"To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers. That a game can aspire to artistic importance as a visual experience, I accept. But for most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic." - Harrison Ford
"To my knowledge...
Other urls found in this thread:
he's clearly never played undertale
Planescape Torment.
For realism you need to read this while chewing gravel
This. He's been wrong for years
Do you think the filmmakers regret not killing off leia after carrie fisher ODed off a drug induced bender?
that's not far fetched desu
meh, you cannot really compare this with some of the greatest literature opus
Probably, but they needed to push their "muh strong womyns" narrative so Han gets sabered while Leia asspulls her way to safety
Let's be honest, there's no way in hell Harrison Ford would expend this much mental energy thinking about video games.
"Aren't they for kids?" would be as far as he'd go.
It's an Ebert quote, brainlet.
I know
This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Video games are the ultimate form of art. They blend all the other forms and allow you to inhabit and experience (interact with) a whole different world.
Surely you aren't implying that women are mortal, thus fragile and weak? What a bigoted, sexist shitlord. The new movies are supposed to showcase an alternate history when Hillary won and women are in charge, so fuck off.
I sure do love how all of the most dramatic death scenes are of random female characters we've never seen before
>have money, fame, friends
>waste it all by OD'ing
Celebrities are some of the most ungrateful fuckers out there.
I'd rather OD myself out of existence than talk to Star Wars fans too desu
How's THAT supposed to work?
Now consider how long all those artforms have been present, in years.
And compare to video games.
Heck, take the first, same, time period of films since the first film, and from the top of your head name as many big movies from that era, as books, artworks and symohonies, music, whatever, created since each and every of those individual art-areas were created.
This. So. Much.
common argument but that is not actually true. just because it can in theory contain all other mediums means that it is superior, because in practice all games do things that far remove them from other mediums. for example, in order for most people to even consider something a game, player input and decisions are required. this makes it theoretically and practically impossible for any game to represent the same thing as a book, movie or tv show, in all of which the author has complete control over what is shown and experienced.
>embracing the arbitrary dichotomy of what is art and what is not art that has been invented by brainlets and pretentious wannabes in order to feel superior in their tastes in the first place.
even by considering any discussion about this, you go down the path of the pleb.
40000+ years old
8000+ years old
2500+ years old
2000+ years old
120 years old
>Video Games
45 years old
Friendly reminder that no matter how much talentless butthurt fags pollute the definition of the word "art" the idea of art will always be rooted in skill, not in subjectivity.
>no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers
This is true regarding every single cultural medium of modernity. Or should I say (((modernity)))?
Are we going to attribute this quote to a different person every day? I wonder who it will be tomorrow.
The great dramatists, poets novelists and composers were from centuries ago. The greatest filmmakers were making films in the 1950s and 1960s. It's only recently that video games have become advanced enough to match- and surpass- film in terms of artistic merit, so it will likely take a few more decades at least for the real masterpieces to be made.
To be fair, a lot of them probably think this way.
Complete bullshit. Books, TV shows and movies are all interactive to a point as well and different meanings can be inferred by each individual viewer of the work, the one that the author intended exists and you could argue that it's the true meaning of the art, but the same can be said about a video game. Just because the one participating in your artwork does not see your intended meaning the work does not cease to be art.
I think the recency of narrative games sort of prevents any comparison to any classic works because we don't know what games will have monumental status and what won't. But to be honest, I feel like a lot of the uniqueness of gaming is mis-used. Games that are sandwiches of gameplay-cutscene-gameplay seem to be what most of those kinds of other media would be compared to but that's not really utilizing gaming to its fullest I think. Definitely talking out my ass here. Anyway, I doubt whoever really said this quote actually wanted to be proven wrong or played enough video games to test the validity of their statement. This quote is the same as those "prove me wrong" posts which inevitably boil down to the OP being overly dismissive so they can feel like they made a legitimate point out of their subjective opinion.
Wow, funny how he managed to use the exact same words as Roger Ebert did 15 fucking years ago.
Nevermind most people in the thread are falling for it.
