WoW 7.3.5 is out
who's the leveling going?
WoW 7.3.5 is out
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>Still have to slog through WoD
nice try blizzard
they fucked up dungeons and old raids completely lol, retards still cant do anything right
>People still play WoW
>you actually have to start thinking now
how terrible
>only change is increased xp
>thinking the dungeon strategy has changed
Time consuming doesn't equal difficulty
Yea, how dare they expect people to actually pay attention and be careful instead of just mindlessly steaming through it. WoW's community is literal cancer.
>the illterate shill makes another thread
Pay attention? To what exactly?
My subscription just expired and I barely played at all, really boring.
I started playing Ascension now, anyone else?
There are people that play even worse games, like TERA, Blade and Soul, XIV and GW2. Move along.
Why didn't they release allied races along with this?
Would be an actual incentive to level something.
theyre holding them hostage because BfA preorders
If this patch was supposed to bring a new incentive to play and for players to return, I don't see it.
Ascension is dogshit lmao
>People are still retarded like you
Well, you can't really idle and play pool on your other monitor while spamming dungeons anymore, which you may or may not like, but the freedom of choosing where to go is pretty good. I guess people wouldn't really complain if you got the same amount of xp for your efforts as before, now it just feels like you're not getting much out of dungeons (but they are actual adventures again and not just everyone oneshotting everything).
The backpack slot increase is also a very welcomed change.
Why? I'm only level 12 now.
>Why didn't they include this paid feature in this free patch?
Just for once man please use your brain.
>free patch
>pay for game monthly
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the changes this brought? Sup Forums's they only site that'll load for me right now for some cunting reason.
>actually paying for WoW monthly
Bosses in dungeons have 25x the amount of health you have. All mobs are on steroids now as well. No more mindlessly pulling the entire dungeon. People actually have to go through their rotations and do their roles. You can't oneshot everything you see. Almost everywhere you go, things are scaled to your level, a la Legion zones. Somehow this is seen as a bad thing.
They should've increased the experience gained respectively, though. There is a discrepancy between time invested (due to insane health) and xp gained now.
I'm so lonely on this game, any Sup Forumsirgin guilds on Frostmorne Alliance?
to how many and which mobs you pull. the way it is now is probably just an overtuning bug (seeing as some later dungeons like in wotlk are scaled normally), but I heavily prefer it to the old runs where you just keep pressing w while spamming your instants and having to get mad when you get a group that doesn't realize how easy it is to oneshot everything and takes ages.
imo slow dungeon style + heavily increased XP to counteract the increased time needed to do dungeons would be the way to go. afaik at the moment the increased XP doesn't even nearly counteract how much longer it takes.
I wouldn't be surprised if they realized that it's gonna be a bit buggy, and two weeks or so from now after a bunch of fixes they announced bfa preorder + allied races as preorder bonus immediately available.
Well it's a new system, and Blizzard isn't exactly well known for foresight. I for one welcome our new steroid dungeon overlords. I fucking hate how everyone auto pilots through everything. It's about time they changed shit.
should note that this, unfortunately, appears to be unintentional. a lot of earlier and later dungeons (while still having increased HP and damage pools) play like the old style (i.e. rush through it braindead).
>can't solo some old raids anymore
>can't get gear that isn't your spec from old raids
Guess I'll have to level a holy priest so I can get transmogs for my mage.
I think I'll play something else instead.
>imo slow dungeon style + heavily increased XP to counteract the increased time needed to do dungeons would be the way to go
That isn't how blizz has done dungeons since cataclysm; outside of mythic+ and challenge modes (and equivalent raid content), all content is now running around like a headless chicken spamming buttons randomly while stuff dies around you
shut up, you can switch from personal loot to group loot you dingus
They nerfed heirlooms stats hard so shitters die all the time. Funny considering how much abilities and CC were cut from the game.
