Metal Gear Survive
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Is that really the best you can do to shill this? Just "videos"? Did Konami outsource their shill team to the pajeets as well?
So whats the whole point to this, do you just survive? Level up or something? Does coop play through the whole game?
It looks like it's going to be shit, shill elsewhere
obviously kojima drones
Sorry can you put more buzzwords in that post? This is only like a level 6 in the "do i fit in yet" tryhard post.
The single player looks like it has no point. You find blue prints and explore a map and build a base and survive? I don't know it looks stupid and the campaign is 20 hours.
Co-op looks like typical zombie horde shit
posting literally NOTHING besides footage of video game on the video game board - not even a comment about it - is considered shilling by Sup Forums in 2018.
>game I don't like
>must be shill
Unless it's Dark Souls then fuck off. This game is guaranteed flop that is objectively garbage.
I'm gonna be honest, metal gear spinoff games were always fun, but you can bury my dead body before I give more money to Konami. I'll buy it used once it's ridiculously cheap.
Looks like fun
brudas dis is not da wei
if the beta isn't shit and they patch some game modes in I'd be interested.
and no not battle royale. if the game is co-op then bring some co-op mods. Peace Walker had stupid fun monster hunter ripoff co-op, bring those back.
this shit screams "we have a top tier engine and NEED to use it for something besides poor man's FIFA"
Konami should just sell the fox engine
Is this the early co-op demo, or is this recent? I thought co-op and singleplayer were seamless now, and that you could bring other players to your base.
Kojima's studio is basically making a clone of the engine, I'm pretty sure the guy who made it went with them
What time does the beta start exactly?
It looks just like MGSV, it could just reuse all the assets, animations, etc and people will still call it shit because of the cult of personality surrounding Kojima
There is zero reason for this to exist.
all these videos are from this week
hurr durr kujimu's made the fox engine, konamu stolen it! even though kojimu can't code for shit! he made it with wizardry!
I guess that it was quite cheap to produce.
Same textures, sounds, UI, physics, graphics.
Well, I'm not totally right on on that, there is some indie crap sound added with no edition whatsoever that sounds like the HD remake of Silent Hill.
Like that annoying tutorial voice.
Who the fuck do you think made and coded 1, 2 and 3, retard? It didn't spawn out of magic, Kojima fucking made it.
I think it can be fun, you just have to ignore the title.
>unapologetic cashgrab made by reusing every single engine asset
nah I'll pass
I meant the webm
might as well check out this mess and see if theres anything decently fun in it
like any all games
thats from one of the videos, its the coop lobby
you can probably invite someone in your base to fuck arund but the coop missions look like they have an actual lobby to them
weapons are unique at least
kojima cant program
Looks better than the majority of the MGS snorefests
are you fucking retarded? tools, complexity, coding languages and knowledge required to make a spectrum 8-bit game and a contemporary graphic engine are completely different
a team lead by kojima. kojima is not a programmer. he was even shunned for it when he started at konami.
I thought Kojima was using the Horizon: Zero Dawn engine?
Is the beta only PS4 and Xbone?
>the guy who made it
You have no idea how software development works.
>multiplayer only
>MGSV tried to make the HUD as streamlined and minimal as possible.
>MGSu throws all this out the window and has the most obtrusive and cluttered HUD the series has seen yet.
Nice job guys.
>looks better
>MGS snorefest
>gameplay video litteraly is grinding/inventory managing for 40 minutes interrupted by some vomiting sound
What even are Kojima's skills? Surely he's not just an "idea" guy, because why the fuck would you pay anyone to do that.
no he's a freelance and is working with namco-bandai now, that's why the new ace combat looks so much like MGSV
The FOX Engine was made by mainly one person though, obviously with a team helping but it's credited to one person.
>gameplay video litteraly is grinding/inventory managing for 40 minutes interrupted by some vomiting sound
What the fuck I love literal 1 hour cutscenes now!
