONE. They're about to revolutionize the world AGAIN

2011 called, it wants you back.


>got owned
>trying to recover
get rekt nerd, lol.

A shame it knows you belong in 2016.

Don't like Animal Crossing at all but I feel for all the AC fans that might be outraged hours from now. Whatever it is, it's going to involve some a very kiddie gimmick and it's not going to be good.

>specially crafted for kids
Its going to be shit

>falling for a literal decade old gag


not even reddit wants you back

I guess it means we'll get some more info on that Yoshi game.

Maybe Animal Crossing.

The fact that you're comparing those 2 numbers without the very important context makes it obvious you're falseflagging. Don't do this fellow Nintenbro, we're better than this.