Who /gunlance/ here?

Who /gunlance/ here?

felt good in the World demo. i mained it for a bit in 3U

oh man, those gunlance arena quests in 4U. so many badass kills. now that it's improved, I'm hype. shame I have to wait for the PC version

Honestly skipping out on World because I'm dumb and have an XBone and no one to play with. Mained GL in 3U and Gen- so many people pass up on it when it's only flaw is closing distance between u and your target imo..

and they fixed that in world, user. why pass up on it? I don't agree with everything world is doing but man, they fixed a lot of issues I had with the weapons and finally made maps way larger

I can't use this weapon very well without quick sheath.

Basically immobile when you have the thing out, can't stand it. I wish I could use it.

To those of you who can, nice job honestly. I've been playing this series since Monster Hunter Freedom, I suck with Gunlance. It sucks because I like some of the gunlances honestly.

Did they make it so you aren't so slow with it in the newer games?

You're still pretty slow but anyone who can get a grasp on GS can do the same with GL. same concept. good positioning. only unsheathe when you're near the monster

>Waaaah too slow, thank god it's fast like DMC now ^_^

MH is dead. Gunlance isn't about movement, it's about combos that let you chain attacks into blocks. That's what made it unique.

user, chill. it's still slow as fuck compared to the other weapons.

>he guards with gunlance

I never said anything like "thank got its fast like dmc now". I actually fucking asked if they sped it up any because the last one I played was MH4U. Faggot. I know what the fuck gunlance is for, I simply said those of you who can actually use it, I give you full credit. But no you have to get defensive like the little faggot you are. Shut the fuck up, you are gonna buy the new one anyway, so spare the tears "buhu its dead im gonna buy it anyway because im a huge faggot". Moron.

>it's about combos that let you chain attacks into blocks. That's what made it unique
You're thinking of the meme blade actually

Anyone with a small dick it seems.

Immobile weapons aren't usually my thing but every weapon in MH World just feels so goddamn satisfying I may branch out.

Will likely be using the bow myself and maybe Switchaxe when I feel like playing melee.

The charge-in is fast, strong and combos into a block. Underwater it's the fastest weapon in the series.

Meme blade combos into counters, and it's actually kind of awful at it. Gunlance is like Exdeath if axeshit is Warrior of Light.

are you seriously trying to say gunlance is anywhere near as quick as SnS or even SA? user...

How is it awful at it?

I wish I had a circle pad for my 3ds while I was playing 4U. Having another stick solely to move the camera with makes so much goddamn difference to me.

Can't say how much I'll be using the new lock-on camera though. It doesn't quite have the right feel.

please tell me it doesn't suck dick in world, I will still use it but its good?

I have the second stick. rarely use it. lock on camera is more efficient frankly

I dont recall really ever using lock on in world beta. Seemed unecessary to me.

Particularly since I was mostly using bow and you are typically aiming for specific weak points.

The Gunlance has a shield? Never noticed it. I was too busy beating a dragon over the head with an exploding fuck stick.

Former gunlance main here, I got hyped when I saw the weapon demo vids last year but the impression I got from the betas is that GL is now just a low-effort flowchart weapon. All you do is burst and shit out stakes for sick damage, it's looking like the biggest casual magnet in Worlds alongside CB

I like it in premise and use it a fair bit, but I'm not in love with how it controls or performs. It's one of the first things I branch out to once I have enough materials to start making multiple weapons, but never something I've started with.

Before MHW, monsters fought back. Wombo combos all day. Everyone remembers their first wallrape.

Am I? I thought that was your strawman.