Are you excited for the Switch Mini? You better start, it's being announced tonight.
Are you excited for the Switch Mini? You better start, it's being announced tonight
ʙJɴG ʙJɴG wᴀHoo
>Little switch
That seems legit
>tfw God of soy will be able to play switch with his son!
I'm so happy that beards are FINALLY being recognized as the face fedoras they are.
Funny how this "soy" meme has caused this.
been looking forward to it since i seen the teardown videos before the switch even released. i said at the time that the switch, as sold, was a mass produced proof of concept. it was shittily produced and designed that a redesign was inevitable. im only surprised that it took so long
>with his wife's son
>Beards are ending
What a fantastic time to be alive.
I'm a girl and facial hair isn't okay. Instant rejection.
I'm still not gonna shave my beard
hey it's either a beard or you get some 5'oclock shadow ripping your clit to shreds
>fuck masculine traits i want weak men to create my offspring
I can't imagine those joycons could be any smaller and still functional.
>He needs facial growths to feel like a man
Roastie detected.
Or you could just shave daily like the rest of us
Fucking hipsters killed bears fml, we’re going back to the 90’s shaven gayboys
There is literally nothing wrong with that
You're just too lazy to shave
Numales and beard have been a thing for years
>making big shaving even richer
sounds like someone is from the orient
I doubt you shave at all since you clearly don't know what a 5'oclock shadow is
I do i’m insecure as fuck, so what
>YES GOYIM! Buy our inferior chink shit that was already inferior to the Wii U. We made it even weaker than what you asked for so we could make more profit from shit eaters such as yourself. No go on chugging our shit and asking for more you subhuman, retarded soyboi Nintendicksucker slave whore. Nintendo needs more shit eating suckers like you.
>I am going to carry the prole of a man who needs to cut parts of himself off to appease society
The absolute state of women today: too stupid to realize they're sucking soy dick.
doesn't matter anyway a bootrom exploit was already found in the switch, it'll be release same as the 3DS one in about 5 years unless someone get's greedy.
My hands are getting cramp just by looking at it.
I mean you’re not wrong, well fuck me i’m too lazy to shave every fucking day
Call me crazy but I feel like there's a difference between a tasteful, well-kept beard and the scraggly overgrown messes that these hipsters all seem to sport.
Stop making console war posts while masturbating
Stop bullying the girl user, fast lady cover behind my shield *assumes defensive pose*
>I've never judged a woman in my life
Lol okay
So they made a portable version of a portable console? Nintendo is fucking genius.
480p display?
There isn't. At all.
This, and I have a scraggly overgrown piece of shit of beard
The Switch Mini meme needs to fucking die.
No reason it couldn't still be 720p.
>switch mini
what manlet came up with this epic meme? The switch is too small as it stands. Switch XL with bigger screen and waggle sticks that actually fit into adult hands when?
Some fucking retard on here keeps repeating it.
Imagine SMALLER Joycons. with SMALLER joysticks and buttons.
Fucking hipsters. Giving us people that are just too fucking lazy to trim or shave a bad name. When they stop showering, I'm going to be really annoyed,
Obviously not tasteful.
The thread is about beards, don’t derail
Facial hair is a submissive sign, just like glasses and hair longer than a buzzcut. You're actively covering yourself in a sign of defensive submission. You're exposing your feminine side in the hopes you won't be acknowledged as a potential male.
Go shave right now, Sup Forums. Drop the glasses.
God damn shut the fuck up.
I am so fucking tired of this beard, soy shit.
Shut the FUCK UP about your stupid autistic attraction fetishes. I know you love men with their mouths open with big bushy beards and can't stop saving pics of them but fuck off.
soon we will reach the golden age of cute clean-shaven boys
>that stuff you are growing that women can’t grow is a feminine trait
Are you upset that you've been called out on your excessive estrogen? Your lack of testosterone? Your soybeard?
>beards are now bad because hipsters have them
Is this the birth of an eric new me me?
Yeah they are called traps
you mean a Vita?
Yeah okay
Women hate beards they are fucking gay
The difference exists, but it's not in manliness.
>You're just too lazy to shave
Thats not true at all, I have a beard because I have a very round jawline and I don't like it
Beards are bad because you shouldn't rely on a lack of hygiene to make you feel like a man
That’s a a gay bear
Go shave, you fucking soyboy. You aren't a man.
Go to the gym bitch boy
>working out will change your jawline
It literally will. Gaining muscle mass and losing fat changes your head and face.
I want to kiss her cheeks
I don’t rely on it, it just comes naturally with my lack of interest in self preservation.
You seem to be under the impression that the only reason anyone has a beard is because they're insecure and need facial hair to feel like a man. Care to explain?
Cutting Soy out of your diet will.
Just look at all the soyboys with their horrible facial hair.
Hygiene is for sissy faggots, are you one of those guys that calls themselves “Manly” but can’t get their hands dirty in real life situations? Trash
I spent 3 years hauling steel at a metal shop that manufactured mine carts, and I was /fit/ as fuck, I still had a round ass face. I blame my shitty Irish side of the family, they all have round heads and puffy cheeks.
I was never meant to have a chiseled jawline so I hide it under a beard.
I bet you bought into mewing too
>Just look at all the soyboys with their horrible facial hair.
Soyboys also have skin. Clearly we need to remove our skin so girls will like us, right?
Women are always touching my beard. Maybe if you could grow something that wasn't a patchy fucking mess?
The more accurate statement is that women hate beards after they get their first rug burn on their inner thighs.
Side note, women are attracted to success, and popularity. If you have a good circle of friends, and you're with them in public having a good time, and you don't look like you're fucking broke, women will approach you regardless of facial hair, height, weight, or any other aesthetic criteria. Women in general just want to be part of a big group that may or may not pay attention to them.
Wtf is wrong with you all. I had a beard for a while, now I'm shaved.
I had people telling me I look better with beard and vice versa.
Pure preference.
Doesn't matter if you shave or not, all that matters is the ability to grow a beard.
That IS the only reason anyone has a beard.
just the foreskin
They have feminine skin thanks to all that Soy. Men don't.
Men also look after their hygiene and don't grow Soybeards.
I don’t know what’s more numale, having a beard or being like this faggot unable to grow one
>it'll be release same as the 3DS one in about 5 years unless someone get's greedy.
Now what the fuck did you mean by that?
This is true.
>Women are always touching my beard
I love role play threads
Yeah that’s cute
Not true at all. Some of us are lazy shut ins that just hate shaving. No one sees us, so why bother?
Myles is in the right here.
>user can't grow a beard and is so insecure about it he has to tell everyone beards are the true sign of being insecure.
I posted Lincoln because he's obviously one of the epitomes of manliness, despite his shitty beard.
People on this board are too stupid to realize beards are manly and soyboys grow beards to compensate for their lack of manliness. They're using beta male camouflage, just like animals. That doesn't make beards unmanly, but the other way around, which is just common sense.
Do you also elect not to wipe your ass?
Alright, so your justifications are:
a) there are people who have bad beards therefore all beards are bad
b) that's the reason because I say so.
Glad we could have this intellectually stimulating talk.
Best thread on Sup Forums
Lincoln was a lanky hick who just so happened to do a lot of good for our country, let's not go pretending he's a Paragon of masculinity
>Pure preference
Probably a bunch of low test beta faggots are pushing this meme. They don't have thr choice to shave or not.
>epitome of manliness
This is your brain on American education
Soys have feminine beards. Therefore, we shouldn't have beards.
Soys have feminine skin. Therefore, we shouldn't have skin.
Remove your skin, user.