Has she become the Casual filter?
Overwatch Shitters
if teams are equally matched the team with a Mercy will definitely win
When is a team ever equally matched in this game? And how often does it haooen twice in a row?
From my experience a well timed DVA has a very similar effect. Just focus Mercy when you see her.
I like Overwatch but Jesus Christ is the community retarded.
If you're playing comp, and the other team has a Mercy, then your team WILL LOSE if you don't also have a Mercy. I'm not a healer, so everytime I ask someone on my team to go Mercy they always say "Why don't you go Mercy", and then these same stupid fucks wonder why we lost.
It's infuriating.
Matchmaking isn't rigged to give you all the retards, it tries to be fair and gauge every player's individual performance fairly.
I haven't had this problem. Probably because I either play her myself, or pick d.va and farm their healers.
>we need a mercy to win
>i'm not playing mercy
maybe your the retard
Says the one who can't read.
most games aren't super one sided, they just feel that way due to poor team comps and not understanding counters. If you want to win without mercy you have to either focus her down at the beginning of every fight so she can't res or build ult. Or just be so much better than the enemy team that even with 40% more lives you still out kill them.
She gets boring since shes been the meta for ages now, it really kills the concept of having many playable characters when you have to "must pick" her every match.
learn to play a fucking healer then. dont blame others when youre equally at fault
>If you want to win without mercy you have to either focus her down at the beginning of every fight so she can't res or build ult.
character so strong you have to focus her down first just to have a chance sounds overpowered
People say that rez shouldn't exist in the game.
With that said, is there any game in which a guarenteed full health, immunity on use rez would be balanced in any genre in existence?
Yu gi oh
Oh she's definitely overpowered, I'm not arguing that. It's just not completely impossible to win with no mercy on your team. It's just instantly an uphill battle.
Mercy is easy to play, but I'm not going to pick her every game and babysit my retarded team when I can be doing much more as a DPS.
64v64, tdm, etc etc...
It's even more of a problem when you're the only good player on your team and the rest are all retards.
i play mercy and im sick of getting fucking targetted all the time
I hear this a lot but all it takes is one Tac Visor or Deadeye and her ult is waste every time.
If you think all of your 5 teammates are retarded, it's probably the opposite.
There are two problems with mercy.
One is that every other healer is a worse at healing then her except in extremely niche situations.
Two is that the risk involved with ressing does not negate the massive pay off of getting a res off, where, although she's more engaging and better designed from the mercy players perspective, From a balance perspective she's beyond superior in terms of the rewards she reaps and the benefit that brings to the team.
Keep in mind mercys ult is so strong that there's no point in focusing her down when it's up, she'll hide or zoom away making the time spent focusing on her time spent dying to her team. the nerfs she's getting are a good direction to go in but they don't tackle the core problem, that every other healer is a worse option, both as sub healers and main heals in almost every way with only slight niches overtaking her.
Mercy has easily ruined this game for anyone that liked playing supports that weren't mercy because you'll either lose because your team isn't doing
or you're sitting there contributing to the team and trying your ass off but still not doing as much as you would be if you were mindlessly playing boring ass mercy.
When that happens, you run to cover and stay there. It's not rocket science.
Mercy is the equivalent of communism in game.
The devs explanation is literally that they want "players with low skill being able to compete with players that have insane skill and play hard champions" which is the most retarded statement i have ever heard in history of competitive gaming. Period.
Not to mention every fucking pro gamer thinks that this character has no fucking place in the game.
You could be the biggest pro master that manages to make a very difficult play and save the situation, only for this cunt (probably played by some dumb healslut) to press ONE FUCKING BUTTON without even FUCKING AIMING and make all of your effort obsolete.
It's retarded champ made for nu-males, dumb whores, women and players with no skill.
Blizzard can go fuck themselves.
When I have gold hero damage and gold elims as a Rein, then yeah, my team is shit.
Any PVE mmo
you probably play hanzo
>lets take the medic and make him fly
>let's take the soldier and make him fly
>let's take the soldier and make him have an ability that regains health
>let's add hitscan to tf2
>let's take the pyro and add auto lock and exponentially increasing damage
let's take the scout* and make him have an ability that regains health
Mccree actually. 99% of the time I'm the one picking off the other team's Mercy, while my team acts retarded. When someone on my team actually goes Mercy, I pick Rein instead.
