what's your favorite builder game Sup Forums?
What's your favorite builder game Sup Forums?
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imperium romanum
super cozy.
I love the City Builder series, but prefer Tropico over it because of walkers
I don't like Anno
settlers 2
>I don't like Anno
Shit, I meant I love Anno.
Pretty much a tie between settlers3, caesar3 and anno 1602.
For some reason I never got into simcity, because it's just a city and doesn't seem to haveproduction chains to plan, which is fun to me
probably still settlers 3 or one of the old annos. newer games always retread the same ground, kind boring.
Once you know how to controll the walkers, Caesar 3 sadly becomes kinda boring. Still one of my favourite games
I fucking hate caesar games since when you run out of something completely meme resource like rice for example, your fucking apartments automatically downgrade and hundreds of citizens leave instantly. Autismo sim.
Learning to master games like this and see everything work together is part of the fun
Lethis: Path of PROGRESS
Thats true, but as soon as you develope/ learn a strategy that always works, you usualy stick with that. Ofcourse you can try new stuff, but the value for those new strats isnt high as you can resort to an already excisting strat.
How do you feel about the Two Point Hospital announcement?
Cautiosly optimistic
I liked Black & White 2, just wish it had more content.
master of olympus. wish they would make more games like this
The size ratio of the people in that gladiator arena really concern me
Simcity 4
I was digging around yesterday and came across the three hundred or so page manual for Pharaoh.
I am amazed by how well these games have aged visually.
Tropico 3/4, never played 5 or the earlier ones though.
Zeus is the one Impressions game that I never played. What is that Chinese dragon thing walking down the street?
Sim City 2000 or 4
Both are great
Nothin better than Anno 1404
How do I get into city builder games? I have Tropico 1 and 2, Zeus, Caesar, Anno 1602 and Cultures, but I think I always screw up.
I think its Ares Dragon
Goat. Literally playing Poseidon for the first time atm
>play Zeus
>want to go to menu
>press ESC
>game closes
how the FUCK do i get zeus to that resolution?
How much faith have you in this game?
>Touch is LITERALLY called Escape
>when you press it, you escape the game
>nufags complain about it
Fake news, delete this
I don't like how Anno punishes you for creating good looking cities, it's better to cram everything close. It could be easily improved though, since next game is a Victorian one, there could be a miasma/disease factor, which would reward you for wider roads and open spaces
I have high hopes for this one. The sci-fi setting was not really appealing to me and 1800 with the invention of many machines give a lot of opportunities for interesting production chains
Nearly every game that got released before Zeus used Escape to open the main menu you underage shit.
It's mostly aesthetics they aren't very challenging. Start small with a residential area, give them everything they need, and start expanding from there.
No question at all.
Dungeon Keeper/Dungeons/War for the Overowlrd
Settlers series
pic most definintly related
Afterlife was cool
Unironically Clash of Clans
>Start small with a residential area
I think I found my problem. I always tried to expand quickly and then all the fuckups came at once. Thanks.
not too much but the setting is too appealing for a game with industrial chains
Gee I sure hope that Tropico 6 won't have missing features that the previous games had and makes no improvements to the player interaction with international politics in the game