If you beat a boss using the flagellant, does it really count as beating them at all?
Darkest dungeon
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I haven't played since Flag was released, is he really still that overpowered?
He hasn't been nerfed if that's what you're asking.
That's ridiculous.
you something's up with a character if they specifically limit you from being more than one on a mission
Fuck, how the hell do I stop my heroes from leveling up so fast? I already have 12 on lvl 5 but still need to do 4 veteran bosses
What week you on? You may be playing too safe
Should have done the veteran bosses earlier. Also, its only 12 people so you should still have 16 other characters to work with on the lower dungeon.
I'm sorry for being such a sissy, I was stuck on the Baron for weeks
If the bosses weren't so weak to bleed, would the flag be less OP?
It's kind of a whole really. He hits hard with his Bleeds, lower bleed resistance, has a reasonable amount of HO, can heal himself and others an absolute fuckton, and tends to die less easily thanks to his higher DB resistance.
yes, I think that pretty much every boss is vulnerable to bleed, even siren
but you wouldn't want to take flagellant against siren
Darkest Dungeon releases on the switch. I'm a nintendy soybitch and haven't played a "hard" game since dark souls on my 360. beginner tips?
Oh. OH.
Just started DD up. Haven't played since it was released. How do you guys deal with the crimson curse? Can you do anything to limit contagion?
It's actually pretty easy, you have to disable the dlc. Not worth it.
Maybe get rid of bleed resistance debuff on hit? It would limit him to bleeding what is already vulnerable to bleed, and not making almost everything vulnerable to bleed. His hitting hard with bleed should be what he is mainly about, so I wouldn't want that affected too much. Maybe add some harsher self debuffs to his healing options?
Restart the game if either Reynauld or Dismas die.
Use your brain.
Actually think about your party composition and the place you're going to. Losing is fine, as long as you learn from it.
Read pic related.
Don't throw people with the Curse in buildings where people don't have it. They'll transfer the curse to the sane ones.
When you beat a CC boss, the Curse will be lifted on everyone and you will gain several weeks of respite until bloodsuckers start spawning and infecting you again.
ignore this faggot and build the sanguine vintners, that will give you more than enough blood
You get that one place built in the district that makes blood viles every week. Besides that, you kinda just gotta take it. The crimson curse isn't that annoying to me, more so the infestations and the courtyard enemies showing up at other dungeons. The courtyard enemies are such bullshit, too. They have high speed, decent HP, can bleed/blight you, a mix of good stun and blight resistances, self healing attacks, and can cause the crimson curse. It's like they decided to make the most annoying enemies, and then decided to put them everywhere.
What's up with the torches for Darkest Dungeon? I had three in my inventory, then after I fled suddenly I had four of them. Now I'm back to three again what the fuck
I'd say the only really annoying enemy is the Chevalier. He hits like a truck, has loads of HP, PROT, can stun and bleed.
The rest tend to die pretty easily.
Revive the general or else
The mosquitoes are annoying because only a tank is going to reliably one hit them, and if you don't one hit them then they will just do that attack + self heal that causes stress, debuffs you for their stun attack, and can cause crimson curse. And they are fast, too, so they will probably get a round or two of hits before your slower hard hitters can one-shot them.
How about stuns?
does the 4 crusader holy railgun memestrat work outside of ruins?
No. Doesn't really work that well in the Ruins either, at least not as well as pretty much any other named comp.
You're right that they are weak against stun, but if I'm in the weald then I'm probably not going to be equipped for heavy stunning and they can still appear there. They are totally manageable and are hardly the worst thing the game throws at you, but they are just so damn annoying to me.
>bounty hunter has ~60 stress
>has that +virtue chance quirk so I say fuck it, slap a Hero's Ring on him and take him out
>stress dealer ignore him completely and focus all attacks on my MAA
>for the whole run
this happens every single time I try to take +virtue trinkets, and the few times I've gotten those heroes to an affliction check they become afflicted anyway
>You cannot learn a thing you think you know
Sometimes the narrator says some real deep shit.
Slowly, gently - this is how a thread 404s.
Can't wait for tomorrow, so I can play this on the go.
It already has a mobile port, doesn't it?
No, but they are working on it I believe.
Already playing it on the go on my windows tablet
>+virtue trinkets
Why not prevent getting afflicted in the first place by using stress reduction items?
because virtues are more beneficial than nothing
Obviously sounds like he was purposing trying to get buffs on his characters
>Obviously sounds like he was purposing trying to get buffs on his characters
In the most ass backwards way imaginable. Why not focus on crits and kills? That's a more effective stress relief method, right up there with camping outside of pre boss fight.
fun, you remember that right?
Virtue buffs, my man
Putting yourself in a bad spot on purpose for the chance of something going your way seems counter productive. Maybe we just have a different approach to the game.
Yeah if you get a good one. I had a bh go powerful and he not only got a mild dmg bst but self healed each round. That said I didn't try for it. I don't have the stones for it.
why bring him to bleedless place though
There is a rare chance when your stress hits 100 that the character gets a virtue that is extremely beneficial as opposed to a negative affliction. These virtues give you strong buffs. He had trinkets that helped the chance in an attempt to get permanent buffs on his characters. High risk, high reward.