Can you play as cute operator girls? This is important.
is this fucking fortnite
Pretty sure there's a character creator, so yeah.
Ace Combat 7 is using UE4
he's a writer and designer
>spawns a fence in the middle of nowhere
>zombies jump on it to destroy it before trying to eat you
Thats kinda lame. Still gonna keep an eye on it though, I like coop survival kinda games.
Yes, and they kept the asthmatic sprinter voice, because why not
Very mad shill.
>posting literally nothing
Could have ended it there. Hehe xd look it's the funny gmod meme retards delete this xdd look it's your favorite metal gear the fifth one that we (Konami) now hold the full rights for everybody liked metal gear online right? oh wait no one did lol let's toss in CRAFTING like in Minecraft
Fuck off shill.
>A Hideo Kojima Engine
Hey, this actually looks like a lot of poo
All software is developed by a single turboautist and a team of mummies to bring him tendies and change his diapers
>kusoge means bad game
back to r/kappa/
>all FOB content
>quiet dancing in the rain scene
Kojima raped his own legacy
Yeah but he is doing the custom work
>pic is the people who actually buy survive
Alpha males follow Kojima.
I never said it was Kojima who made it you fucking retard, nor is he even the one credited for making it
You're trying very hard to sounds superior while crashing and burning hard in the process
>Falling for lowest tier bait in 2018
Never change Sup Forums
Looks OK but, why did it have to be a Metal Gear game?
Would have been much better of as MGS with no connection to Metal Gear.
it was a joke, you big dummy.
>you have to eat something before dying of hunger
>ate something 20 minutes ago
>why did it have to be a Metal Gear game?
Because it's easier to market and it's easier to rip assets without explaining why they were all ripped from MGSV. They are not interested in returning to video games, they are just making a cashgrab with as little resources as possible
>mfw get so used to blind elitism on Sup Forums you can't discern jokes anymore
No, we're calling it shit because that's what it is.
Yes, it looks just like MGSV and reuses assets, animations, etc but instead on doubling down on the good parts of MGSV they decided to make the worst out of MGS's last chance.
>he had to look it up
Konami doesn't require you shills to know their runes? Nice spacing, by the way.
I'm looking forward playing survive with you
Don't speak for me, faggot. I was being serious.
lol no u weren't nig
some guys tries to derail the thread
just comment the awesome gameplay in theses videos guys :)
(there is a lot to say)
>this is what konami decides to pour money and human resources into
Anons, laugh with me!
When the fuck does the beta go up?
Yes. Kusoge. Zombie survival microtransa- zzzzzzzzz... Kusoge.
>he thinks I don't live in japan
ps blog just says "the 18th" so probably depends whenever their shitty stores update for each region. as with everything else
Waste of a awesome engine.
plz show me the bow and arrow in mgsV
And they will suffer for it.
Game would have done great as a standalone.
Hell, even a reskin with slightly different art style using MGSV assets would have been better of.
But they had to just slap Metal Gear on there didnt they...
>he isn't playing it right now
it's fun as fuck just unlocked the megalodon swimsuit bros
you mean alpha manlets
Won't be long before we get PUBG Metal gear edition
Press ロ to trash.
>people want yet another battle royale gun game
Wow it's exactly like pubg...but with different engine...damn.....
At least if it got that mode the normies would stop whining about #fukkojima!!!
They don't care about it doing great, they care about making money. If you prolong the development cycle for as long as possible and do as little as possible to differentiate the game from the MGSV with hyped up mechanics then you only have to sell "few" copies to make profit.
Now that you're saying it: Does Survive capitalize in any way on the stronger hardware of the bone and PS4?
I mean MGSV was a cross-gen game and boy, it showed.
>all the time and effort making this could have been spent on finishing MGSV
Literally the worst parts of MGSV, this is for retards.
I don't know anything about this game besides the zombies that were in the announcement stuff.
Honest question. Is the game only multiplayer?
Combat Bikini WHERE?
thank you my good man
Those new idroid voices are fucking terrible, especially the male one.