Is anybody here going to play this game?
Is anybody here going to play this game?
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I would consider giving it a try but only after I see gameplay
Here's 40 minutes of gameplay
Looks like an early access zombie game. Pass.
I want to buy it but going to play the beta tomorrow first before I go through with pre ordering.
MGSV got me back into metal gear and it's because I love V's mechanics so being able to enjoy those in a co-op setting is great for me.
I was going to until
>always online plus microtransactions
I like MGS V's gameplay but not nearly enough to fall for that shit.
Great, limited stamina, and that's just in the first 15 seconds of the video.
There's a free open beta tomorrow.
because I'm waiting for the fucking beta to drop knowing shit like this we will be left out of the loop again. fuck I hate this country for this shit.
Okay wow thanks! Now I will play the game!
I like MGS and zombie games, but the game feels just, I don't know, wrong, I like V's gameplay and controls but I wanna see some new shit that maks me think "this is a whole different game". It is not, I want to give it the benefit of doubt but as we saw in the new trailer, it will most likely have a barebones lackluster story and mostly reused shit from MGSV, feels more like a big fan mod than a new game
I'm looking forward to the inevitable update that winds up being more popular than the standard mode.
>No PC beta
For fucks sake.
I'm buying it just to piss off Sup Forums and Kojima.
I know i am.
>all these salty boys
this looks like more fun than the glaring disappointment that MGSV was already
I will. It looks like the best looking survival game there is, but that's nearly obvious since the rest is just early access garbage.
Kojidrones need to take a chillpill. Metal Gear was dead since 4.
If there was one thing that boring piece of shit MGSV needed, it was zombies and crafting.
Konami shills need to try harder.
Don't buy it then, now fuck off.
Nah man it needed more gay fanservice and cutscenes.
Nah I've given up on Metal Gear
I will, looks pretty good. Metal Gear Solid 5 with no story and improvements to gameplay, just what I always wanted. Makes me wonder if reviewers will actually give it a fair shot when reviewing it or just shit on it calling it """""soulless""""" just like all the retards on here
>he never made a youtube channel filled with shitty random gameplay videos that all have 1-10 views each so he can request press access to games
I'll let you know how fun the game is when I'm done playing it in 4k boyo.
>always online
>more open world survival crafting zombie shit
I am glad Konami's attempt at getting more money by putting Metal gear in its name is backfiring.
I probably will, not at release, I rarely buy games at release.
OP asked a question, I answered it.
If you want your shilling for this indistinct, listless mess to go unopposed I'd suggest going to neogaf, where they choke down shilling like its water.
>complaining about always online
Get a good internet plan, Abibi.
My internet's not the problem nor is it most people's problem with always online, dipshit
>game servers go down
>oops now you can't access any part of the game even if it's solo stuff
All of MGSV's fucking awesome gameplay as well as co-op with none of Kojimas rubbish writing?
Unironically sign me the fuck up.
Imagine being such a child that the mere thought of being without your game fore minutes, or god forbid hours, worries you.
Why are you enabling cancerous practices?
Do you think game servers stay up forever?
In a few years you will never be able to play these games again
>In a few years you will never be able to play these games again
You're not entitled to keep the game forever.
Does buying a single movie ticket entitle you to a lifetime of the cinema screening that film whenever it suits you?
Man I fucking hate this place...
That's a false as fuck equivalence, when you buy a game, you are not renting a service, a more apt analogy would be buying a DVD/BD release with an expiration date
No but if you stay back in the theater section you can just go into another theater and watch another movie. Movie theaters are a great place to sleep if you're homeless because of that.
> when you buy a game, you are not renting a service
Yes, in the case of games with online service components like Metal Gear Survive, you literally are, in addition to buying a limited use license.
And it is only the case because the developer wanted to, that's my point, you are defending their decision of screwing consumers for no reason, that is, assuming you are also a consumer.
How are you enjoying MAG on your PS3 user?
>Developers aren't allowed to make the games they want to make, instead they must pander to the whims of you.
Grow the fuck up, if a product isn't to your liking, don't purchase it. It's pretty simple.
>Complaining about always online components.
Spot the piratefags.
Online only adds nothing to the experience, it only hurts consumers in the long term, but of course you don't mind that, it's almost as if you are not a consumer
I don't play cell phone games so no.
>Online only adds nothing to the experience
Really, because the online component of MGSV, even for SP, was significant and added a lot to the experience.
I'll play it, but I wished parts of that were just in Phantom Pain. That game could have been so extensive. Instead all those features were added to zombie game.
MGSV gameplay was great but it really lacked co-op. Going to play it with a few friends and have some fun.
>excited at first might be fun to play with bros
>little by little every update just points to the fact that this shit might be Warframe levels of grinding and waiting
>Microtransactions for resources and forced invasions that most people opted out by playing offline added a lot to the experience
You just blew your cover shill
Tell your masters that they just lost a sale
Same, and also all the threads are full of "I don't care so neither should you" shills
I was going to maybe try this game, but I see Konami just amped up the cancer on every front
>looks cool at first and kinda spooky
>the more they show it the more it looks like grindy bullshit
Online =/= always online you fucking piece of shit shill
>people are disliking the video as if konami made it
also MGSurviVe monster factory when
Don't forget that it forced you into the unskippable tutorial even if you were never going to use the online components.
>giving Konami money
>after Kojima exit
I'd laugh at you, but at least you've come to your senses.
The microtransaction are shit, it's like the fob insurance.
archive that shit
>those eating sounds
Konami shill detected...why dont you go swallow the Konami CEO's semen some more?
>my favorite chink left a company cause they didn't let him make his fanfiction tier plot games
>you are stupid for giving them money cause my fave chink is not there anymore
There most be a better reason user
probably play 30 mins of it alone and drop it like with dissidia
>You're not entitled to keep the game forever.
Anyone who proposes or supports "games as a service" needs to be dragged out into the streets and shot. Prove me wrong.
Jesus, he play like shit, he don't bother to do stealh and is always sick.
The game is looking cool, will try the beta tomorrow.
If they have a good story and the gameplay is ok then I have no problems with it. Poured more than 100 hours in V just because of the base invasion thing
No fucking way you nigger faggot
>tfw no bros to coop with
hopefully you get an in game reward for the full version because you played the beta, hopefully konami does that
>You're not entitled to keep the game forever.
actually we used to be just that
the online segment of mgsv was completely negligible and barely added anything fuck off
Some friends of mine were going to and I would've with them because games with friends are fun, but that group fell apart recently, and with it my interest for this game vanished.
This unironically looks fun.
>forced invasions
How much of a cuck are you?
Why does the screen keep going blurred all the time?
What's with that?
The character's infected from eating dodgy food / contaminated water and Polygon's too retarded to cure themselves.
Characters on the verge of death for like half the video, whoever is playing is fucking retarded.
Isn't the game beta live in Australia?
they do.
You are giving a bandana, a foxhound nameplate and a metal gear rex hat.
Someone call the doctor this user is having a brain stroke.