So here's a question to you, Sup Forums

So here's a question to you, Sup Forums.
How many of you here actually want to make games or a game?
I've seen so many people say they want to but how many of you ACTUALLY have something thought out that you think will bring something new to the table or something interesting?
Not as a vague meaningless dream you think you have, not as a formless idea of some great game for which you only thought up 2 words at best and what other games you'll base it on.
And the follow up question that if you do think you really have something good and you do nothing to make it a reality then why?
If you have something to share then share your thoughts, what's stopping you? Depression? Life hardships and lack of time? Laziness?
If you are working on something feel free to share and shill or whatever, I'll bump this thread for some time until it dies.

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Go away

I'm all ears if you have something add to the topic.

I already made a game. All you need is some discipline.

That's great.
What game did you make?
Did it turn out the way you wanted it to?

Turned out good. Sold like shit, but reviewed incredibly well. Max overshill version:

That looks pretty nice actually, any plans to continue or was that a one time venture?

That looks nice, how long did it take you?
I'm probably gonna buy this the next time I buy things on steam.

I did want to make an RPG.
Does RPG Maker a good place to start?

Not really.

What makes you think anyone here wants to make games? Why don't you ask this question on /agdg/? Are you too lazy to check other boards? No one gives a shit.

Why not?

It's weird user kun, every time I see your game I keep thinking "hey, that's neat and I should get it later" but then I forget about it like an hour later.

I'd blame lack of marketing or something.

It's a very limited framework.

>wanted to make a game
>start learning how it's actually done
>it's honestly much simplier to code than I though
>have zero artistic talents
>everything revolves around 2d art/3d art/sound/music which I'm incapable to do
>don't want to make pixel bloat game

Pretty much this

Recently i discovered that art style, character and world design are extremely important to me when i play a game.

Sadly i suck at drawing and shit. I'm 25 years old and i finished a career that i just "liked".

Is it too late for me to learn how to draw like a pro and make my own games with my friends, Sup Forums?

>What makes you think anyone here wants to make games
That's not at all what it says in the OP.

Find someone who's good at art, make friends.
It's honestly a lot easier to find people with similar interests than people think.

No, not really.
There are amazing painters who started past 50.
Art is about dedication, if you work hard every single day you'll get good.
No one picks up a pencil and draws da vinci, it takes years and decades of grueling mind numbing exercises and learning for absolutely everyone who's ever been good at art.
Patience and dedication is key.

5 years total, 2 years really. also dlc soon.

Making games is fucking hard. There are those who can do it, but most of the time you just stop feeling interested after a month or so. Even worse if your game is a homage to something else and there isn't much creative investment.

And if you don't have experience with coding or art and want to jump right into it? give me a fucking break, you're retarded

Right now I'm too scared of not reaching my absurdly high expectations to start working on my dream game.

The way I envision it, it would only work as a stunning hyper realistic 3d game, with a ton of detail and state of the art particle effects, animations, sound design, expansive gigantic world, ton of freedom, advanced AI and liked good billion words worth of writing and world building etc.
Pixelshit just won't cut it for me and I don't have trillions of dollars.
So yeah, not happening.

I seriously considered it on the winter sale, will probably get it on next one. You say it sold like shit? You're probably still better off than most first time indie devs on steam.

How many copies and what was your profit after taxes? Come on, you can tell us.

what tools did you use to make it?

We've yet to reach 10k copies, you definitely want to have a job on the side. Also yeah, p sure we did relatively well for literal nobodies.


I love your Duck Game mod, Monolithdev-sama.

How do you that backflip thing.

i only did the spriting, 90% of credit goes to Flan.

ay my guy, add that sick ass scrolling debug text you have at the top during your twitter gifs as an actual option, that shit looks cool

Once I'm done I'll post my game on Sup Forums. Later on I'll go on shilling my work on here making threads dedicated to my project, till I get banned.

>have great ideas for game mechanics
>don’t know what kind of setting or plot i want
>have too much self-respect to make pixelshit
>on top of that, too retarded to do anything

Currently making a mobile vidya with some friends. Would like to move onto something a bit more serious on PC.

Scope creep is a fucking nightmare, honestly should have planned better - but it's all experience.

Tell me these great ideas for game mechanics so I can steal them for my game.


t. retard

It would look like shit if I made it.

But you said yourself you’re too retarded to do anything so you might as well give us these ideas so they don’t die in your head.

