Which is more "fun"?
Which is more "fun"?
The one that isn't Skyrim.
both are trash
skyrim unironically
Skyrim is more fun, Witcher 3 more enjoyable.
skyrim with mods
>Skyrim is more fun
I hate Skyrim with all my heart and everything it represents in gaming. It is a complete pile of shit and cancer that needs to be erased from the history of video games. It is a complete abomination and a disgrace to the first three Elder Scroll games and It's just so fucking terrible
And yet it's still much more fun to play than The Witcher 3 and I would rather spend 50 hours in Skyrim than 5 hours in The Witcher 3
I guess this says something.
Skyrim is far worse in every way.
skyrim is boring shit
witcher is typical post 2000 rpg
heavily modded Skyrim is much more fun, vanilla witcher3 is better
>witcher is typical post 2000 rpg
Can you name at least 7 (seven) similar to it?
would be a lot better with VATS desu
witcher would have been more fun if you could have done more with the vineyard
>skyrim still gets regular threads on Sup Forums, many hit 500 replies easily
>TW3 barely gets any threads on Sup Forums, if it does they're always either "Yennefer or Triss?" or someone posting about how awful the combat is
I think we know the winner
>I guess this says something.
That you are autistic for having such strong and emotional opinions about a a pastime for children
I generally don't like RPGs, all TES games bore the shit out of me. W3 is very engaging and I loved it, but it's barely an RPG, more like an adventure game.
Witcher 3 is hot garbage honestly, don't get memed into playing that shit.
If you're playing skyrim for the combat, you're doing it wrong.
what categorizes an adventure game? the way i see it, "adventure" is just a descriptive term for a type of story, says nothing about the gameplay.
Witcher 3 has a much better world, quests, and overall narrative.
Skyrim lets me fuck around make my own character to role play as.
>he's a morrowfag
Should've guessed, only Morrowind faggots are this autistic.
>says nothing about the gameplay.
It means focus on exploration and not much focus on the combat system, you dingus.
..skyrim is actually the more enjoyable game especially if you ad mods. In witcher 3 there is not a single enjoyable combat encounter, not one. In skyrim you can at least add new enemies and fix most of the combat with tkhitstop, no turning for attacks and so on..
In witcher 3 you are kinda stuck even if you try to change it more.
>first 3 elder scrolls
>pretending you've played Arena
>or Daggerfall
>pretending Morrowind didn't completely retcon the previous two games and completely change direction of the series
is there anything worse than newfags pretending to be old fans of the series?
But Witcher has a shitload of combat in it.
Can't be for the exploration either, or the quests, or the story, because those suck ass too.
I gotta keep in mind Skyrim is almost 7 years old and some of you played it when you were kids.
neither, play fallout 4 today!
Unironically, Skyrim.
>more fun quests
>more freedom
>more world interaction
TW3's biggest problem is that, as much as the world looks good, it's all just a sterile cardboard prop world with no real interaction. In Skyrim it actually feels like you are part of the world.
So if we're talking base game you agree Skyrim is shit.
>more fun quests
>go to this dungeon and fetch this item
The rest of your post is bait and I'm biting.
I said combat system. Witcher 3 and adventure games in general have simple and serviceable combat systems.
Skyrim is more fun. You can do all kind of whacky shit. Being more fun doesn't make it the better game, though. Witcher 3 is miles ahead of Skyrim in that regard.
Well I don't pretend to know much about what constitutes what genre. I just feel like the game doesn't really give you much choice in what character you play, you're always this one dude who often has to make some decisions, but they are not about him at all, we're always trying to guess what Geralt would do, not what I would do. Maybe part of the problem is that I've known this character for 25 years.
I don't know if that makes sense, I just feel like this game puts you on tracks and you're enjoying a ride, not forging your own character. And I thought RPG is about you creating and then developing a new character.
No amount of mods will fix the shitty guilds and lack of interesting side quests in Skyrim.
