>game has day/night cycle
>no one ever plays at night because you can just sleep until morning and skip the night
>night serves no purpose other than to take cool screenshots
Game has day/night cycle
Npcs all vanish too
>night serves no purpose other than to take cool screenshots
The fuck do you want then?
If you want them to be realistic then, this shit happens, and it's pitch black.
If it doesn't you'd still bitch and call it a day with blue filter.
>game clock is synced with real time
>always play at night
>never see a daylight ingame
>game clock is synced with real time
>on the server that is in a different timezone
>night mode is complete shit
>locks you out of some things you need to do right now
>can't see shit
>serves no real purpose
Sometimes you literally have to skip nights if you want to have any fun, I mean it can be comfy but in most games it's not.
>play at night
>different NPC's appear
>town's atmosphere completely changes
>new quests unlocked
>dungeons open under moonlight
>different enemies to fight
>arms and armor have different stats
>game is a time-space singularity
>can't change the outcome no matter you do in whichever time line
Is there a game that has the following:
>Game has day/night cycle
>24 hours in-game = more than 1 hour of real time
>Certain things/quests can only be done during night/daytime
>There is no possible Option to skip time by sleeping/waiting/meditating or whatever.
>You can sleep - but time passes normally while you sleep.
Hardmode: No MMORPGs
>NPCs have a schedule so they are at different places at night than during the day
>This serves no purpose other than fucking with you and making you get lost when you try to turn in quests in the name of "IMMERSION"
>MC is a dumb bimbo
Pokemon silver/gold
>of Thrones
>dgaf about time
Story of seasons, at least it makes sense, you are a fucking farmer, you dont have time to do shit at night.
You dont sleep there
>ArmA 3
name one game that does this
>Only character who hates MC is jealous because she wants MC's boyfriend but isn't even on his radar
What would be the point of having a sleep mechanic that doesn’t do anything anyway, why would you just watch your character stationary to pass time in real time? At that point there’s no difference to just turning the game off
>a cute girl greets you every time you start the game
>the greeting changes depending on the local time
Almost had one until >you can sleep but real time passes
>>no one ever plays at night because you can just sleep until morning and skip the night
Except when night triggers at 7pm, aka when I'm free and can play videogames
That's what I hate about Dying Light
If I remember correctly it only forces you once or twice to play at night.
Should have make it harder to skip or just plain forces you more.
You can, and it heals your pokemons
Literally my experience as a child with pokemon crystal. Should have choosen another time frame.
Dragon's Dogma did it right, you can't listen to the fucking great night song otherwise.
Terraria except for the 2nd one and last ones, whatever the fuck those mean
One of my favourite moments in DD was skulking around in a forest at night slaughtering gobbos when suddenly a chimera pounced on me and I had to fight it off by lantern light. You can't get that sort of experience if you only play at day.
What did Estelle mean by this?
Why is Joshua such a stud?
>nighttime does literally nothing except add a flat percentage to enemy speed/stats
>no extra rewards for fighting them
>no fancy items that only spawn at night
>not even slightly more experience
>not even skippable without leaving the dungeon
Just add 25% to all the enemies and force the player to wait in a corner until it ends. At least MK2 cleaned it up somewhat, but fuck this was annoying in MK1.
>Weapons and armor have different stats
I honestly fucking hate this shit- There are very few exceptions to why my sword should hit harder when the moon is out.
iirc Liberlian girls like him because he's Erebonian and they find his eye color exotic. Also slightly effeminate and very intelligent and polite.