>spending 10 years to make 1 shitty game

Mainly because of limited time. It would take me a lot of time to create the game I thought of. Since I have a normal job, the remaining free time I choose to spend playing games instead. It's an instant gratification.

Pixel games are pixel games
Pixelshit games are pixelshit games
Get your facts straight, user

>tumblr nose

How do you learn to code, and what language is the best for making vidya?

Just stick to GameMaker

If I as a complete newbie would have a great idea for a vidya, what tools should I get and approx how long will it take to learn them to make a 3D game?

>How do you learn to code
Just like you learn anything else.

>what language is the best for making vidya

I feel as if I have JUST ENOUGH artistic skill to succeed. My lore and world building ends up fine, great even. My purposed spin on RPGs and stylized menus make for something that could be passable enough for a small fan base... if I was able to decide on a story. I know most games don't have a high bar for stories but after the few that inspired me I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to even START. I ultimately need a message and a way to involve the player for anything to have impact or meaning. I can sit here and write lore and decent characters all day but in the end it's all meaningless if there is no end goal.

I can't seem to break the formula of most traditional RPGs due to the conditioning of story flow. Again, "what story do you want to tell?" is what people ask. I don't know. The only meaningful events that have happened to me is suffering but "hurr durr tough it out" is a fucking pompous and arrogant moral. And do we REALLY need another Nihilistic villain? No we don't. Its been done to death.

>what tools should I get
Grab an engine, unity, UE4, gamemaker etc.

>how long will it take to learn them to make a 3D game?
Anywhere from a few years to a few decades depending on how serious you are about doing it.

I bought it at launch, it's pretty fun

I am learning Unity right now, I have a long way to go though.

the only game i think i could possibly make is a shitty yume nikki fangame type game

at least i like those types of games

>using owlboy as an example
The art is the only good thing about that game. What a waste of my money and time.

Do it.

I don’t know how to learn.

Tried and failed many times in the past.

All those failed attempts lead me to learn a lot of programming shit.

That knowledge gave me a job.

Now i code 9 hours a day

After work, i have little to no desire to see a single line of code anymore.

>mfw when i have all the tools i needed to make the game i ever wanted, but i don't want to do it anymore.

Fuck being an adult

ive released 2 and working on a few right now. my next game, squirrel sphere, is coming out next month

I'm working on a rpg focused on pvp with not an ounce of rng. The difficulty was to find the right balance between simplicity and the fact that the game NEED a lot of options to not have the same outcome every match. Think of mix between the simplicity of pokemon and the "depth" and fairness of chess. What's cool is that it's just a turn by turn rpg so it's piss easy to make. I already made the code, now I have to balance my 200 monsters and draw a little bit of what I want the game to look like and then I'll try to find help to do animations for my game... But to be honest It'll already an accomplishement for me if I can play it with the graphics in muh head

I made a shit jam game once

Then I decided to go han at animating another one despite having no art skills, did a run cycle on a week through attrition/trial and error, got halfway through an overly elaborate aerial silk drop animation in two weeks then realized I hadn't ben checking my progress against the first frame so the sorite was getting progressively smaller with each frame and I ragequit making vidya

im planning to make a little rpg that has tile-based battles sort of like MMBN.

Right now all i have is the walking programmed.

Nigga, this shit just went straight on my wishlist. By any chance do you like Radiant silvergun?


I most certain do. Right now, however, I'm working on game mods.
I'm rewriting FFT's AI. I've already fixed a bunch of AI bugs. Now I working on implementing stat changes + golem AI.

one day i might, i've had on and off ideas about it randomly so i might jump on it

I was to make a pokemon type game but more like persona/smt but there's a huge problem.

I can't make it like the latter because I'd just use the same demons/persona from myth/folklore/legends etc and people will reeeee that it's sameshit

But if I go the pokemon route and create all the monsters myself then no one will play this shit because people will go "what the fuck is this shit and why should i care reee"

Pokemon has 30+ years of ingraining the designs into kids brains for generations and I got nothing.

So fuck this capitalist shit world

shares my nr. 1 spot with hellsinker.

I want to make a Side Scrolling Beat-em-up, based off of stupid shit I've joked with friends about. Unfortunately I have no idea where to start as far as what program to use.

Art shouldn't be too difficult as I am know someone who would be happy to help.

