So Hyper Universe went f2p today, what are your thoughts on it?

so Hyper Universe went f2p today, what are your thoughts on it?
I'm working on an uncensored mod for it, any clue of where I should upload it once I'm done?

Also general Hyper Universe thread

Other urls found in this thread:!lYdCwTQS!aeLPD8sB5MysuWXtfjdA6d4ymnDQLato2wAPUtmTtsc

Don't bother. They shouldn't have censored it in the first fucking place.

Dead game. Their fault.

I forgot this game existed and probably will until the next thread in a month

and nexon writes off another game

>removing that delicious boob indentation
What a fucking travesty. Who is porting this game.

is there a collection of this guy's art anywhere

They barely censored the 2D Splash art. The actual 3D models are actually 100% untouched. There's also a guide on the Steam hub to re-enable physics painlessly via one config value.

sadly, even the korean site got updated with the censored portraits so now finding them for my mod will be way harder, what's worse is that timemachine's search engine is currently down so I got no way to look at past cached versions of the website.

these are what I have

They also recently had an AMA about this. The new director stepped up after the other one stepped down from the censorship debacle. Saying they won't do this ever again.

This skin is post director change.

wew lad


Anything does better than anything made by Nexon.

>Saying they won't do this ever again

yeah, they won't censor afer the fact, now they will do it internally without telling anyone

Game's fucking good
been playing non stop since launch
but I stayed up all night and I have work in a few hours so it's time to call it quits.
Got my Ignitia outfit, she makes my peepee happy

>even censored, it's STILL not avaliable in my country
what do i do lads, i want to get in on the fun you're having

Where you from? Russia? China?

>waifufags so desperate that they shill a shitty moba made by gooks


They censored the game, treated their community like crap, then they refuse to undo the censorship.

No. I was hyped for this game too. Waited so long. It's 2018 this isn't gonna fly anymore

Or even published.

This game is shit anyways who cares.
>pick a ranged character

Damn that was fucking hard. Not.

>sell a game on waifus
>censor the waifus

I mean... Why?

thank for the tip

RazielWarmonic is a dumb bitch also.

Post the THICC as fuck elf.


Ill probably play it for a little till it dies by next month.

Sad it has to go the way it did due to incompetence and censors

the new director should uncensor this game 2bh

they thought the people that wanted this game censored were going to be their playerbase.

>uncensored mod
Like a nude mod? If you're just going to edit the textures without changing the meshes don't bother.

uncensored as in restoring what the game was meant to be

Who cares, they even changed the bouncy physics, I'm not touching this turd of a game after they censored what was cool in it.

THIS is the ""censorship"" you fags are talking about? She's still wearing a skimpy outfit. What are you people on about?

>inb4 hurr shill

Are there cute boys in this game?
did they got censored too?

You even read the Steam guide that allows you to easily revert it? :V

you can enable them

>supporting any form of censorship

there's no trap tier boys as far I know, and I doubt any of the guys got censored at all

But Han is best grill.

Search 'Monable Artstation'. I can't find the other artists that worked on the game tho

you weren't hype
you're just going along with the Sup Forums hate of the week shit

I bet you haven't even played the game you lying fuck

it's the vindictus guy and monable
if they aren't the same person that is
the guy I dont think gives out his real name so hard to track

No one will be playing it

the game itself isn't censored, just a few portraits and Sup Forums spazzes about it for no reason

Stop lying. It's not about the censorship, you're just shitting on the game because it's

>mase by gooks
>published by Nexon

If this game didn't get censored, you bitches would then spam
>playing gookshit
>supporting Nexon

Looks like there's some cute boys (this one has a skin that gives him tits for some reason)

There are also some cute baras but muscles aren't my thing

Sad days friendo. Apparently they've been having region contract issues with Russia that's making it hard for them. Unknown what.

>vsync on
>still get screen tearing

nani the fuck?

>what are your thoughts on it?
I didn't bother with it

In-game setting or card setting?

Also, you guys realize they're giving out 6 character coupons and 1 skin coupon that don't expire right? So 6 free characters and 1 free skin of your choice that's available to buy (non-event).

>what are your thoughts on it?

>playing nexon gookshit that's censored

It's dead garbage run by chinks

Literally not even worth a download even if it was free

yes, who are the op hypers and how many more are we going to get that korea already has?

Right now We have 41/47 hypers. We got 6 more to go. Right now strong hypers are Camilla, Sonya, Han, TEA GOOK. Anyone else is more playstyle preferences.

At least use more recent stats.

i dont understand why they are stubbornly refusing to back off the censorship despite how badly it has effected the reputation of the game

fucking retards

>developed by koreans
oof, no thanks, I don't like SJW tripe

I dont know who design the characters, but i hope he will get more work, next time without does evil bastard trying to censor him.

