Does Sup Forums agree?
>This bait again
Now go run over some children or die on an escalator you chink bastard
Replace PUBG with Overwatch it's a much better FPS game
Sup Forums won't but pretty much everyone else does.
Only thing I disagree with is I think 10s should be Minecraft and 00s wow since Minecraft was released in 11, although if it wasn't pubg is obviously 10s and Minecraft 00s
According to Sup Forums game of the decade would be some japanese fapbait VN
Was Minecraft not released in 2011?
Minecraft should replace Pubg and Halo should take Minecraft's place.
Completely false. None of these games have anything to do with tanks. Everyone knows that video games that don't feature tanks in them aren't successful.
The difference between CoD: WaW and CoD: WWII is that only one has tanks, and that one is clearly superior.
Warthunder? Wasn't shit. Added tanks, became massively successful.
Killzone? First game; nobody played it. Maybe like 8 people on this board have even gotten past the first level. Second game; pretty good, had a cult following. Killzone 3; really got everyone's attention. How? Tank and mech (tank with legs) combat. Killzone Retribution or whatever the fuck; complete flop. Why? No tanks.
Player Unknown's battleground doesn't even have tanks. They just have cars. Maybe an APC or something, but it's not a tank.
Minecraft? You can maybe build a tank, but it's not gonna move.
Fucking Doom? Forget about it. Mario is garbage btw.
The point? If there's no tanks; the game ain't shit. Tanks is dakka and dakka is good.
accurate post
other possible 10's candidate is warcraft3 dota
WaW and WWII both have tanks.
Tank beats everything
How many times will you make this thread?
10s: dark souls/breath of the wild/witcher 3/red dead redemption
00s: deus ex/half life 2/super smash bros melee/wind waker
90s: super mario 64/ocarina of time/earthbound
80s: super mario bros 3/mega man 2
I didnt know orks could use computers
(I'm only 20 so don't know 90s or 80s, also don't know what bing bing games have been popular)
>00s competitors, only mentioning one game from each series
halo 3
cod 4
league of legends
world of warcraft
Overall winner: minecraft*
>10s competitors
gta v
dark souls
dota 2
Overall winner: PUBG*
* If minecraft actually came out in 2011, 00 winner is cod 3 10s is minecraft
that game is absolute garbage though.
sorry typo meant cod 4
Say what you want about cod4 but it's influence on the vidya industry is undeniable.
well, it depends on what this list is for
if it's best game in quality, then cod 4 is absolutely not the best game of the 00s
if the most defining game of the decade, i can see where he's coming from because cod 4 is essentially the doom of modern fps games
I'm listing the most important/well remembered/"decade defining" games, not my personal favourites.
For reference from what I've listed I've only played minecraft, cod 4, skyrim, dark souls, terraria and PUBG
It's been the same goddamn picture for weeks too and everyone always fucking falls for it
you both fell for the bait by posting just like me posting this comment
It's one of these.
>showing bait as bait is the same as falling for bait
No, sweetie.
This is the worst taste imaginable. The only way you could think this is if you barely played video games.
Minecraft came out in like 2009 and didn’t get huge until like 2011
Id say pokemon was more influential than doom for starting a multi million dollar franchise
Did you even TRY the tank sections of COD WWII? They're 100% complete garbage, they handle like ass.
>hurr I like skyrim and minecraft and league of legends
>still in denial
This but unironically
What kind of retarded shit are you all spouting?
00's without a doubt would be Minecraft or Call of Duty. Minecraft was "released" in 2009 but it only got popular in 2010 and was "launched" in 2011. Call of Duty dominated from 2007 onwards.
10's is League of Legends, no contest. The game is still the most played game since its launch and PUBG isn't even close to beating it yet. They could, but they'd have to fix the game fast and hope people still play it. League would still have the most time played though.
The image was not an indication of quality but popularity, something that can be objectively measured.
You're more normie than anyone in this thread, you fucking fool
Why this cause so much boners in westerners? Is it because of christianity? I mean, you're a badass demon slayer, wich might been in the western subconscious since medieval times.
Holy fuck, I have no words...
>Why this cause so much boners in westerners?
It was just a good game, one that spawned a bunch of clones trying to have some of its popularity.
Like Dragons Quest
>Being so idiotic that you fall for flimsy ass bait
There is a difference between liking and enjoying a game and believing it to be the best thing to ever happen.
Remember how Sup Forums fell head over heels for that POS?
Put this in the 80s section and then maybe you would be right, OP.
>muh rpgs are best because i have taste
Yeah sure fuck off with your shit interactive books
SMB1 for the 80s is right
For the 90s, DOOM is probably the right choice.
For the 00s, no. Not Minecraft. Either Oblivion or Gears of War, for starting the trends of paid DLC and Cover based shooting respectively.
For the 10s, the game that really shaped it was Modern Warfare 2 for the trend of game-wins-itself wish fulfilment for braindead retards. Games advertised to people who couldn't be arsed playing games, farted out every year to exploit said braindead retards' bottomless wallets and their willingness to buy whatever's marketed to them
Oh fuck off. Fine put Blops in there then.
I suppose you're right. WoW did have a large impact on the industry didn't it, and it spawned tons of clones.
holy shit OP, kill yourself.
Dude has a point.
What's your stance on Tiberian Sun
>league, skyrim or minecraft
pick 1(TWO)
>Remember how Sup Forums fell head over heels for that POS?
pretty sure they all went over to
>00s GTA3
If we're being realistic here:
Late 1970's - Pac-Man
Early 1980's - Galaga
Late 1980's - Super Mario Bros.
Early 1990's - DOOM || Sonic the Hedgehog
Late 1990's - Half-Life || Quake
Early 2000's - Halo: Combat Evolved
Late 2000's - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Early 2010's - Minecraft || Dark Souls
Late 2010's - Overwatch
holy shit the fucking plebs that undercut Fortnite and put PUBEG above it,
ya'll know Epic made a way better game that works, is constantly updated and exploits are stomped out, accessible and free, and not to mention actually runs smoothly
>Dark Souls
didn't even reached the same popularity of Minecraft
I know what you mean. Started playing bw again with some friends with zerg, then remembered how fun siege tanks are and can'f go back.
Minecraft really got popular around 2011, so it can't be the game of the previous decade.
You have to be an adult to post here
>Delusional fps-cuck
Good for you
i could agree with the 80s and 90s but the 00s and 10s makes me want to hang myself