Uhmmm switch?

Uhmmm switch?


the switch? more the shitch

more like suck this bitch

these remakes are quick cash grabs to fill shelves at gamestop
that's cheaply done with bluray discs
nintendo cartridges actually cost something

it says HD collection

Didnt this already come out like 4-5 years ago?

Aren't all the DMC games 60fps? Good luck with that on the Switch.

Switch is shit, but they are fucking ps2 games. There are some games like that fast rmx that look better than most of ps3 games and run at 60 fps.

underrated post.

Why bother? Bayonetta is coming to switch and is far better.


The Switch can run all the DMC games at 60fps

or they could just, you know, put it on the eshop.

I know you're baiting, but Bayonetta 2 runs perfectly at 60fps.

No one care about bayo. Shit flopped 3 times and they're still forcing a push while DMC sells millions easily.

>HD Collection again
There was nothing wrong with the ps3/360 one and there's nothing stopping me from playing that one

Capcom got caught with their pants down in regards to Switch development, which I thought was pretty obvious at this point.

I'm kinda surprised they didn't shit out a Switch port, but again, it's Capcom.

So where's DMC5?

>why are these betas getting excited for getting 7 year old games on the numaletendies shitch lmao these sheep would eat shit if Nintendo made it
>this 18 year old game won’t be on the switch? numales btfo Nintendo is doomed how will they ever recover?

not to mention DMC4 originally had a fantastic PC port that could run on toasters

must be a sad genre if bayo is considered the best

>Bayonetta 2 runs perfe

I still don't understand why Capcom requested an extra GB of RAM for the Switch if they didn't plan to do anything besides USF2 and MHXX HD.


Because it's Capcom and even they don't know what they're doing.

As a big fan of DMC, I could do without. I mainly use mine undocked, and the joycons are hardly appropriate for the finger-fuckery of mid- or high-level play. I'll be just fine with Bayonetta.

I hope the PC ports are good, though.

Dark Souls runs at 60 fps on Switch.

They did release the RE Revelations games to Switch

Has that game been released yet? If not then I have to call bullshit till it releases.

Meme about the Switch all you want.
But wasn't this already available on PC? Except not as a collection? What's actually new here?

DMC and DMC2 have never been on PC except through emulation

I'm pretty sure neither of those required the extra ram either, and it just raises more questions about not releasing this DMC collection on it.

*rub the lamp*
hello master!

>implying we care about a dead, inferior series when we get pic related this year
Get fucked and stay assblasted, Switch haters.

No, soy-boy. It can't.
The screen is only capable of 720p / 30 fps at best. See Dark Souls 1.

They gave it to western developers to fuck it up.

>720p 30fps
Why do you lie user?

the first three DMCs are fucking PS2 games, dumbass

DMC > Soyonetta

Are you retarded?
Actually I already know the answer so you don't need to

>inferior series
You do know that DMC has no QTEs, while Bayonetta has them?
DMC also has a rock solid frame rate at least on PS2.

For last-gen consoles, yes.
DMC 1+2 have never been on PC and the port of 3 is basically unplayable unless you mod it.

dmc definitive edition

Yeah but those games were announced after the fact that the Switch wasn’t gonna be another Wii U.


>switch gets ports
LOL literal port machine!
>switch doesnt get ports
LOL what now soytendo?

>full game download
Literally for what purpose

Sorry to ruin your joke but the Xbox 360 and PS3 also had this HD collection.

Yes, it's switched to current gen platforms.
I haven't played 2, should I get this for 2?

>So where's DMC5?
The original devs left and made Bayonetta.

>Bayonetta 2 runs perfectly at 60fps

Because Platinum didn't want to make a cart for Bayo 1 except in Japan's Limited Edition

I'm still mad

Yeah and PS2 was more powerful than the Switch.
The PS2 also had no built-in screen with a 720p / 30 fps limitation.


>Because Platinum
Because Nintenkikes

Oh you're just shitposting for (You)'s

Here's my last one user, have a nice day

I still don't understand why Capcom gets so much shit for not supporting the Switch when the number of third parties who have released as many or more Switch games than Capcom is actually quite small.

standards change with time

user it was confirmed 30fps

>limiting framerate
inb4 i was just pretending to be retarded


I'm glad I got the Wii U "special edition" with two physical discs.