Yesterday it was Quentin Tarantino, today it's Harrison Ford
Why can't you do something unique?
The Stanley Parable, maybe...?
a man of fine taste and deep wisdom . His last movie was shit though
if carmack were to say it, how would he?
I'd have sex with granny Leia if you know what I mean
"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
>be naturally beautiful
>destroy your face with plastic surgery and injections
i hate women
Is he even that insightful?
This but unironically
It's actually a Roger Ebert quote, and he later changed his mind
He was right
No he wasn't, Carmack is a hack.
Hi Romero
Ironically, Ion Storm's best game didn't involve him at all.
Back in the time people were saying this about movies and i'm sure people will say the same when a new kind of media appears, that's just how it is.
Games aren't art, so why try to compare them?
Carmack was right though
Silent Hill 2 says hi.
i dont even play games for their story -- i think anyone that does is kind of retarded (because the writing is never good) -- but man, whoever said this sounds like a pretentious, self important artfag.
>great dramatists, poets, filmmakers
novels and movies are not important. they're a fun distraction. same with games. having ten different award shows a year where people get dolled up and go make speeches about how their game/movie was "thought provoking" or whatever is really pathetic.
he obviously doesn't play games
>Video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic.
>Now excuse me while I drink this pint of gin, and crash a plane into a golf course
Someone tell the guy already.
It's an actor, the fuck does he do outside of reading scripts, and not even that, he probably has his agent look it over and decide for him what's a good choice, since the regulations of the SAG require him to be paid equal or more than his previous paycheck, then no one outside of people capable of paying the exorbitant fees for him would even try to send him scripts.
What I'm saying is that he's uneducated for the topic and his opinions have no more weight than the next uneducated person.
The quote is wrongly attributes to him.
Didn't Quentin Tarantino say the exact same thing yesterday? Hmm...
Yeah, and George Lucas as well.
Sorry, it's my weekend and I never really followed Ebert and Roeper anyway. Same still stands, a critic speaking outside of his purview doesn't really hold much water, it's like me telling an electrician what he's doing is right or wrong, but I'm just a carpenter and have naught but cursory knowledge of electricians basic.
Harrison ford never said that, Ebert said that, and in this interview Ford states the opposite while playing the uncharted series so what the fuck are you mixing up quotes for OP?
To trick people.
for the succulent (You)s
I know that this game was far from perfect, but as a self-contained story, I really liked Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. The endings hit me really hard, especially my favorite one:
Maybe it just hit me at the right time in my life, or maybe it's because I was simply playing the game as a game instead of considering the symbolism all that much. Regardless of what it might have been, everything really hit home for me. Silent Hill 2 will always be my favorite entry in the franchise, but Shattered Memories holds a special place in my heart as well.
>45 years old
Tennis for Two was made in 1958, not that it changes the scale of your comparison much.
Yeah, that just about sums it up. None of us were ever around to see the birth of literature or theater, but I'm willing to bet there weren't many true masterpieces for the first few decades. There were plenty sprinkled in between a mountain of awful drek, and the same can be said of video games.
>To my knowledge
I doubt this 129 year old man has played many video games of note in his life so I don't really expect or want his validation of the medium.
It's kind of funny how Sup Forums is willing to attribute that quote to literally anyone whose picture you put next to it.
movies are garbage too
especially the ones he played in
These kids have been trained to have no original thoughts, they're just kneejerk memesters ready to regurgitate the same few Sup Forums-approved opinions at anything you put in front of them.
The vast majority of films are not art and the vast majority of films that are art suck. Ebert's chosen medium is just as much of a joke as videogames.
>giving a shit what critics and journos say
She was mentally ill fuckhead. How many people with bipolar disorder do you know that are as successful as Carrie Fisher? She wasted nothing. She accomplished more in her disabled life than any of us ever will.
Disney made a killing off her death because movies insure their actors.
For that time. Times have changed.
but why?
Says a guy who only returned to Star Wars and Indiana Jones for the money. Fuck him and his opinions.
The girl is cute
Shame there's literally no porn of her, but at least there's some of Heather.