Anyone get a day off? what are you playing?
Snow Day
skipped school to play some persona
I work 2 night shifts and then do nothing for 3 days. Feels fucking great.
Also Warframe. Maybe will start Darkest Dungeons later
It was almost 40°C today and it will be tomorrow.
2hr delay for me but I just hacked my wii u :^)
Wtf. Getting days off because of snow???
Why would I get a day off because of snow?
I got laid off but supposed to get a job offer sent to me after my interview the other day in my email today according to my friend through his referral. So hopefully I'll be able to play vidya with it knowing outside knowing my crippling depression of being unemployed will end soon.
Ive only been out of work for a month and I can already see how most of Sup Forums is like they are.
>get wicked cold
>get rest of the week off from work
>finally i can catch up on some video games
>have done nothing but stare at Sup Forums for the last 24h
I don't even know anymore
Actually every day, I work at home (got my own studio).
Depends on the country but high levels of snow and ice can cause blockages on roads, tranins tend to get cancelled too, preventing you from getting to work, if you are at school the same thing applies, not sure why I had to explain this.
Fucking amerimutts
Houston here, city basically shut down over 25 degree weather.
>Anyone get a day off?
No, because I'm not in high school you fucking underage b&
>no one has ever had a day off at work
High retard level today.
What kind of a snowstorm do you need to cause blockages on roads? I live in the fucking arctic circle and never seen one.
Not much in countries that tend not to get them or get them non regularly, like the UK. Countries that experience them regularly have an easier time planning and allocating recourses to deal with them. Its pretty simple really, it's like when certain areas experience unexpectedly high levels of rainfall and flooding occurs.
I got laid off and was out of work for 6months, luckily I lived at home,when I wasn't looking for work I spent my days running, working out and playing vidya. I know I sponged off my parents and the state but I can't deny it was one of the best times of my life.
got three days off work, paid, because of an ice storm last year. no such luck this year, so far.
Just started playing Dwarf Fortress, which I do for like a couple of weeks each year.
Starting a new fortress is always pretty comfy really.
Cities XL
>I got laid off and was out of work for 6months
Did being laid off 6 months hurt you assuming that you have an actual career?
>sitting inside for a snow day
snow is so rare here that most people make a point to have fun in it when it falls (once every 3 years or so)
I hope we get some this year so I can go drift the subaru
Not really I was only 20 and switched careers and was living at home at the time anyway so not like I had any dependents. I can see losing my job now would really fuck me up, should have specified more, hope you get the job.
Chinooking here right now in Alberta so it's beautiful spring weather right now. Was going to start Tales of Phantasia tonight but ended up watching Brooklyn Nine Nine and masturbating furiously.
Anyone who is old enough, that he has a job, should leave this place NOW
Basically you are not longer welcome here if you are 23 or older, you are just a pedo creep. Go start a family dude
I was really looking forward to playing something nice these few days, since I'm already on a break.
However, my window broke down, it's impossible to keep it closed, and the guy who can fix it will come only at the end of the week.
My room is literally freezing right now, and I can't move the computer anywhere else.
So I'm just going to sit down in some of the coffee houses around, drink hot wine, smoke, watch the snow and perhaps read or write a little.
nah I work 12-8 I'm gonna keep shitposting
Underage b&
I want bank managers to leave. LEAVE
I live in Finland and we had 3 meters of snow a few years back and nothing was cancelled.
Why is everywhere else snow treated like apocalypse?
if you only have it once every 24 months or less, it becomes pretty low on the list of priorities of "things to be prepared for." this really isn't a complicated concept. you're in the minority if you live somewhere in which snow is a predictable, constant, and frequent concern.
Dunno, snowfriend. Do you get moose licking warnings in Finland too?
Every day is a day off when you have no job. Currently playing Megaman Battle Network 2 again, currently trying to farm a single Fan G and having no luck at all and I keep getting Zenny or chips I don't needs nor want.
Are you me?
Snuggled up in a blanket playing Yume Nikki. I wish I was able to play it on a CRT
Don't know man.
I'm in eastern Canada and work is never cancelled because of the weather.
The schools will occasionally close, but only if there's a lot of freezing rain or some really fucking crazy blizzard.