And DMC has DMC2 which is just plain terrible. Plus DMC1 doesn't hold up against either Bayo games.

Let's be real, DMC collection is really just DMC3.

What does Nintendo gain from making a Physical copy of Bayo 1 exclusive to a Collectors Edition in Japan?


You're not wrong. DMC4 however is better than both bayonettas. and so is DmC

OUCH! This is a BIG loss for Nintendo!

>Plus DMC1 doesn't hold up against either Bayo games.
In terms of level design, it sure fucking does.

more like switch to a decent console to actually get some games

We literally already had this on last gen

Bayonetta 1 is multiplat and was in humble bundle and shit and full retail now is only $20. Making a physical cart cost a few bucks and they probably didn't want to guess how many people actually wanted it vs bayo 2 which was exclusive which is easier to gauge numbers on.

HOWEVER, they still could have done a limited edition run in the US for collectors that was more expensive.

>DMC4 however is better than both bayonettas.
>and so is DmC

wow Nintendrumpf are doomed THIS time. I'm peach!

Mostly because Capcom has games they can easily port to it which they have ported to pretty much everything else since last gen. Most other third parties have also put more effort into porting their games or making at least one new game for it. That's not including how Capcom hasn't said shit about localizing MHXX.

But they're already planning a new AA
>That's not including how Capcom hasn't said shit about localizing MHXX.
Why don't you bitchy faggots cry about it to Nintendo? They're the ones who localised stories too.

Becuase Generations was all Capcom.

No, it's actually the other way round.
Nintenkikes don't want to spend money on carts.
The western soy-boys are okay with that.
Japanese masterrace isn't.

Exactly. So put it on the Switch also. Perfect fit.

What are you trying to say?

720p is not HD user.

If I have a PS4 linked to a 720p screen does that make the PS4 a subHD console?


>to a 720p screen
Do you live in early 00's?

It's a hypothetical question.

That Nintendo has gone full kike mode.
Just like Sony.

First step: Don't offer backward compatibility
Second step: Sell everything once more for full price
Third step: Don't even bother to put part of whole games on physical media, either release beta versions and patch them to death, release essential content via download only or don't even bother with that and make full games a download, so that you control everything and people can't sell shit
Fourth step: Even ask for shekels so that people are allowed to use their own internet connection to play games that they paid for.

>720p screen
Where would you get that?
By using a time machine and jumping 10 years backwards? That's what Nintendo + Nvidia did.

It's exactly HD
1080 is full HD
4k is ultra HD

I can't for the life of me get into this series. Having to buy basic combos and abilities is obnoxious and I don't have the patience for it. Bayonetta had it right by giving you all your combos and only the real substantial stuff had to be bought in the shop.

Fucking great have a you

I don't think so. The most powerful handheld before the Switch was 540p and if you wanted to link that to a television you had to buy a second console without a screen. I think the Switch is good for what it is but obviously it could be better and use the newer Nvidia chip.

>not being a true fan who already owned it on PS3

Even then it's only worth getting on PC. Literally 0 reason to get a multiplat on anything but PC. Even if the devs somehow fuck up the port it'll inevitably get a fan patch.


Took me a couple seconds

Sadly, that seems to be how games are going. Not justifying it but that's how it is.

>handheld before the Switch
Nintendo calls it their new home console.
Try again.

top kek
Doesn't fit into pockets unless you are a fat burger with pockets large enough to hold a notebook

They describe it as a home console you can take anywhere.


That makes no sense.
The portability is a joke. People can easily also grab a gamecube and take it with them. That's as portable as the Switch is and isn't a Port-machine unlike the Nvidia tablet. Or well grab a notebook, which is also way more powerful and offers backward compatibility and a web browser and so on.

And with the 2.5 hours of battery life it's a fricking joke in any case, especially because you can't even replace it by yourself anymore. Which means it will go worse and worse and at some point it will be 30 minutes only.

Nintendo is dead.
It died, when Iwata died.

Nintendo was about high quality properly tested games. Odyssey alone is not only copy+pasted content everywhere, but it also wasn't tested properly but instead rushed out, which is why it got the very first day 1 Nintendo patch.


more like please daddy no not the switch

>People can easily also grab a gamecube and take it with them. That's as portable as the Switch is

No it isn't