I like this guy, he cracks me up and is really useful, but Eder seem to show strong dislike for him at every turn. Is this gonna have gameplay consequences or can I keep sticking with him safely? Am I gonna need to pick between one of them? I don't know if I can make that choice.
I like this guy, he cracks me up and is really useful, but Eder seem to show strong dislike for him at every turn...
There are no consequences from mixing party members that hate eachother.
Also Durance hates everyone equally.
The only people who like Durance are elitist internet edgelords who whine about modern RPG's.
>not liking Uncle Sup Forums
Durance is great and a reason why is how he interacts with the entire party. He's hated by everyone.
Not true. I like modern RPGs.
Basically everyone hates Duran because his suggestions are always very self serving. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone and pure farmer boy Eder can't handle it
But what if I know that I come across as an elitist edgelord and I've grown to accept it?
>lore dump the character
How do you guys build the party so it doesn't need a ton of disables to finish a battle? I swear if the enemies are not inflicted with multiple conditions I can't finish the fight.
He reminds me of Rasputin for some reason. I find him amusing.
>Hates nature
>Religious fanatic
One of the best companions in crpgs.
I played on POTD, but yeah, every fight was me being buffed and the enemies I'm targetting getting target-nerfed. I can't imagine winning the game without a priest in the party.
I never realised Berath was so sexy
>numenera player
I have a crush on Hylea and Ondra
He as some fun passive-aggressive banter with Eder.
He's sort of a male, disintenterested version of Kreia.
Except you can actually prove him wrong and change him as a character. He has an actual arc.
so basically Magran refuses to admit she has aided building the Godhammer and killing Eothas's incarnation so she actually either ignores his priests or kill them?
I got a bit confused in this part of the game. That's why Magran won't answer to Durance's calls, right? Or even remember him.
But why does she do this? What's the problem in having killing Eothas? She'll be compared to Woedica itself? I hope this will get clarified when I jump into the pit to finish the final quest
Why not "fat"? Wouldn't want to trigger anybody, I guess.
>asking lore questions before you finish the game
>Avellone had written even more for Durnace and Grieving Mother and was mad when obsidian cut it.
>replaying over the past few days, picking up mid Act-II
>now level 10
>at the start of Act III and did some intro White March content
>did Aloth's quest and tired of him but not sure who to replace him with
I'm running Eder and Pallegina as tanks, Sagani/Durance/Aloth/myself
>realize I'm basically playing the same character because my first run was as a Barb and now I'm a 2H BW Paladin
Tidefall is fucking ridiculously strong.
Based Abydon and Hylea. Galawain just reminds me of Hircine in elder scrolls. Magran and Ondra are cunts and Skaen is a edgy faggot.
to be honest, I just wanted to finish the main quest first but the game forces me to do the DLCs beforehand
unfortunately you can literally make a companion says he hates you and he'll still stay in the party, like hiravias during the breastplate quest
Durance is one of a few bright things about this overall horrible game.
I've heard that there is a bunch of new shit in latest update? Is it compatible with IE mod yet?
only a few items
I don't remember how much of this is revealed after the fall to the pit, so I may be spoiling you, but the gist of it is that you can convince Durance that Magran conspired with Woedica to kill Eothas. There's no reason given as to why she'd do this, but my personal theory is that she agrees that humanity shouldn't know about the nature of the gods, perhaps because she fears for her safety or because it'd go against what she wants humanity's warlike nature to be. You can then, with your Watcher visions, realize that Durance's soul is charred from the explosion and hypothesize that somehow has made him invisible to Magran. It would make sense, since Magran never acknowledges Durance and he was the only survivor of the twelve. As for why she would try to get her disciples killed, at least part of the reason is almost certainly with her not wanting humans to have the knowledge of how to build a machine to destroy gods, and then there's also the possibility that, in addition, she doesn't want the other gods to find out she helped Woedica.
the game has some great ideas though, the whole engwinthan stuff in particular
I haven't played enough to know who could replace Aloth. Maybe hire an adventurer?
The whole world building was pretty compelling, I thought. It was the actual delivery of the writing that failed the game more often than not.
I see. Thanks for the reply
wizards are the best class in the game easily though
they have like 3 builds that are OP
and Aloth is a pretty big player in the main story
How do I stop bandits from taking all my taxes?
I have 23 prestige and 20 security.
>tfw so many characters I don't know what to play
I got a chanter, wizard, ranger and priest(Wael) at act 3 with both dlc main quests done, and I got a 2h fighter at Concelhaut.
I can't be the only one with this problem.
Good question. I went the whole game with those motherfuckers always stealing a bit. My prestige was higher than my security the whole way through, so that might explain it, but they were both incredibly high. Difficulty might also have an affect on it, I was playing on POTD.