That pic would've been a good premise for an expansion
After getting pissed off in Legion Jaina goes to the frozen throne and nicks the helm of domination from bolvar
The cinematic could've been a remake of the one from the end of frozen throne with Jaina going up the tower killing scourge minions and ending it with her putting the helmet on (just like arthas)
Revenge of the Wrath of the Lich King.
of the Legion Crusade
>not buying game time with gold
Pretty sure that's impossible now, it costs more than a quarter of a million gold.
Sounds like maybe wow might be worth looking back into again
>started questing with a new character w/o heirlooms
>mfw you actually have to avoid shit now so you dont get one shotted
never played vanilla, can you compare this with questing back then? im unironically enjoying this right now until level 90
Not the other guy but acension is a meme. cookie cutter builds if u want to be the best and not get rekt, also the servers max pops are like 400 lmao, thats why that have like 5-7 realms now. its fucking meme worthy.
But the pull of WoW, the reason to play, was the carrot on a stick gear grind to get higher stats. Nobody played the game because it was fun
Now everything scales with you whats the point of anything in the game?
it's been like that for ages now, at least for eu
The excuse people give is that they want progression for their character. They dont want that wolf in a previously level 1 zone to still be a match for them at level 60. That being said at max level you'll still probably 1 shot everything in WoD zones and below.
250k gold a month is not difficult to make. literally just put the FREE shit you get on the AH.
it's closer to vanilla for sure. you had to be careful with pulls and rest between fights or you'd get fucked up.
the problem is that modern WoW entirely revolves around rushing to max level as quickly as possible because the only content worth doing is at max level. this kind of slower, more difficult leveling worked in vanilla because the journey was the game, not the destination. now you're going to be stuck leveling for even longer than before doing content no one wants to do because they've already done it 10 times on their other alts.
This change wasnt really for the veterans. Sure they might level one of the new races for the race specific armor, but this is to benefit returning or new players who don't want their impressions of the game being a constant speedrun where everyone is decked out in gear that destroys dungeon packs in 2 seconds.
>can't solo MoP raids now
I can sort of understand making it where you can't solo SoO, but MoP raids? Come the fuck on.
When is classic out?
No date yet. Probably next year.
but they haven't really done anything to address that problem. instead of it just being a speedrun to max level, now it's going to be a very prolonged and tedious struggle to max level. they made leveling harder but didn't do anything to make it more substantial or interesting. you're still going to be stuck doing "kill x of y and bring me z" quests, they're just going to take longer now.
You guys realize that some low level dungeon bosses now take 15 mins, right? Scaling is fucked up.
Not making it faceroll is one thing, but it gets really silly now.
WoW has more diverse quests than most MMOs on the market. Im not sure what people are expecting from quests. It has all sorts of gimmicks especially after they revamped the world to make use of things like vehicles.
If they do then its just bugged. The HP increase was supposed to be like 200-300% for those. Typically bosses in Vanilla leveling dungeons pre-patch take like 10 seconds.
>hp in the millions for some low level dungeons
Fuck off, retards.
people actually want braindead facerolling, dont deny it
Woah hold the fuck up. I heard they also made it so you can't go back and solo old raids anymore? What has changed besides just the numbers?
>slog through WoD
Just do the bonus objectives and you're done in a few hours.
Theres a difference between whining about an obvious bug and whining about the new scaling in general.
I'm sure, but no-one here is saying that. Dungeons are legit overtuned at the moment, amongst the crazy amount of other dumb bugs (like ZF mobs dropping OLD ZG gear). But instead, you get dumb pricks
who clearly haven't played the actual patch going on about this is how it should be.
>Cant find a single video of these new dungeon scaling, only people leveling on quests
is this true or do I need some bullshit items?
The current scaling is what's fucked, though. It's fine for quests, for dungeons it's messed up. Bug my ass, I just spent almost 20 minutes on Gahz'rilla.
