So how big part of revelations 2 does this tumblr whore play? I wanted to buy it buy I don't want to support dumb cunts in videogames. Nor I want to see her on my screen more than I have to.
So how big part of revelations 2 does this tumblr whore play...
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Big. Almost half the game.
And I take it she's is typical modern "female" with no character development at all, correct? Just fucking around being useless, complaining and swearing like a sailor?
>Just fucking around being useless
She can fuck shit up pretty well with that crowbar. At least I used her in a much more active role when I played. Helps save ammo.
after reading this I won't even bother to pirate it (and I have episode 1)
No, she is actually a good character and is very proud of her father. Nips are not tumblr
She's more endearing than I expected. Her story arc isn't bad, and it involves her getting over herself. Surprised the hell out of me. I figured she'd be insufferable.
I want to impregnate Moira Burton.
>Playing RE for the story
She is hot. Nothing else really matters.
>complaining and swearing like a sailor?
That's literally her whole character, and the story even centres around her at the end sucking her dick for storyline reasons.
Its a shit game with shit characters like this bitch. Avoid at all costs.
Notice how waifufags will tell you to "just ignore it bro"
Says a lot about its quality
I want to deny her the joy of motherhood
RE2 is shit, the only reason I played it because a friend wanted to do co-op. Moiras butt made it bearable.
Thanks, friendo
She surprisingly becomes bearable by the end of it all. But yeah, she definitely starts off as a little shit.
she looks like the type to do it herself
>Moiras butt made it bearable.
Nah, You just know she is the type who gets knocked up by the first guy who "understands her" then leaves her in a heartbeat.
hmm, that's better I admit
The game doesn't have much to pick from. There is the loli I'm not into, and Claire just looks bad. The evil scientist lady who injects herself with the STUFF (wow never done before in RE - also spoiler) barely has any screentime.
alright ive never played revelations 1or 2, i need to scratch off the Only two ressident evils i havent played, ive already read into both games and im confused about two parts, is raymond vester “a bad guy?” and the ending to rev 2 what does that mean for barry?
OP you gosh darned negroid
The sort of mouth droolers who like this shitty character are the same waifu fags who use the term "best girl"
Avoid the game, its shit.
OP, why are you very clearly samefagging?
Also not OP.
Stop being retarded, retard.
her japanese dialogue doesn't swear as much as the english version. take that what you will.
kys retard
You are tremendously transparent, 6cuck.
I liked this character, she's tumblr for the majority of the game, but becomes /k/ and /out/ by the end of it.
wow roode
moira a cute
buy it for the campaign, play it for the raidmode
Will we ever get a Rev3?
She looks like a young boy
Yes,with Jake and is going to be full action.
Why Jake is the youngest of the character? Will we ever have a Moira-Jake-Sharry love triangle? Will we ever going to see Ethan again?
She looks tumblr, but she doesn't go around spouting feminism or racism shit. The actual character is fine, don't be fooled by the design. She's like a jailbait version of Barry Burton.
Game is a great entry to the franchise. You're missing out if you don't play it.
Anyone have the one where Barry makes a drill pun or something and then it just zooms in on Natalia's face
she is actually great.
Claire does all the hard work and she just helps out a bit.
for a game that is 90% just about woman it features zero sjw / tumblr shit.
based japan
just don´t expect the ending to make any sense
yes. I don´t think we will ever get another game like RE7 which is good in my opinion. I didn´t like the character design and first person at all
I hate that fucking stereotype so much, who started it?
Moira is the kind if girl who gets fucked exclusively in the ass or throat.
t.Alex Wesker
>ending to rev 2 what does that mean for barry?
He's doomed. She's going to kill him and most of his family eventually (she'll be 18 next year, so I'd expect her to make her move around then).
There aren't even that many of 'em around
>Fetch (not sure)
any others I should know about?
for research purposes only, of course
OP why are you such a try hard to fit in faggot? You would have typed this same retarded copy paste opinion shit if say, Silent Hill 3 came out today wouldn’t you? You are looking for there to be a problem where there isn’t one. Grow up.
That person is a triggered faggot. He can cry more about his boogeymen, Moira is fine. I fucking hate your generation, bunch of cry baby autists.
>igores every other opinion
>thanks the minorty that exho chambers him
Why did you even bother making this thread?
>it’s shit because one charcater wears denim shorts over tights
>drop the whole game right now
How is the a tumblr character apart from the haircut? She is just needlessly edgy but vry nice o look at
I really enjoyed the game, Raid mode is a blast.
That’s kinda how women look user when you aren’t going out of your way to make sure they don’t look like how they look like.
>if she had specific long hair
>and specific make up
>and specific clothing
>and specific bras to push that shit up
>and specific shoes to push her ass out
>and specific accessories like jewelry and earings
>and stuff like handbags
>NOW she looks like a REAL woman
Sure. Lets face it, we are just ashamed to discover Girls are just human beings. They have to do so much pretending and false shit just to look diffirent from us.
No user, you are right there are NO girls irl who look like her at all. None.
she's against muh 2nd amendment
Not for long
lmao this shill
Heather wasn't a dumb bitch though. She also had natural hair color and didn't swear like a retard
>natural hair color
Oh you
>natural hair colour
Fucking retard
>natural hair color
>didn’t swear
merely pretending right?
I just wanted to say that I want to fuck her legs
Gina made up for the lack of good characters
I can't help it
> sister dies in intro
> gina dies in intro in the sequel
>Slasher movie meme girl
>Good character
what the fuck is this inscrutable horse shit?
someone told me there were figurines in REvelations1. im 15 hours in and i cant find them anywhere. am i retarded or was i misinformed?