>let's keep comparing Overwatch to a 11 year old dead meme game
The creator cites it as the games number one influence faggot
>I'm not a healer, so everytime I ask someone on my team to go Mercy they always say "Why don't you go Mercy"
playing a healer in an FPS game is not like playing a healer in an MMO. if you cant grasp the very simply aspects of FPS healing then you're probably shit.
Either they can't into team composition or you can't into tanking. Probably both.
Shes the reason I quit overwatch
>kill her too early she comes back and rezzes the whole enemy team
>kill her too late and she rezzes the whole enemy team
You shouldn't be punished for targeting the fucking healer.
Mass rezz abilities are up with stealth as the most cancerous abilities in gaming.
yes and?
How does that make your comment any less retarded?
Terrible, casualized design choices.
Mass rez hasn't been a thing for months
You've never played with me, but keep shitposting. Bet you're giggling to yourself like a retarded child.
A little maybe, I placed at like 2700 last season i hit diamond with like 52% win rate over 130 games pretty much only playing off tanks and some orisa. I'm at 3300 right now and I still feel like i'm better than most people in my games but we'll see if I can make it to masters.
>let's take the soldier and make him have an ability that regains health
Yeah that's on valve.
Your only argument is it shouldn't be compared because it is older, who is the real retard here
>Remove Mercy
>Game is fixed
blizz hire me
But this is every thread. It's boring at this point. Everyone is well aware that OW and TF2 share some similarities. Who cares. TF2 doesn't matter anymore.
Pharah is pretty well designed, jeff said when they started to make her the main inspirations were old school fps like quake tribes and tf2.
Tracer plays nothing like scout you're stupid.
Hitscan is the opposite of casual.
sym is a dumb meme character who sucks you can have that.
Thinking you're smarter than all of your teammates is a surefire sign of a douchebag who can't into team games. You may (or may not) have some skill, but clearly that doesn't help you much.
Her res is a regular ability that she uses on one person at a time she negating picks and her ult makes her fly around, heal or boost everyone and negate picks even more AND regenerate health while taking damage.
so yeah she's been a insta-pick in every serious OW game since then for obvious reasons.
Sandvich is closer to hogs gas mask then tracers "get of jail free" recall. Youre right though
She no longer have the team rez but now she’s a different flavor of cancer. As of right now her ult turns her into a flying Lúcio with two instant rezzes.
I think I'm smarter than most people I've played comp with up until this point, yes. Because most of them have been either A) complete retards who do nothing but yell and players who are better than them and B) people who obviously aren't good at the game but still play comp anyway and ruin it for the people who are actually good
Why'd you reply if you're so bored of it? Why'd you try to shut down the comparison?
This is probably bait but if not you're a faggot for bitching about others not going mercy when you can't yourself. Only shitters refuse to ever play a healer you should at minimum be proficient with at least one hero for each category.
Why is reading so hard for you?
Pharah only squeaks by because they added in hitscan, a terrible choice for a character shooter or whatever you want to call it. Even then the only two characters that can fly perfectly combine so it fucks everything up
Guess what, you're matched with players of similar skill, so you're probably not as good as you think
Players in the enemy team are equally retarded \ aren't good, yet you can't win against them. Why?
Right, that's what I thought.
>why don't you go healer
shitters who unironically say this should be hardlocked in bronze where they belong. the game isn't about you, it's about the team
How long until Blizzard becomes desperate enough to introduce a Pyro clone into the game with fire mechanics that don't work and completely break the game?
There's six players on a team. If you get paired with 5 other players who are playing either DPS or Tank, and are STILL doing terribly, what makes you think the only decent player on the team (Me) going Mercy will do anything? I'd be more useful if I kept playing DPS.
>just switch to the firefighter support!!
because if you have no healers your team has no staying power.
I dunno, man. Probably because it's 1 against six.
In all seriousness, here’s my proposed idea. Nerf her ult charge gain like what they did with Zarya. Hell maybe even more than that.