Its BUGGED you dense fuck. Go look at the official numbers. Its intended to be 288% increased. If its in the millions then yes its bugged and they'll probably fix those in a day.
>can't solo some old raids anymore
Up to where? Won't Legion's damage scaling still be good for MoP?
You can't solo MoP raids at all at the moment, the bosses' HP just becomes too high. Especially with bosses like Sha of Pride which have teleport mechanics fuck with this because it means the fight resets (no targets for the boss).
So whats the issue? When it was at 70k you killed Gahz in 10 seconds. Now you fight it for maybe a minute tops. In XIV dungeon bosses lasted twice that.
I was told they dont let you go into old raids anymore solo.
Oh man a minute long battle again a boss that just auto attacks how intense and needed.
A lot of people are complaining that levelling and dungeons are harder. Is this bad or is this just casuals bitching that 1-100 isn't a cakewalk anymore?
>Now you fight it for maybe a minute tops
You're talking out of your ass, aren't you? It takes 15 mins or more right now.
fucking 8.9k hp at 55? In that case 300k for Gahz seems appropriate desu
>Did Argus LFR last night
>Friend invites me to his guild's heroic meme run
>Get all the way from High Command to the Shivarra with Didn't even die in some of them
Eonar was kinda fun, I'll admit. Argus is straight up a XIV boss though, in a good way.
Everything must be instant without the time and effort, did you not know this?
A lot of it is legit bugged, it's hard to tell what's intended and what's not.
>super important warchief quest
>go to silithus its URGENT
>ok kill 10 of these
>bring me 10 of these
>heres 10g for your time
>now go kill this dude
>ok heres 10g again
>talk to this dwarf
>ok u can leave now
no loot, no lore, nothing
what a waste of time, I cant believe I resubbed for this trash, I'm uninstalling the game
>bullshit items
Yes, you need heirlooms.
You will run out of objectives eventually, so you will have to continue questing.
When that happens, just go to Spires of Arak, complete the garrison outpost there, and get the xp boost for the zone.
Then clearly its bugged and they accidentally messed up the defense values along with it. You should be able to do 300k pretty quickly even at that level.
People were used to nuking everything in sight for WoW dungeons. I honestly thought that XIV was the current MMO standard if everything but Mythic raids/dungeons are a cakewalk in WoW.
Who is the leveling going?
Yes you dumbasses, the real classic experience of Gahz'rilla taking forever. Not even in vanilla was this boss hard, a lot of these bosses' hp is overtuned. But sure, pull the fucking casuals card once more.
Its retards complaining about bugged armor values that will get fixed in a hotfix in a day. You can look up the HP values changed in MMO-Champion.
Reminder that MMOs are an illness. Get your life in order. Become a normie today!
It's one of their gay "the questline unlocks week by week" moves to pad out time.
>no lore
what the fuck? the quests aren't all that great but there's a lot of storytelling there
I have no idea what you mean by that statement. XIV isn't hard at all. They're basically doing what XIV does now. Having incredibly drawn out but very easy dungeon fights. The bosses in XIV dungeons only use like 2-3 skills but you fight them for minutes.
>Eonar was kinda fun
It stops being fun very quickly if you do it weekly or even twice a week if you do different difficulties. There is so much downtime.
I never said XIV was hard.
Why do you people still play this shit? The game was already dying 10 years ago.
>complaining about video games on a video game board
That's good, because I don't think I plan on doing it again for awhile.
Also, any idea how hard it is to get Aggramar's sword to drop?
im doing heroic/normal/LFR every week and have never seen it drop
I hit level 98 in gorgrond
>All these people on the forums threatening to quit because they have to put in a drop of effort while leveling now
They'll be back for the expansion anyway.
Well shit.
I like having to actual play the damn game while levelling, but if you're decked out in heirlooms it'd still be nice to be able to get experience quicker. Less quests + mobs but harder would be great.
They should double down and increase the values even more for people bitching.