Engwithan are your generic "super advanced ancient magic civilization" from every second JRPG.
Saint's War/Godhammer and how it has influenced Durance and Eder is probably the only piece of the events in setting that caught my attention. Everything related to the true essence of gods was pants on head retarded, especially since the system allowed a fucking Skaen to exist.
>I can't be the only one with this problem.
ive been working on a spreadsheet for 2 years to make a decision about which characters to play - still no answer
I'm the other way. I want to replay the game but I'm too married to my current character and his choices. Just trying to patiently wait for Deadfire or another good RPG to come out.
Upgrade the everliving shit out of your security, push it as hard as you can, only then start upping prestige. Keep is still handled in the most asinine, retarded way possible, but i was upgrading it this way and not a single time my taxes were fully stolen.
365 hours played. I've only made it to act 3 once because I keep rerolling.
Just started again. Looking like I'll actually get to the end with a barb.
The way I interpreted it, there were different people in charge of different gods. The clash between them that ended happening was not foreseen when the process started.
Those new soulbound items from the deadfire pack sound pants on head retarded sometimes, given that they are apparently unlocked at Anslög's Compass. Did le balance man got drunk or something?
Barb is fun as fuck
>since the system allowed a fucking Skaen to exist
they didnt make gods to make the world better, they made gods so that there would be gods. I assume they thought the other civilizations expected there to be a bunch of "evil" gods so they made those too
Yeah, at least the hat is pretty interesting.
no, they are still pretty expensive, and not super powerful
>they have like 3 builds that are OP
Go on.
the only truly OP wizard build is deflection tank
though to be fair it's fucking retarded and makes the entire engagement system absolutely pointless because the moment someone rushes your wizard he turns into 200 deflection machine with an aoe spear
delete all backer NPCs (I kinda liked their stories to be honest even though it totally fucks the pacing) and you got yourself a better game. That's why I think Act III and White March dlcs are so great
-summon weapons (staff/pike + alacrity per encounter)
-blaster with the dragon scepter than causes prone
-the good old CC'er / repeat dmg spells
well the thing is you can pretty much almost do all 3 on the same character at the same time. Wizards make the game easy mode. The only spells that are bad are the one-shot-and-done damage spells. Yeah, balance man managed to make fireballs a side thing
Soulbound items in PoE 1 is generally underwhelming. I hope they can make it more serviceable in 2.
>they made gods so that there would be gods
That's another major gripe i have with this entire fucking setting. No chance in hell a civilization this advanced didn't go through scholasticism at some point. Their solution to the problem of gods sounds like something straight from vulgar atheism.
so what was Eothas thinking? and why is he doing it again but this time inside a giant statue?
>Yeah, balance man managed to make fireballs a side thing
only to introduce shadowflame that hurts like a motherfucker on top of paralysing everything
>implying I don't keep him around so I can utterly break him at Council of Stars
They were unbalanced as shit but have been fixed with a few patches. Hell, the non-soulbound armor was legitimately the strongest medium armor of the entire game. Silly little shits.
A child is crying in the Deadfire, no time to think.
I remember enjoying some of the stories too. I don't know why I read all of them. I'm autistic, I guess. Pillars of Eternity had way too many stories like that. Backer NPCs, every NPC with their own backstory, the items having their own backstories, too. Then you add in the Stronghold adventures. It's not that that stuff was bad, it's just that there was way too much of it.
I don't know, but I'm sure that, in classic Obsidian fashion, it's gonna be some grey motive that kiiiiind of makes him justifiable but not really, so I'm ready to roast his ass and then come to Sup Forums and see a million "He did nothing wrong" threads.
That cannoneer belt is too great.
>Meathead con/mig 0 dex paladin with increased fire damage rushes in with zealous charge
>Blow everything up with AoE ability
>Summon fire sword and deal 100+ damage flames of devotion hits
What the fuck, are you me? I'm in that thread too.
The Gods are great, though. It's literally the Engwithans going "fuck these filthy mongrels, just give them something to worship so that, when they eventually overtake us, they'll be beholden to our values."
Oh, i predict him trying to destroy the entire god system of the setting or something equally predictable and painfully boring but relatable enough to make you sympathize with him.
No chance in hell the game is going to be interesting in any shape or form as far as story goes.
I should have probably not had Edér using that stupid door shield for over half of my game. It made him do a dumb useless bash with it half the time.
But why would they kill themselves to accomplish that? Would they really genocide themselves off just so that other civilizations could live in peace?
I don't buy it. They were fooled into doing it, nothing else makes sense.
I really hope they up the character models and textures.
