During rpg game development, is there a team only dedicated to create lore and depths to the game?

During rpg game development, is there a team only dedicated to create lore and depths to the game?

like, in Witcher 3, who's job was it to decide that buckthorn smells bad when it's not underwater?

you will never work as idea guy user, im sorry.

Just a stab in the dark, but considering the Witcher's origin that kind of detail might be lifted from the books the games are based on, maybe?


That would be the writers' jobs
If you can't write characters or a story you're sure as hell not going to be hired to be a lorefag

In response to your Terraforming, I activate Ghost Ash & Joyous Spring to negate its effect.

The writers, the creative leads, the game director, sometimes the art team/department have some back and forth with the writing team. Depends on the studio, depends on the game. Depends on if it’s an adaptation or a new IP. Places like Bioware have a dedicated team for writing.

>smells bad when it is not underwater
as compared to smelling good underwater

Have some consideration for the fish.

Me, it's my job

fish actually only smell bad when taken out of the water, you should try smelling them while they are still in the sea


Not sure if you missed the joke.

that's one of the workers of the writer's team and it's quite possible for him to land on a position with a indie dev team. He shouldn't be aiming to work at a big studio anyway.

english is not my first language, so it is pretty likely i missed the joke. my reply wasn't implying you were talking about fish smelling bad though if that's what you mean

I think they create an internal game bible for the team that they all refer to. So if you're looking something up or creating something you work with the Bible to keep shit consistent

Damn that shit was great. One of many parts that display how much big game studios believe their clients are literal retards.

When was the last time you fucking smelled anything that was underwater?

Buckthorn is probably based on the real plant.

oh so you missed my point too. i was telling you to kill yourself

There are writers, yes.

Yea, i meant about the fish themselves smelling things. Ie. how sharks hunt.

Wait, they can? I actually didn't know that. Makes sense given how blood is said to attract sharks now that you say it

disregard my posts I am retarded

Understandable knowledge gap. It's also why you shouldn't take dogs into the ocean, or menstruating women. No matter what tampon ads say.