Oblivion vs W3 is a good match up. Skyrim is garbage.
I bet you also think Resident Evil 4 was bad you faggot
As opposed to Shitchers "Use your Batman Senses to do everything" quests?
I really liked RE4 actually, but its the only resident evil game I've played
>more fun quests
Outside of Daedra stuff, Skyrim doesn't have anything remotely memorable or interesting. And the main story sucks dick.
>more freedom
>more world interaction
Sure, you can gather those fucking random cabbages found inside carts on the street. And? Does that make the game fun to you? Does it give you more than like five seconds of interacting with it at all?
witcher 3 is miles ahead of skyrim
Meh even then I would but the combat above w3 for the simple reason its bad yes but not annoyingly so and it doesn't get in the way to much, both things that happen in w3.
It depends what you want if you play for story and sidequest stories w3 might be better to you (even though skyrim has some good side quests that are even more batshit than w3 stuff) if you go with combat looking for good combat you wont find it in either but skyrims combat is at least bearable imo
>Oblivion apologist
Oblivion is god awful and has aged terribly.
Skyrim by far, but both are pretty shit.
No, as opposed to "both are bottom of the barrel from that point of view". And at least Witcher 3 has well made presentation in almost every quest.
>And I thought RPG is about you creating and then developing a new character.
There are RPGs with a preset protagonist though, and there's nothing wrong with that. You can still make choices that wouldn't be too Geralt-y and be your own.
As opposed to the "go here idiot" quest marker? You don't even have to use your ability in most cases, and most of the quests that have you use them are hunt quests, where you're supposed to track the monster.
Witcher 3 combat is more polished but I oddly enjoy Skyrim more. Witcher just requires too much work. I'm 15 hours in and got tired of it.
It's not bait. It's bread crumbs being thrown into the pound so that the fish can have some respite and not worry about hooks as they have a bit of necessary nutrition.
>killing the Emperor
>Rise in the East
>Shalidor's maze
>that one haunted grave quest
There are plenty of great quests in Skyrim.
You do realize not all quests make you use the batman sense?
In Skyrim like 90% of the quests are just go there and kill something.
Goes to show you have very low standards and haven't really played good RPGs.
there can be some differences in terms of gameplay, but the quests, the way npcs behave, the dialog, the magic, the setting
gothic 2,3
risen 1,2,3
two worlds 1,2
also games like these in terms of type of quest and world design, even when combat is different and these are isometric:
dragon age 1,2,3
drakensang 1 plus sequels (counting the expansions as different games)
>As opposed to the "go here idiot" quest marker?
Skyrim can be fixed with mods to give detailed journal descriptions so that you won't ever need to use quest markers. Super Mario Poland can't be fixed with mods, the whole game is just "Use your witcher senses to get to the next cutscene" rinse and repeat for 100+ hours.
Umm anyone can download TES 1 and TES 2 for free faggot. Though I never played TES 1 past teh first dungeon because I thought it was shitty
TES 2 was one of the best things I've ever played
>killing the emperor
>kill the emperor for some dude
>literally nothing in the game changes
It's like you assassinated the president of some bigger country and no one would do shit afterwards.
I fucking hate Skyrim.
Witcher 3 at the very least has better story interaction. Which makes it more enjoyable.
you disgust me
I'm not saying Skyrim combat is super great or anything but
>Playing an easy as fuck difficulty
>Not using power attacks to break their block
>Not blocking or using shield bash cus "MAGIC + MELEE IS EPIC XD"
>Standing in one spot
Not if you mod it. Mods can fix most of the technical issues, usually. But they cannot fix the most important part of TES - lackluster quests. """"""""""""Radiant"""""""""""" questing is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. A fucking RNG.
I was gonna say "no PB games" but that would considerably lower your options of saying anything
We're not talking mods though.
>Which is more "fun"?
i'm a Witcherfag
but Skyrim is more "fun"
It manages to have an even shittier story than Skyrim, though. And even cringier writing.