Game name, immediately.
resident evil: revelations 2. it's on basically every platform imaginable. get it for the raid mode.
I've only played 3ds version and there is a model viewer.
If it has that semen demon in it then I'll probably buy.
Why does everyone suck off 2's raid mode when there are almost no levels from Rev2 used in it and they mostly are all 6 levels? Other than expanding the selectable characters and adding level ups it is just meh.
This guy gets it
She's honestly got more character than most of the Resident Evil cast which took me back. I love the series but characters tend to be one and done usually. Like Chris and Jill literally have no development in Revelations 1 and there's abit of a running joke that Chris doesn't change at all throughout the game. I doubt Moira will really develop from here on out but she's solid.
Just look at this disgusting whore with her smooth skin and supple breasts. I hate her so much I don't even want to see any of you post any more character models from this franchise because of how much I want to vomit.
Was never really into mercs until I played RE6. Campaigns may be shit, but at least I can use that games awesome controls in it.
Way too much I hated almost all of Claire's sections because of her.
If I were in Excella's place, I'd totally lie those shots Wesker takes have to be given to the butt.
because the rev2 campaign's levels aren't designed as arenas. they're more linear and they wanted an arena feel, i guess. that said, i suck off rev1's raid mode more than 2's. 2 is really grindy rpg style, but rev1 raid mode feels more like arcade style challenges. much more difficult too.
rev1 raid > most mercs modes > rev2 raid
excella NEEDS the cocks. all of the cocks.
So what's getting revealed first: RE2make or Revelations 3?
Moira swears maybe 1/10th as much as me (and probably the average Sup Forums-goer). You're just reacting because you aren't used to hearing game characters swear all that much.
REmake 2
They would've done something by now if they were going to continue with the Revelations series. The most I can see with a 3rd is a companion game for RE8.
Moira is literally the only reason to buy the game. The actual game both story mode and raid mode is inferior to the original in every way. It's probably the worst game released after RE4. If you care about the story just look it up on a fucking wiki or something.
She swears even less than that in the japanese dub. Proof Sup Forums is full of normies if you're all playing in english. The english writing is so different from the japanese writing it makes me think the official script is the japanese one even though the official voices are the english ones.
A 3rd is needed at some point to explain what the fuck jessica and raymond have been doing since Rev1, unless they're going to play a large role in 8.
I remember reading the Revelations series and and main games would be running in parallel with the former being action-based and the latter keeping mainly to horror.
Both would be great.
We got something to care until RE8 reveal probably in 2020
>She swears even less than that in the japanese dub.
Do nips even know how to swear? Having a filthy mouth in Japan just seems to mean you're not polite.
>They would've done something by now if they were going to continue with the Revelations series.
They basically have 3 series going right now. Mainline, Revelations and Remakes. You generally don't want to complete with yourself.
they dont actually have "swear words" (apart from manko), true, but if you want to be a filthy/rude cunt in japanese, it's totally possible.
I hope she comes back but I doubt it.
>Jill only gets two costumes in 3ds version
>side character has 3
I know the console version has a couple added things but I consider 3ds version the best even then I hated that final boss so I don't know if I could beat it again. That mothergucker was just plain tough and only reason I did finally beat him was persistence and I pretty much had all my herbs during the fight.
Is he worse on new game plus? He's easy on Raid mode but I just couldn't do it but the one time on campaign.
>tiny tiny short shorts
>ass for days
>can dress in even skimpier outfit along with Claire
Thats why shes in the fap thinking about fucking the ever living hell out of her and Claire on that island instead of escaping
To be honest, the demand for a Rev3 is likely very low at this point, so it's a low priority when the fans are mostly interested in a continuation of 7 and where the hell RE2make is.
you just shoot him in the chest when he goes to hit you. he's pathetic. and that costume would be great but when you look at her from the back -- which is always -- it looks like shes wearing some collar from victorian england. her pulled down mask or whatever it is looks SO fucking stupid. giant frill necked lizard. why
Played through it for the first time recently on PC. On my infernal playthrough currently so I haven't reached him yet. I'm just about to play the best damn stage in the game where chris and jessica raid the ship.
I didn't really have that much trouble with him on normal. I don't know what your problem was. Did you just suck at dodging? Were the 3ds controls inferior to keyboard? Even if you can't dodge you can stun him by shooting his heart, although that's difficult to do in some phases if you're using a weapon with a low fire rate. Better bring the MP5 or the G36, the semi-auto shotgun, and your fastest pistol along.
Anyone else think they should make another Mercs standalone or port Mercs 3d?
The problem is if you just directly translate it to English without localizing it it doesn't work. The character I always think about is Kanji in P4, if they hadn't given him swears he would maybe have been a little more blunt than the other characters but not much else.
I meant compete obviously.
>it's an "OP has a giant chip on his shoulder" episode
3ds is almost impossible to dodge when you actually want to and even then I never had a use for it except the only required time of getting the ooze stuck in the tv.
>directly translate it to English without localizing
yeah but no one does that. like, the reason people use swear words in english is to sound harsh or angry or whatever. if you want to achieve the same goal in jap, you just use different verb inflections and stuff. the actual words arent 'bad' words, but the end result is the same: you sound harsh or angry or disrespectful.
saying like 'nani yatten no yo?!' sounds very very different to "ima nani wo shimasu ka?"
Reminds me of a Bond villainess or henchwoman so I like it. The one leg exposed is sexier to me than having both for some reason I can't explain.