Now that BTC is hopefully crashing for good,is building a PC gonna get affordable anytime soon?

Now that BTC is hopefully crashing for good,is building a PC gonna get affordable anytime soon?

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one can only hope.


I put all my money in Bitconnect!
How will I pay for my wife's son's schooling now??

should've investing in Dogecoin tbqh

>people are making money out of thin air without paying taxes
>EU,NA, Asia still not figured out how to benefit from it
the absolute state of pathetic World goverment cucks

we will get the last laugh,fucking faggots use gpu's for gay ass shit like gaming while i got 15 1080ti's lmao

>wife's son
it hurts


Within a month or two after retailers realize all the new stock they ordered no longer has insane demand. Volta Sep/Oct, releasing it sooner would only hurt sales. RAM prices will remain cucked, thanks phonefags.
Don't buy used.

>Miners eating up every AMD card and high end Nvidia card. Cryptocurrency will have to drop drastically, not just 15-30%, for this to change
>Chinese players now make up 60+% of Steam users, up from under 10% a year or two ago. ALL of them playing PUBG, eating up GTX 1060 cards

you can get fucked, that's all

when did this mining meme start on Sup Forums? it isnt even profitable anymore

Bitcoin crashed 3 times last year and bounced back even higher each time, don't get your hopes up.

>was going to build my first gaming PC this month but everything is overpriced
I fucking hope every memecoin crashes to the fucking ground

>>people are making money out of thin air
It's a ponzi scheme. Nothing is free.

this is much more than a crash

>tfw want to get in on the pyramid scheme bitcoin scam
>too stupid to figure out how

Feel pretty good I didn't buy any of that monopoly money.

Is this a NA-only thing?
I didn't seem to notice a huge difference in GPU pricing as a yuropoor

If BTC crashes, another crypto is going to rise in their place. There is no end of the crypto ride. From now on, the only way to get a GPU for a decent price will be to preorder it 0.01 seconds after the new card announcement, assuming the manufacturers will not raise their prices by 50%.

>this is much more than a crash
it's still worth more than it was 2 months ago, sick you fucking FUDing retards, crypto isn't for you

>Crashing for good
Not before another better crypto becomes available to the general market it won't

So where can i buy a card at msrp these days?

Crypto isn't going anywhere, but there also aren't going to be any new optimistic normies with a couple k in savings hoping to get rich quick by hoarding all the GPUs.

Just buy the dip and you'll be able to fill your lambo with 1080tis.

>friend puts all of his savings in crypto
>tells me every single day how much he has made
>calls me a retard every day for not buying into it
>tell him to get out while he's ahead, that way he can keep his money
haven't heard from him in three days

>Making money out of thin air
That's not how it works retard

mfw my friend just bought some bitcoin and made a pc this month. Nice timing bro


I got a friend like that on normiebook. He's a canadian libertarian who spends literally all day responding to fb posts that have nothing to do with him and shoehorning in comments about crypto and being college educated. I want crypto to fail because 1: I want cheap GPUs again and 2: I want to see this skinny white libertarian hang himself

>not figured out how to benefit from it
>without paying taxes
if you're not paying capital gains on your crypto gains then you're evading security taxes, just like every other financial security ever conceived. why do new fags think they're so smart? keep not paying that tax :)

Nobody lines BTC with GPUs, they haven’t for years. GPUs are used to mine altcoins like Eth and Monero.

my friend is a pro poker player that also dabs in sports betting, so i have to hear this shit all the time. he's great at poker but sportsbetting and crypto speculation is just fucking dumb (imo....) you ONLY ever hear about the wins

Tfw too dumb to understand crypto

I don't get it


Crashing and then going back up again is a normal cycle.

>tfw the price of my memecoin dips 2 cents

don't worry, none of these other retards do either. it's all blind speculation

>you ONLY ever hear about the wins
yuh, you press him to tell you what he had to invest and he dodges/dismisses you. It's mental sickness preying on idiots and I love it.

Good thing I built a PC just before the cryptofuckery got big again.

So the game is to buy a shitload cheap after a crash and hope it goes up so you can cash out before another crash?


that's literally all investing ever was lol. at the ibanking level you just lie to people behind closed doors, take the opposite position, and wait for the market to react

That's what normies are trying to do, you're better off buying altcoins though.

>paying more for electricity than your insanely fluctuating meme currency
>out of thin air
Sure thing. Only people who have benefited from bitcoins are the people who either mined or bought them in 2010 and saved them for several years.


>/biz/ panicking
>Sup Forums pretending everything is ok

Yeah, mining isn't viable in most of EU. Energy is too expensive, especially in cuckholes like ger"go green and import millions more from africa"many.

>poorfag for life
>i'll never be able to save up for a nice $2000 rig + two nice monitors
>750ti 1050p for life

Altcoins are crypto that isn't Bitcoin, alternative coins.

I love how my laziness stopped me from buying cryptocurrency last week. Dodged a bullet.


sauce? short hair girls are my thing.

It's not a ponzi scheme, it's a pump and dump.

R7 265x for life here user
Feels bad man I may get a 560 just for the extra 2gb of ram.

HOW do you "mine" bitcoin
What are the GPUs doing that generates a bitcoin and how does that translate into real-world money

I don't get it

Glad I upgraded my 970 to a 1070 and new cosair ram Early 2016 . Now just waitin on Bannerlord

I still don't understand the point of cryptocurrency. It's nothing. You can'y buy anything with it. It's like trading rocks.

as if they would lower the prices when people are willing to pay more

Fuck off with these shitty Bitcoin threads.


Simplest way possible to describe it: They're doing a bunch math calculations, once a calculation is completed you're rewarded a coin

>implying I'm not going to buy all of them to mine with before you do

>It's like trading rocks.

It actually is a lot like the diamond market.

Imagine that instead of bitcoin we are trading TF2 hats. Wha GPUs do is they create new hats (and verify all hats). TF2 hats are not real but they have value as long as someone is willing to buy them. And since al lot of people want TF2 hats, their worth rises.

I don't get it

Prices seem to affect the EU as well. That being said the worst thing is that I can never find the graphics card I want available.

Math calculations for what
To what end?

What rustles my jimmies on crypto is when people aren't real about their loss and profit. Everyone seem to think that even if they lost like half of their money but then took a small loan of 2k and put it into crypto and adds it in their portfolio, its automatically profit because "hey thats a green arrow pointing up, I just made 2k easily!"

A bitcoin is just a massive, verifiable number that everyone agrees has value for some reason.

But diamonds actually look nice.

ohhhhh pretty shiny

Just get Chinese government to ban steam, tell them PUBG is training them to be militant capitalists.

>the RAM I bought in late 2016 doubled in price
feels good man

i hate how brokers show deposits/withdrawals in the daily/monthly/yearly gain/loss.. it REALLY pisses me off that schwab does it and idk now to turn it off

crypto isn't the reason of big RAM prices

Cubic zirconias look nicer, they have a higher refractive index, but no one gives a shit about them.

Why don't they just make more cards? I'm still using a fucking 560 Ti.

This is literally the worst time to build a PC in the last 30 years