>has strongest bleed in the game on his standard attack
>said standard attack does decent enough damage in its own right to justify taking him to ruins/cove
>if you somehow didn't get the bleed the first time, it also debuffs bleed resist for you so you'll definitely get it the second
>vacuums up your team's stress for his own snowflake affliction that's beneficial to him
>*crit heals 40 for himself and 58 for a teammate*
>restoration ticks before bleed so it basically acts as death's door insurance
>heals entire team when he hits death's door, which also benefits him
>if he SOMEHOW dies (like 17% chance if you take martyr's seal) stuns the entire enemy team as a final fuck you
he's like one of those workshop characters, basically
>Same 8 bosses get recycled 3 times each
>beating them rewards you glorified trinkets most being just as shit as all the other trinkets, the few that are good are only situational
>pointless grinding
>pathetic final boss with a garbage ending to give you an excuse to grind more
>game too reliant on dice rolls
Fun game, really love wasting my time with it.
>200 hours played
I know what virtue chance is I don't play that way.
>I spent thirteen days so you don't have to, don't forget to like and sub
That's fine. I don't play that way, either. But I can see why someone would do it.
Are you saying people aren't allowed to regret time they spent on something?
>hurr you only have to play 5 minutes of the game to have a full grasp on how bad it is.
You're probably right.
I think he is trying to say if it takes you 200 hours to figure out you never like something to begin with, then you have some mental issues.
Not really since games can updated and changed and Darkest Dungeon was an Early Access game so it even more so.
Besides your stupid for thinking of it that way. Like I said, people can regret how they spent their time. I can't tell you how many people I know who put TONS of hours into WoW and both regret it and would never recommend it. Sometimes people just get addicted to Skinner boxes and it takes them a awhile to realize they aren't having fun but are just addicted to the positive feedback of getting a level up or a rare item or a kill in a multiplayer game. You can say that's retarded but given how many people fall for it I'd say it's pretty clearly normal human psychology. So yea I think you would have to be pretty stupid to think of it as someone "realizing" they don't like it after 200 hours. Obviously they liked it at one point and their opinion changed so I'll ask a slightly different question then. Are you so dense you don't think people's opinions can change over time?
>Sometimes people just get addicted to Skinner boxes and it takes them a awhile to realize they aren't having fun but are just addicted to the positive feedback of getting a level up or a rare item or a kill in a multiplayer game
So we are agreeing about mental issues?
>Are you so dense you don't think people's opinions can change over time?
You know it
>All these anime mods on the workshop
Actual addictive personality is a mental issue, and if it takes 200 hours of the Darkest Dungeon to realize you have an addictive personality and possible light-gambling addiction then you're pretty slow. But they say understanding and admitting is the first step.
So youre saying that DD gave you afflictions from the prolonged stress of the game?
>most of them look like absolute dogshit
>So we are agreeing about mental issues?
No retard its not mental illness its a natural process that happens in any game.
>Achievement pops up
>positive feed back
>dopamine rush
>dopamine incentivizes you to keep playing
>positive feedback loop begins
Same happens with music, food, or even fucking facebook. Its not mental illness its your brain telling you "this feels good keep doing it"
>mfw wolves are at the door
>The Wall team comp
>wolves no longer at the door.
>Its not mental illness its your brain telling you "this feels good keep doing it"
I always knew alcoholism and beating my wife wasn't related to any mental illness.
More Color of Madness info when?
Speaking of the Color of Madness: the endless mission that's being implemented sounds like it'll feature enemies from all the current dungeons; what party do you plan on taking into that mission? Which classes do you think would be best suited for it?
>tfw someone posts your shitty oc
feels good man
You can do it user
I didn't think my team would but the sheer amount of FUCK YOU that was dealt to Vvulf made me proud
>tfw there are actually 4 skeletons in that picture
>Game gets DLC
>DLC content gives you overpowered characters, weapons and/or equipment
It keeps happening.
the medic ruined broodwars
Maybe a marked for death squad, since the sunergy doesn't rely on bleed/blight or any of the other traits some monsters are immune to.
I beat him with no deaths, though it was pretty close. Basically decided to ignore his bomb gimmick and let them tank the bombs, it worked out.
>positive feedback loop can be turned into negative things like alcoholism so all examples of it happening is mental illness
Stop eating food then, please you really need to desu look at yourself
I honestly want flag to be nerfed. I feel stupid not using the new character, but I don't like the idea of playing 10 dollar easy mode. Hopefully shield breaker will find a niche without being OP, like most other classes.
Why would you ever use the ugly Darkwraith skin over the Logarius Wheel skin?
If you ever played DoW2 The Last Stand you'll know the pain of OP DLC characters.
>mfw Tau commander soloing waves when you usually need to be all 3 together to even have a chance
>fucking straight upgrades in DLC equipment for other characters
I decided to not pussy out and take flag like always, she's a great addition to mark parties
>Hopefully shield breaker will find a niche without being OP, like most other classes
Shieldbreaker is a great blight party addition. Also works well with shuffle parties. She she supposed to be underpowered right now or something? I guess she could use more max HP
she has a trinket that gives her +33% max hp at the cost of only a bit of speed, her trinkets are what make viable and you earn those by beating her nightmares
Teams for the viscount?
Impale is unironically the greatest offensive skill in the game.
T-There is one!?
Looking at the trinkets you can get, it's pretty absurd
But are you guys positive the flagellant is THAT strong? I can't really trust deathblow since most of my champion level runs never gave any of my characters one chance to live, it's always DEATH
read , his death door gimmicks are only one part of what makes him great
Viscount's easy, just kill the back two corpses and then finish him off. Unless you're feeling confident and want to try and burn him down while ignoring the corpses.
>deleted image
>just realized the anchor is also the stress symbol
oh fuck off
This one has become vestigial, useless.
Loads of things are the stress symbol. That's the point. The Thing is everywhere.
When I said "find a niche", I didn't realize she already came out.
>You are now aware that every character's genitals are shaped like the stress symbol
>all the girls have a stress symbol bush
I don't think it's on the workshop though