That gif looks comfy, but in reality, I would be paranoid all the time with windows like that. I would feel like I'm being watched at tall time, and probably end up getting some blackout curtains anyway.
I find myself just continually refreshing, just in case there's some news on REmake 2.
I'm more concerned about the insulation desubh
It's my day off anyway, what should I play?
You only have to be paranoid about moose. Like in this picture They'll fucking lick you
I get 7 days a week off its called not being a cog.
>Get snow all the time
>Country is well prepared to deal with it
>Get snow rarely, sometimes none at all for the whole year
>Country ill prepared to deal with it
Really activates the almonds.
>tfw all it takes is for me to force myself to play vidya and I'm back to burning a screen into my cornea until I notice it's 5am only to go to bed wanting to do it all over again
I got nearly 30 hours in fucking Streets of Rogue of all games in 3 days. The rest was divied up between mundane multiplayer games and funposting.
if you get free money from the state, you're still a cog, just a different kind. if you get free money from your parents, you're just an asshole.
For some reason we have issues with trains during the snow at random intervals.
I wish, but we don't have moose where I live usually. We've had a stray moose or bear rarely, but maybe in the northern parts.
I really have hoped that it would be the case so I would have a reason to slack off, but never that has been the case. We even still had our PE class multiple times in elementary school when the temperatures were under -25 degrees Celsius. We mostly had hockey or skiing then, but sometimes we had luck and did indoor sports instead.
It's been snowing non stop and I took a day off today. I'll probably just grab a book and chill in bed the whole day.
2 hour delay.
>tropical zone
>no snow
>average 30C in the morning
>get skin cancer from the fucking moonlight
why live
I have never worked or paid tax and never will until something is done with rockafellas owning half the worlds wealth, my meds alone cost the nhs 30k a year.
You're an idler wheel, the cuck of the gear world.
>Anyone get a day off?
I work from home but yeah, I'm snowed in here in Scotland. Currently playing Mario Odyssey.
Prepared how? Only thing that's special is that you must have studded tires in your car for maybe 3 or 4 months of the year
>its called being a drain
>January, late nineties Canada
>Recess was dreaded because it was -40 outside
>Teachers still kick us out
>Only remember a group of 10 of us, ages 8-11, huddled together for warmth and trying our hardest to pull the doors to the school off so we could get inside where it was warm
>One boy was crying and his tears kept freezing to his face and stinging him so he would just cry harder
>Another kid took his gloves off to try and get a better grip on the door handle and his hand stuck and burned him
I like fall!
why are you not working wage slave?
>A day off
I have 365 days off.
I'll trade you, as long as you agree to take all the shitty tropical bugs and snakes with you.
Have you never seen that webm of a highway in america on a snow day where there's a 100+ car pileup?
Absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>its 11:35pm
>im on holidays
>i work for myself
pick one
aussie shithole that will soon be a barren desert because you drill and frack the living shit out of the enviroment.
Yes everyone in the UK is going to buy a set of fucking studded tires on the off chance they need them for a couple days a year.
lmao did you learn everything you know about fracking from mommy blogs? point out the desert to me
want to move to scotland where it's always gray and windy?
You wont be allowed to sharia england convict.
I am not a mutt i know the difference.
loving that temperate zone, feels good man
>snow day from work
>even though the buses and trains are still running
people are just pussies basically
and where is tasmania?
Its where 90 percent of the country lives convicts will be pushed into the desert once the chinks take over.
>severe weather warning
>wind howling
>hot cup of tea
>exploring Skellige in Witcher 3
instead you're fresh out and working some fucking retail job, we're all very impressed
You can use collect by that point if I recall correctly and you want a busting level of 7 or 8 I think. Higher will get you an asterisk code fan.
South you animal
I dont know. Either Rewrite VN, Kotor 2, Halo CE, DS or Loz SS
>shitty tropical bugs and snakes
I'm more worried about being shot desu
Yep, my buddy and I got a rare day off together. Gonna hang out at his place and play some Overwatch or watch him on his first playthrough of Undertale.
That sounds just lovely user, exploring with the mini map off was the best part of the game and Skellige is beautiful.
>read all the books a couple of years ago
>always pronounced Skellige as "Skelli-je" in my head probably because i'm a frenchie
>play game
>they actually say "Skelli-g-eh"
kinda rustled my almonds for some reason