Awww yis, I thought so. I saw the sword-like weapon in the trailer and was instantly reminded of RS.

You don't need to make it look like Owlboy, Cave Story is nice by itself.

I dream of being a game director so i am learning how to program at college i have a long list of what i want to make but i’ll share the ones i put the most thought into
>an airship rpg that focuses on exploration and treasure hunting, not exactly new but something that needs to return
>a tag team hack and slash that focuses on team combos and character synergy
>a horror game about insects that heavily capitalizes on what makes people afraid of insects
>a survival game about a family of mice escaping their war torn country before it’s too late, uses the animation technique of guilty gear xrd to make it look fully 2D in a 3D space (im sure that can be achieved sometime in the future) with a don bluth animation style, it gets extremely dark and despressing with a touch of heartwarmingness as it’s meant to be aimed at the people who grew up with old animated movies
>a single player mmo about hacking the game and finding a group of hackers that hacked into your account and pretty much stole your life. Focuses on hacking people, the game, and stealing hacks from said group of hackers
>a mech action game about fighting alien mechs and fighting hordes and armies of them too, set in the most beautiful looking outer space anyone can ever see

>because people will go "what the fuck is this shit and why should i care reee"
Why do you care ? It's not like you'll sell millions of copies to children over the world. If the game is interesting and your monsters are not FF tier ugly, you should try

Define FF tier ugly.
people love those games

bump for interest

Is that yours?

I blame the over-saturation of games on steam thanks to Valves nonexistent quality control department.

Your game is good, user.
Shame about retards like Smight playing it and making it look bad because they've never touched a Shmup in their lives.

A game doesn't even need to be obnoxiously detailed.
Hell, even the Undertale style worked for most people.
As long as the lore and gameplay is tight everything goes.

>How many of you here actually want to make games or a game?
I'd like to make something and have ideas all the time for things from small freemium games to full games but I'm a shit artist and that's literally half of video games.


Self esteem I guess, I have no faith in myself with skills like programing, art, and writing.

I've written various drafts for a script and designed some dungeons via graph paper though out of autism. Basically it would be SMT but with robots instead of demons. It would be a first person dungeon crawler where you recruit robots to your cause. Players would be able to side with various characters, both human and robot, in what the fate of human and robot kind is.

Pretty much this.
Generally, I've noticed that as long as you have at least two out of four aspects (Gameplay, Story, Graphics, Music) be pretty damn good, you can make your game worth playing at least once.

>I feel as if I have JUST ENOUGH artistic skill to succeed.
Sorry, but you don't.

I actually am starting to make a game, figure I'll talk about it more on here when I release to patreon, which I won't do until I have a lot of content to justify it. My goal is this summer, but working while also being a full time student is rough. (It's porn btw)

There have been games with worse art on Steam. It should honestly be passable I never said it was good.

I fucked up in not buying it last christmas, going to get it next time user!

I bought your game nigga, it's fun.

I can make graphics but I'm way too much of a neanderthal to learn programming.

are you just doing it for cash?
good call

I really do want to make a game someday, but the problem is like 65% of my ideas I had in my head have been already done in Hollow Knight. I fear that if I were to make the game people would just consider it a poor knockoff of it.

I've had an idea of a party based sci-fi roadtrip RPG with branching endings based on how you deal with certain party members, but then I start thinking about what the actual moment to moment gameplay would be like and the ungodly amount of work that would need to go into it, and I always end up thinking it should just stay a vague idea never to see the light of day.

If not in a game, I'd still like to do something with the setting and characters one day though.

You can improve it though.
What game do you want to make? If it's 2d, don't mind to much on individual art.

that sounds like a pretty fun idea though
think some more about it

I mean 2d pixel.

Thing is, the idea wasn't even originally for a game, but a comic or something along those lines. I feel like if you go into a game with the story first and the gameplay as an after thought, you're probably not going to end up with a very enjoyable game.

I've got folders and folders of references and I am trying every day to improve, but actually getting on it and finding the motivation is hard when it takes so ,much time for something as small as that.

Was going for a GBA/Early DS style RPG. Need to refine it a bit though.

hear me out on my idea

already making that. sorry

no way I love this game!


I've got this idea for a game that I think about sometimes and it's mostly just a concept and mostly just something I think about while I try to sleep so I don't have to think about real things.

a druid game that plays like megaman/shovel knight and you gain new animal forms as power ups