What are "the good games" for it? Never hear anyone talk about these games. So I'm suspicious they're all shovelware.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most of the neo geo games are good. Snipperclips is fun. puyo puyo demo is free and super fun.Also has multiplayer
Fast FMX, Stardew Valley, Golf Story, Worms, Shovel Knight.
Got a physical release with the added DLC. I wish I had gotten it instead of digital.
+Crawl for MP
I don't play sjw games with female protagonists. this goes on the never buy list.
The Mummy Demastered is a solid metroidvania with Run n' Gun controls.
Sonic Mania is the best platformer on the system.
This pretty much.
>Sonic Mania is the best platformer on the system
Not for long
Steamworld Dig 2 is a very good game.
Fast RMX is the literal only thing you cant get elsewhere (unlike MK8D it actually has new racing content) that's worthwhile on the Switch eshop
Darkest Dungeon releases tomorrow on switch
I second this, very comfy metroidvania with some decent puzzles
>people suggesting 2D platformers when the switch has absolutely shite dpads on both the joycons and pro controller
This argument that it's also elsewhere doesn't really work against a handheld (especially regarding games that runs exactly as well on Switch than on PC). Well, it depends how much you value portability I guess.
Thanks or reminding me, been a while since I got a switch game. God I wish golf story would have a retail release. Limited Run when?
Yes as does Ambition of the Slimes which looks fun (pixel tactical rpg) and it's only $5.
dont forget darkest dungeon, which releases tomorrow
Snake Pass.
I was going to refrain from posting stuff that wasn't out yet, in case there are performance issues or what have you.
I'm picking it and Ambition of the Slimes tomorrow for mine regardless.
Theres a lot of good indies but the shovelware doesnt let you find them.
They are also really expensive
Furi will be on the Switch, too.
That game fucking sucked and I want my five dollars back. I thought I was getting bootleg Zelda, and I got some shitty wannabe hack and slash instead.
>runs exactly as well on Switch than on PC
I like BING BONG WAHOO myself, and Super Soyboys.
Blaster Master.
Don't fall for these shitty overrated indie games OP. You'll play them for about 10 minutes and regret that you bought them because they are so boring. The only thing you should buy from Eshop are SNK arcade games like Metal Slug.
I just use my hori 360 pad. Has a great d-pad.
Just waiting for USB pad support so I can use my Saturn controller.
>Bandoleer collecting simulator with horrible upgrades that aren't fun
I'll pass
>my hori 360 pad
How do you connect that to the Switch?
when is the switch getting netflix/youtube
then I can finally stop using my PS4
dumb frogposter
steamworld dig 2 is a fun adventure, picross if you like puzzle games, snipperclips is probably cool if you have another guy to play coop with. the rest is shovelware
>pirate fag detected
You don’t spend money on games so you don’t put any invested time into them
It's already out. Bought it last week.
If you don't have Furi, I'd say it's worth a crack
Rocket league is an easy choice for if you rage quit some shit and wanna bounce to Literally any other game
I'm waiting for gangbeasts or duck game to come out because buying either of those again is cheaper than buying a new gamepad for my pc
Theres a lot more shit to sivve through these days, but I pay attention to whatever good shit is coming out
Darkest dungeon soon
I really recommend The Gunvolt pack , i enjoyed both games in the 3DS so its a really good choice if you are searching for a Megaman-like game
Yeah 8 bit indie games aren't running better on a $2000 PC than on a Switch
look at rocket league on switch and tell me it runs the same as PC
A lot of random chinese companies make these adapters
This is the one I bought
Doesn't work 100% for me (ps3 controllers have trouble for what I tried) but I mostly use 360 pads on PC and it works fine there. Especially pleased that my qanba stick works, makes puyo puyo way more fun IMO.
Just buy a ps3 or a wii u
Rocket League isn't a 8 bit indie game? 90% of the eshop games are less demanding than Rocket League, which doesn't even run on an engine officially supported by the Switch. The games people talked about in this thread like SteamWorld Dig 2, Shovel Knight, The Mummy, etc. run the same.
I feel that way but about lethal league and ultimate chicken horse
I'm also interested but only in games that I can't already play on PC.
I've been having a lot of fun with Enter the Gungeon
This is a real problem, I'm afraid that right now the switch is just on track to be vita 2: but with sales this time edition.
I think that the only exclusive eShop games that aren't complete garbage are Fast RMX, Golf Story, SnipperClips (also retail now) and Picross S, as well as the Inti Creates games that are also on 3DS (Azure Striker Gunvolt 1&2, Mighty Gunvolt Burst, Blaster Master Zero)
>payday 2 will be the best shooter on the switch
Snake Pass and Golf Story
That second one had no right to be as good as it was
Splatoon 2 exist. Heck, Doom too (even if the port is quite bad).
>tfw I can get it in 3,5 hours
Of Mice and Sand
It's basically a sandcrawler sim game.
>Doom too (even if the port is quite bad)
Played the whole game on ultra-violence with like only 2 areas with frame drops and it looks fine.Only problem is no M+K controls.
that game is fucking atrocious on the switch vs pc. t. own both
I am 100% sure once i play it on pc even looking at the switch version will burn my eyes.
this, and the controls are bad. The worst thing tho is how sluggish it feels compared to pc and you can't change fov. I feel like I have binoculars taped on my face while playiong on the switch.
Which rises a question: Why don't console ports have an fov slider?
I'm guessing it has to do with optimization.
Golf Story and Master Blaster are good.
>FPS games feels worse in console then on PC
Well no duh dude. If you're playing an FPS the PC version will always be the best and optimal version to go. I remember the first time I played Halo how much I hated it because I wan't used to using a controller.
Doom port is created for a very niche reason: If you want to play a console game in a handheld and/or don't have a good gaming PC. If you have a good PC it's a no brainier to always pick it over a console but for what it is, Switch version is fine.
neurovoider is good
These are games I enjoyed but you might be able to get them cheaper elsewhere because they're all ports:
Steamworld Dig 2, Shovel Knight, Blossom Tales, Oceanhorn, and InnerSpace
I don't recommend any of the 10ton games, laziest ports ever
Fuck you I liked it
Golf Story is godly.
Shovel Knight
Furi (hard as fuck, casuals not welcomed)
enter the gungeon
rocket league
sonic mania
outside of yooka-laylee all these titles are 20 bucks or less and I've spent hours on all of em.
>Paying for ROMs