Really, even disregarding the two insta-rezzes her insane mobility during her ult is what’s making her so much of a chore to deal with. Unless you are a crackshot with McCree or Widow you don’t even have a chance of taking her out of the fight. BUT HEY! You know what? Let’s go and stick that ult onto a character that already have the easiest time gaining ult charges in the whole game.
games with lower TTK almost always favor numbers over skill.
are you crying about hitscan because you can't aim? yes the game isn't tf2, no pharah isn't overpowered right now not sure why you're hating.
>let's add hitscan to tf2
Bruh, they've had hitscan in tf2 since day one. Are you retarded?
That's true, but a healer isn't going to do much good if they aren't already pulling their own weight. They're just useless fodder at that point.
Show me the M4 in tf2
>a healer isn't going to do much good if they aren't already pulling their own weight
are you implying that you're bad with mercy? because she is the most braindead character in the game next to rein.
all the heals in the world mean nothing if your team can't actually kill stuff
Mei is cancer enough. I don't even fucking care that the gook isn't picked for comp matches, she's annoying as fuck.
I actually main soldier because it would be stupid not to, but keep trying to win arguments with git gud like a 12 year old.
You don't know the definition of hitscan, do you? The shotguns and Heavy's minigun are hitscan among other examples
Pre-nerf Tomislav. But that doesn't change the fact that every shotgun, mini gun and pistol are hitscan.
With SEVERE tradeoffs, they aren't a fucking M4 or revolver
So why are you so butthurt about blizzard adding midrange hitscan options?
Mei isn't a pyro clone, a pyro clone would be DoT and afterburn which knowing Blizzard if they ever added that it'd be glitchy as hell or just too strong.
>they aren't a fucking M4 or revolver
What is the Spy
If they're so braindead why do most people not know how to play them? And why do I keep getting paired up with these people?
Truly the world may never know.
There's no talking or reasoning your way out of these situations faggot.
>go mercy
>pick whatever dumb shit you want and pray
those are your only options.
And Spy literally has revolvers as his primary weapon.
Why does nobody in this thread know how to read? Are you all from Brazil?
>mercy is the easiest character in the game
>only a very small percentage of mercy mains and players are actually good with her
Am I missing something, bros? I thought she was braindead.
You get one accurate shot with spy
>be tank
>"can someone go mercy pls"
not playing overwatch is the casual filter
pic related is you this entire thread
I dont know why Mei even exists, she is by definition an anti-fun character.
My new tactic when this happens is to simply throw. The rage from these same people is hilarious.
That is true but only to an extent. A healer should not be the ONLY thing that is giving your team a staying power. And they can’t. I believe that everyone should be at least capable of knowing some common sense in how to provide staying power by themselves.
Everyone here is reading your bullshit but YOU don't understand.
You going mercy is flat out better then you being decent at whatever shit you want to play, if you're improiving the staying power of 3 players that are half as good as you think you are, than you're already doing contributing more to the game then you ever were as anything else.
If you aren't carrying and just doing "decent" then you aren't good enough to justify not going mercy.
You're just as much a faggot for throwing as they are for being hypocrites for not being a healer themselves.
Fine I should have specified there is no Halo battlerifle tier hitscan in tf2
That doesn't suddenly make it not hitscan.
Okay, I'll bite, you simpleton. How is me, a decent player, going Mercy to heal 5 fuckwits better than staying DPS and actually picking people off? As DPS I'm actually accomplishing something even if it's just focusing their Mercy. I'm not going to gain anything by healing 5 fuckwits who can't even kill one Zen by themselves.
They needed thicc representation for fat cosplayers
>muh emotions
At that point, I'd be stupid to waste anymore of my time. I'd rather save that energy for the next game.
Actually yes, you should have specified what kind of hitscan you were talking about you dumb motherfucker. Otherwise people are just going to call you stupid and point to the numerous hitscan you can find in tf2.
Accomplishing "something".
Each person on your team has ults of their own, as bad as you think they are they can probably get one or two off and push for the win.
Your dumbass keeping them alive can eventually push those objectives, your dumbass going in, killing one or two people and getting yourself killed does jack shit.