So it helped?
Sup Forums got btfo'd

because Korea is an SJW wonderland

Nah too much trouble, in the beginning it was nice to help this shit crash and burn, now i just repost it so we can laugh at the crazy retard mod and how nexon killed the game.


now that it's available for my region, I'll go check it out.
Is it possible to play this totally F2P? can I unlock characters without paying?

Monable is the artist name. She is a girl. She has done with for other Korean games, like the mobile game Destiny Child.

Weird. I'm not getting screen tearing. Maybe try just your card setting?


I thought female artists got a free pass from sjw bullshit.

>REEEE censorship
They're entire censorship campaign was retarded but so was the communities backlash.
on a fucking steam forum. May as well be screaming into a pillow. It wasn't about censorship, it was about seeing titties and ass and no one could admit that. I may have taken them seriously had they made a more honest argument.

Or ya know, just say this game is shit and take their money elsewhere.

This a (You) test? :V


>genderbend skin
well wow

also I could try ripping the models off the game if anyone's interested, but I'm sure animators know how to do that themselves

nope, female artists who draw sexy girls are all brainwashed by the patriarchy and secretly hate themselves.

Makes no sense censoring this kind of game.

They never learn.

it's still funny how the Koreans were dumb enough to let some cultural imperialist socjus americans dictate changes to their game in their home market and saw their game's income drop when Koreans left the game in the home market, while the game was dead on arrival in America because everyone loathes the hypocritocal pedogaffers who have done their damndest to subvert the industry with their morality police bullshit.

I just want a alien gf

is it bad that I prefer the covered up version of this more?
mainly the skirt part, boobs are the same either way. I just like the black lining

nobody left the game in korea though...
Nexon even said in their last quarterly report that they want to invest more into this game

Source for your claim?

>any opinion I dont agree with is a shill!!

Shill is to Sup Forums as bigot is to tumblr. Two sides of the same fuckin coin.

Wait, why are you doing this? You know this game is getting axed right? The korean devs have already left it.

so any chance we could get some sfm or is all hope lost.

The game is dead in gookland mate.


He's lying.

>They're entire censorship campaign was retarded but so was the communities backlash.
How? The reasons may be petty but it was censorship nonetheless.

l mean the game is your average quick gook cashgrab and honestly the tiddies may be the only big thing selling the game

TnA makes a shit game better. No one wants their libido to disappear when you play a gook game. Censorship is retarded no matter how you spin it. You dislike sex? Play something else. You should never police what people should see when it comes to games.

>They only censored the ass and tiddies
>People complain about the censorship
>No one could admit it was about the ass and tiddies
There aren't exactly a lot of lines to read between in this instance

Figured he was. I like the game, but even I know when shit is going down.

yeah that fixed it

probably was colliding since you had two different v-syncs going.

Censor or not, why are we even at this point of discussion when it could have just ended at


I've replaced all (or most, I don't know) censored portaits with the original korean ones, let me know if it doesn't work for you, be sure to make a backup of the original assets file just in case.!lYdCwTQS!aeLPD8sB5MysuWXtfjdA6d4ymnDQLato2wAPUtmTtsc

just place the resources.assets file into your HyperUniverse_Data and everything should be uncensored.

gonna try extracting her model next

Errr. You don't actually need to extract 3D models. They're 100% untouched. If you're asking about physics. It's just a config file change to 1.

You know what? I would rather have that. Now now wait a sec, I ain’t saying censorship is in any way good or not telling anyone excuses them from their actions but at least it’s slightly bareable compared to having them openly flaunt about how they put censorship in.

exctracting her model for sfm, user

>TnA makes a shit game better.
Except it literally doesn't. A shit game is a shit game no matter what, it's that simple. Adding tits doesn't make the game better, the game is still exactly the same. Also if you're willing to play a shit game because it has attractive girls in it then why not just play a porn game? At least that will have actual sex and nudity in it, a shit game like Hyper Universe is going to be garbage, require your attention, and offers no pay off. Fags like you who think pretty girls make shitty games better are exactly why companies keep putting out shitty game after shitty game with the same shit tier waifu's for quick cash. People keep buying them and the rest of the industry thinks that's okay. Autism in action.

It’s the same set of reasons that Nintendo Treehouse have

>Virtue Signalling
>An excuse to increase work for their “localization” process so that they can look like they are doing more than just translating text

The latter one moreso. If they just translate the text and be done with it, their project would be done a bit too quick and that would mean less money. With putting in censorship they get an excuse to make it look like they did more work. The ingenious part about all this is that everyone can see that they are just doing something pointless to bloat their work but no one can call out on it without being called a pervert.

Some people like teasing. Why are you trying to tell others what to like and play? Autism.

Oh that's what you meant. Go for it then. It's all Unity.

Well, retards buy it anyway, so they can get away with that.

Just look at FE, that shit was localized for 12 yold french girls and people still bought it, it sold beyond expectations.

People deserve this shit, I'm good though I just pirated it and played with the fan translation.