I'm sure the general populace was tricked (those souls had to come from somewhere), but the higher-ups likely saw the writing on the wall when they realized that Eir Glanfath was a technological backwater in every respect save animancy. When your civilization has gotten to the point where the Endless Paths seemed like a good idea, maybe it's time to stop.
That sounds about right.
When the fuck is Deadfire coming out, anyways? They said March 2018 last year, but there hasn't been a peep ever since. It's getting more and more unlikely with each day.
Release a month after Bannerlord.
There is additional layer to that. Eothas appeared in flesh and did the whole invasion thing to stop Voedica and Taos' soul draining machines, so Magran absolutely MUST have conspired with Voedica to destroy Eothas, since she aided in Godhammer construction.
I thought it was left kind of ambiguous if that was Eothas' actual motive. It's also kind of unclear on how much the gods know about each other's intentions. For example, why didn't Eothas just tell Hylea what Woedica was doing, so that she'd help him? Did he tell the other gods? Did they care? Were they glad for the Godhammer? A lot of questions that can be answered in the second game.
He is one of the things I liked the most about PoE, but at the same time his conversation trees are the perfect example of what went wrong with the script. And iirc Sawyer or Avellone admitted that the excessive wordiness and too descriptive text made for a poor read.
I find more interesting to discover his past experiences and learn how that molded his personality. A character doesn't need to do a 180 to have development, in fact I prefer when they remain consistent and the changes come in how you perceive them.
SOON (tm)
The beta for Deadfire is crazy, it feels like a whole new game. I don't really get why. They could have just ported it over and gone from there.
I wonder if Gloves of Manipulation are in Deadfire too.
Extra points if it's a random loot again.
I got that on my first playthrough. I had no idea it was random until I looked it up.
Lucky you. I usually save at the Raedrick's Keep so I can save scum rest at the priest.
I'm pretty disappointed you can't make a Priest of Abydon.
I want to hear more intense speculation.
Why did Eothas take control of the statue of Caed Nua and demolish the Watcher's stronghold?
What purpose does he have going all the way to the Deadfire after being "dead" for so long?
How'd he even come back?
It wouldn't be so off putting if it wasn't so blatantly necessary. I had Durance fully specced on mechanics and he still needed the gloves to disarm some traps.
Durance is pretty shitty mechanics guy since he has no bonus to it.
I usually have Aloth as my mech guy, since he has +1 on it and he's always in my party. Devil would have +3 though, by I don't use her that often.
>Why did Eothas take control of the statue of Caed Nua and demolish the Watcher's stronghold?
The statue is made of adra, which is perfect material to conduct souls. He took decades as a very minuscule scattering of essence from the aftermath of the explosion to find something that would let him conduct into his full potential. The stronghold was just in the way. Also, he needed the souls to move.
>What purpose does he have going all the way to the Deadfire after being "dead" for so long?
Same reason as the Vailian Traders and the Shark Royal Company are there. Luminous adra. It enables him to do wacky soul shit. Plus, it's too fitting for him, the god of light.
Now that I think about it, maybe it's the opposite, maybe Eothas goes out to the Deadfire for some reason and that's what causes the luminous adra to appear and what sets off the events with the factions fighting each other.
I see. I had Aloth be all focused on Lore, since I thought it was more in character (although I've later read that it makes sense to give it to the non casters, since they can use their own precision for whatever spells you have them cast out of scrolls)
Devil sucks. Worst companion with her shitty donut steel lines.
Call me weird if you want, but I really like all companions.
Even Devil and Maneha, even though they started slow.
Honestly, I'm jealous. I wish I liked them so I could replay the game with a whole new party, but I feel like I milked out the good ones in one playthrough.
>that magran
Still looks a million times better than the first game.
These are ALL WRONG. Fire whoever drew this.
It's just the artist's vision.
It's implied that may have been why Eothas showed up, but it's unclear. I think there's something about Magran wondering about that and regretting having blown him up if that was the case.
Also, re: Engwithans, I have a pet theory that they created Woedica first in an attempt at monotheism. Then they realized a purely Justice-focused god was bad news and created the rest to balance her out. Skaen was a similar mistake - they thought his portfolio would be helpful in taking out Woedica, and didn't realize how edgelord he'd be until it was too late.
He’s the only memorable character in the entire game when I think about it. I liked him a lot and have long since forgotten the game he came from lol.
My theory is that there were people with different interests in the Engwithans like in any other culture. People like justices fanatics who made Woedica, Good guys who made Eothas and slaves and other mistreated people who made Skaen
This is more or less the way I read it as well. Different tribes and subsets of the culture focused on different values, which made for different parts of the pantheon.
But to be honest, is a pretty cool twist on the idea that I didn't consider.
Eder is cute, are there lewds of him