What are the most overrated games in your opinion?
What are the most overrated games in your opinion?
There's no such thing as an overrated game.
Witcher III is quite easily one of the most overrated games of this generation
It brings absolutely nothing new to the table but does what it has well, it's a solid 8/10, but its fandom is full of spergs who screech if you don't herald it as a 11/10 unique masterpiece.
deus ex
nintendo games
OoT but you knew that already
who is overrating it?
I hear nothing but shit about this game
t. Arin
New Vegas is pretty overrated for a shit game.
If i want to see a movie i go to the cinema with the gf.
western game critics around release
"g-g-games are art, s-see?" soyboys
All of these
>undertale was 3 years ago
night in the woods didnt had an impact like the other three
the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I have never even heard of night in the woods
undertale is a good game, it just got a lot of hype compared to how good it is. the most overrated game has to be actually terrible yet loved. Bioshock infinite is my favorite answer but things like Assassins creed, arkham city, skyrim, etc are highly rated (albeit by plebs) while being legit terrible.
Can't be overrated when the vast majority of its former playerbase hates it now.
No. It is actually extremely underrated. Most of the faggots like fallout 3 and 4 and completely ignore nv.
I am one of them haters who wasted a year in this shit, but all I see that this game is still too popular and blizzard don't do shit to fix anything because of that.
I can stand it for the fish tiddies.
>Night in the Woods
>Forced or meme game
Metal Gear Solid 3 since there is Metal Gear Solid 2
WoW Wrath of the Lich King since there is Burning Crusade
Final Fantasy VII when there is VIII and X
I love HL2 but i can't argue when people say it is overrated.
Undertale, Telltale, Night in the Woods, all Nintendo garbage
not undertale
Surely there must have been something else for 2016.
I don't know, but NiTW can't have been the biggest forced meme game of 2016 - can it?
I can't think of any other so untill then it is.
Breath of the Wild
this David Cage games also this , 9 was the best one fuk u all
I really hated the grinding.
Fallout New Vegas
The entire Witcher series
The entire fallout series
Pokemon Go
>witcher 3
>dota 2
ori, hollow knight, subnautica, night in the woods (though walking sims shouldn't count, they are born from collusion between devs and clickbait bloggers), any ass creed game, kotor 2.
Pokemon Red
Nobody plays this shit.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Witcher 3
Overwatch (although this one is only true with normies)
Starcraft 2
What? What grinding? You mean grinding out certain weapon upgrade stones that 100% of the time wasn't even needed?
14-18 yo fags do, my lil bro in laws obsess over it. TF2 is better from me watching them.
Why is Subnautica there? It's pretty underlooked.
>grinding ever
It's in the top 10 on twitch
>Getting the Baldur Sword and their armor to drop
Any game made or published by Nintendo, Sega, HAL, or Gamefreak.
I love dark souls but the exaggerated amount of praise it gets and the reddit fanbase are very annoying.
It's just left early access and it's prime scarecam bait.
Undertale is an odd case because its a good game but it is overrated. It does everything it does well, as good music, good characters, good story, interesting ideas and a lot of memorable stuff. But people talk about it like the next coming of christ and obsess over it. Its really the fans that ruin it, since the game is fine and the creator has never gotten up his ass about any of the sudden fame or acclaim. Hell, when people made porn of the game his response was "Ok." Which is probably the most reasonable response I've heard from a dev.
I get the baller swag sword is dope but it's also not needed in anyway to play the game. 100% optional.
This is the game I have personally overrated the most.
it has nice water and it's a collectathon shit
You can buy the armor at least, cant remember about the sword
Your favourite game
Back in the day it was every Call of Duty game ever, no one would ahut the fuck up over it. Its the main reason I became a Halo fag, I would lord over CODfags all the time and shit on it in front of every one. To this day, Black Ops 1,World at War, Call of Duty 2, are my only favorites.
oh and this too for sure, not a bad game but outside of a very pretty game world nothing was remarkable. combat system was gimmicky at best.
>"i like undertale"
>autisdar starts beeping like crazy
Monster Hunter
I actually agree. This is the only Zelda aside from like the original 1 and 2 that I could never get into. Z:A, Oracle and Seasons > Alttp
It was hard? You are just pretty bad.
The grapics on this are remarkable
Im sorry dude, but everyone from family member to strangers that I have know to like it are all liveatparentsand25autisticcannottalkaboutanythingbutvaguerpgsandweabooshitehiletryingtoqoutemoonspeakthengeadewhenyousayanythingaboutthefandomofanyoftheirretardedintereststhattheonlyfriendstheyhavethatlikeitareonline-type folk. Kinda sad really... I was like em once.
>outside of a very pretty game world
Honestly, that game, like Breath of the Wind is more a nostalgia thing.
that also describes Undertale. the fandom ruined any enjoyment I could have had.
>what is agreeing
the constant conflict mindset of Sup Forums
What? The run back to the Parish is just disgustingly long and there's like two Knights using the actual sword, what the fuck are you on about?
>good characters, good story
wrong. What story lol? Nothing happens, you just go left and meet caricatures of people developer once knew
Breath of the Wild is the best non-meme answer, people have been claiming it to be the greatest game of all time.
It's all part of a Switch shilling conspiracy
Life is Strange, not to say it's that highly rated, but it's so bad that by virtue of receiving any praise at all it's overrated.
I don't think it's overrated, it was an excellent game from the 80-90's era of gaming. It was well made and is intuitive to learn.
I do agree with
though, Seasons and Ages did it better.
Bliz is really forcing the WE ARE ESPORTS on this, I think it's a good game but very toxic community, like anytthing that gets competitive.
In my personal opinion? I'd say the Monster Hunter games, they are just so boring to me and on paper they have everything I would want in a game, I've tried so hard to get into them but they have always just felt like kind of crappy games to me but with just a lot of content to grind out that keeps people happy.
it didn't even come out until 2017
Pretty damn revolutionary in 2004 though, no denying that. Gave us Gmod and TF2 as well.
Undertale is overhated user, not overrated
Meme souls
>weeb shit
This shit. It fucking baffles me that so many people play this game let alone enjoy it. Its boring, time consuming, mindless, uninteresting, streamer-bait trash. Battle royale games in general are also overrated to shit. And now that it's selling so well I wouldn't be surprised if all of the big games revealed over the next year are going to be more of the same garbage to try and tap into PUBG's profits.
Fuck this game.
DotA2 isn't really that overrated
It's by far the best ASSFAGGOTS
Undertale ia definitely overrated, but doesn't mean that it's not very good. No one thing deserves to be obsessed over like it has been but as far as experiences goes it's still well above average.
it has gorgeous cinematography. You take that for granted you pleb?
those 2 broken ass games
>inb4 just mod it