Skyrim is shit literally 1/10 and TW3 10/10
With porn mods?
Skyrim is a 11/10
Witcher because it actually challenges you. Skyrim on Legendary was too easy
>It manages to have an even shittier story than Skyrim
>Standing in one spot
what does it change if the player keep moving or not ? it's still a swordsponge fest
no (you)
Witcher 3 is pretty crappy but you are completely deluded.
Why not? At least the devs gave the tools to modify the game to your hearts content.
CDPR lied to their fanbase and backpedaled on their promised mod tools.
The one where the open world isn't completely superfluous and you have more than one playstyle available
> and TW3 10/10
Why would you play garbage "games" like this when you could be playing once in a generation games like Breath of the Wild? Holy FUCK Sup Forums, get some taste.
heh, yeah PB was an easy answer here
Vanilla? The Witcher 3.
With mods? Skyrim.
If you move forward and back you can dodge attacks.
> Breath of the overrated trash.
Yeah, no.
Go back to /vg/, soyboy
Breath of the soy you say?
You are absolutely correct
I thought the memes about this place being full of kids were just that, memes, but it seems people unironically think either of these 2 games are remotely good. Is it any wonder modern gaming is a stale, bland pile of garbage when this is the benchmark developers need to hit
kys toddler
>>Playing an easy as fuck difficulty
It was adept.
>>Not using power attacks to break their block
>>Not blocking or using shield bash cus "MAGIC + MELEE IS EPIC XD"
One of Skyrim combat's biggest flaw is there is no balance at all. You can use strong attacks even with one pixel of stamina, and continue spamming attack. You're basically telling me to cheese the combat, as if that's supposed to make it fun. There's nothing fun about being OP if you're looking for a fun challenge.
>>Standing in one spot
To show how retarded Skyrim NPC AI is.
Sure, because spamming attack and having your character literally magnetize to the enemy is so much fu-zzzzzzzzzz
not only this, but theyre all in some fucking generic dungeon copied and pasted 50 times
Cry more, niggers. Nintendo are the only competent game devs currently, and you like casual garbage.
The combat in Skyrim has cool cinematic effect if you get really into it and try to make the fights and battles look as awesome as possible.
What games do you consider good, user? And why?
>casual garbage.
botw is like the definition of casual garbage.
well i think the choice is obvious
>plays games made for little kids
>calls others casuals
lol, todd, you're seriously defending skyrim's combat? oh man :D next you'll tell me that radiant quests were amazing
>those wobbly as fuck finishing moves that usually look like crap
Get out gramps. 2017 was a great year.
150+ GOTY awards and the season isn't over yet.
Wrong. It's actually incredibly deep, and only hard core players play it because it's so niche, unlike Call of Witcher.
Why would you want to play a loli when you can be a titty monster?
Irrelevant. Both are inferior RPGs and games to the legendary KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2
PS death to TOR and all MMOs
talking unmodded here, skyrim has
>boring quests
>boring environments
>combat that feels like hitting air +bullet sponges
>dungeons feels the same and everything lacks any challenge
>you can be anything, but the skill system allows you to be good at everything anyway
Witcher 3
>quests that feels like they where written by a person
>beautiful environments, but nothing too out there in terms of fantasy
>combat that makes you dodge, parry and make use of a variety of tools to kill the enemy, still a bit braindead once you get good at it, even on hard
>few dungeons, but also boring
>actually pretty cool monster designs
>no skills, just perks
I'd rather play a different rpg entirely, but I think I enjoyed witcher 3 a bit more, still halfway through the game, the gameplay was starting to become mush..
>spamming attack
You rang? Sure, Witcher 3's combat isn't great either, but at least I have to worry about getting ganked by enemies and projectiles when fighting more than one. The game also gives you certain limits during combat, so you're not OP like in Skyrim when you can just hoard OP health potions and use them whenever you want to during combat. Fucks sake, play Witcher 3 on a higher difficulty where shit actually changes.