Smash really is dying.
Smash really is dying
Other urls found in this thread:
>one weekly closes
>plan to replace Xanadu with something better
Why are FGCucks so dumb?
Well no shit it's ages old and one of the longest lasting competitive scenes at this point. Did you think we we're gonna be watching the children of the current greats competing in melee 20 years down the line?
Your game has been axed from Evo at least, thank goodness. Out of sight out of mind, I don't care if your game dies or lives as long as it does so away from real fighting games and stops pretending to be anything but its own thing
>toxic tryhard community
>17 years of autism
>kiddy graphics
Good riddance.
>Your game has been axed from Evo at least
Melee has, and Smash 4 doesn't have the staying power to ride it out. The Smash community itself doesn't give a shit about Smash 4
Autism bucks finally running out?
Google is your friend
Yes user, good job. Now where is Melee? Did you even understand what I said? Smash 4 is not gonna last, wouldn't be surprised if this is Smash's last EVO
Good riddance.
Also VGBC has nothing to do with EVO
Eventually Smash 5 will come out and it'll all start over again.
It's already dead. The game is not advancing, there are no new players breaking into the scene, all tech has been found, 3 or so characters are viable. It's a stagnant dead game that sane people don't bother with for a reason, not gonna last much longer
As long as autists exist, this game will always be at EVO otherwise they'll scream and cry until the fucking cowards that run this shit show either grow a pair and tell them "Melee isn't a fighting game" or they get replaced by the right people
I could say the same about SFV
Could you? You'd be wrong them. It's the most played fighting game right now.
lmfao literally none of that is true about SFV
>Game literally just got an update full of new tech
>Last EVO a complete newcomer made it to the grandfinals
>Characters are always being rebalanced and the top characters are always in dispute
>Supposed "top-tiers" hardly take tournaments
>It's gaining newcomers and new tourney entrants by the truckload
My local venue also stopped doing all smash events this week.
Now I have to travel to the next state over if I want to go to any weeklies.
that obvious music looping point really broke the mood
I still miss PM...
>It's the most played fighting game right now.
[Citation needed]
Check Steam.
>Most entrants and viewership
>Most players on Steam
Whoa that was hard
It's on EVO though. Just admit you fucked it up.
All right. Count your days.
>remove consistently popular game from lineup
>lose a ton of money from viewership and entries
for what purpose
level with me here, have we reached the age of humanity's progression where games' mechanics can be explored and practiced perfectly, and a game's merit on mechanics alone cannot sustain it?
Good. That's what they get for fucking PM.
If a game is played by the same Mason Lodge of autists for nearly two decades? Absolutely
But there's a lot of fighting games that aren't on steam, including Smash.
>fighting game
Does anyone care enough about Icons to read my impressions of it?
I got into the closed beta and I get to play for the first time tonight.
This post is really interesting to me, as it asserts that all enjoyment from watching a fighting game is determined by upsets and that nobody is advancing in the meta. The second point is straight-up wrong and shows they don't watch Melee a lot, but the first is still incredibly interesting to me.
>it's not a sf clone so it's not a fighting game
damn kermit wasn't having none of it
>all non-smash fighting games are SF clones
If you think Guilty Gear, Tekken, KoF and Marvel are all SF clones you''re a fucking retard. They're all fighting games, they're not SF clones.
smash is literally more of a fighting game than weeb shit like guilty gear or dbfz
>Hasn't played GG
One of the best fighters out right now, eat my shit toddler
If upsets NEVER happen there's something wrong with the game at its core.
Melee's problem is that there's been upsets, but the game has been so overplayed that we're starting to see the same "upsets" over and over.
>Tfw actually lived near Smash at the Cave and considered going their sometime soon
>Now the event that is reasonably close to me is Smashcon
At the very least, smashcon is pretty good.
I'll give you tekken and SC, but Marvel, gg, and bb are just SF on crack. Most people won't notice the difference.
Sonic and Mario are completely different, but they're still platformers
Why are there two keemstars
by making statements like that about gg you arent coming off as knowledgable
They said in the video they're just moving onto something bigger and better. What is this "dying" you speak of?
Marvel has a fundamentally different combo system, air blocking, much more oppressive zoning and team-based mechanics like tags and assists. Guilty Gear also has fundamentally different combos, a unique button setup, unique mechanics such as installs and RC, instant kill system, danger time, combo breakers, airdashing, jump cancels, etc. Also not SF
is there any game's mere existence that triggers Sup Forums more than melee?
I'm guessing Sup Forums hates competitive Quake too.
>waaah, same people winning because it takes skill!
Good, about fucking time
It's funny when people can't handle a game they don't like being popular.
>Esau STILL the king of Smash 64
>Hungryshit killing spacie bullshit and Melee
>Warchamp killing off PM, leaving the relevance of Brawl being absolutely dead
>Competitive Sm4sh on suicide thanks to Zer0's leave
>Smash 5 already looking bad due to the fuckfest that is Smash WiiU/3DS. Harada already said he isn't doing Smash either
>all the Smash clones are niche or shit, Icons being the pathetic attempt to replace PM
Smash is fucking dead
Well unlike Smash, Quake does take actual skill.
i swear the next time someone kermitposts, its going to get invalid for its abusive overusage
Melee needs new players
It needs an online re-release for switch or something
Then why do the same people win in Smash, retard?
I delight in the fact that with every passing day, there's another CRT, another N64 controller less in this world, decreasing the chances of somebody playing Melee.
T. Ignorant fgcuck
Confirmed didn't watch the video. They're closing the weekly to get something even bigger going. Nothing "died".
They have a higher level of autism.
But he is right. Melee is fucking dead and only watched by obnoxious soycucks.
>Competitive Sm4sh on suicide thanks to Zer0's leave
People are upset about that?
N64, Shitcube, what's the difference, faggot?
>competitive Smash
can someone give me a quick rundown on these two dudes?
>anyone better than me at something is autistic
Melee has been slowly going downhill and theres no stopping that. The game was remarkable enough to make it this far as a competitive game, but we are at the point where innovation has stopped a long time ago. Players have completely mastered the game a while back, so the competitive scene inevitably grows stale. People who watch never see anything new or exciting. Its hard to stay interested when you basically know how matches are going to play out with very few surprises. There are no 'oh shit!' moments any more in melee, and its basically the same people at every tournament.
Smash 4 is still doing well, however, all things considered. From many perspectives it can be considered a better competitive game.
[Citation needed]
nobody would play a remaster cause it'd be "too different"
also another great thing about melee community, they only want to play melee.
what race is it? and was it born with aids or contracted it later?
Theyre bros now. Leffen finally learned to respect his elders.
For one one thing, they use completely different controllers
Smash is the only game that Sup Forums thinks you're supposed to be a cum guzzling casual in.
Everything else it's "git gud you shithead" but as soon as someone starts wavecheating and fun canceling it's "oh you tryhard autist, it's just a party game"
Now you get it. The level of autism needed to defend a 17 year old game is off the scale.
It sure does smell bad in this thread
>Smash wavedashing is hard
I would love to see a Smash baby try to do KBD or King's wavedash in Tekken where there is no easy mode shortcut where you can just hold df lol
His twitter bio unironically used to be "the ultimate gamer genes, half korean half swedish"
The moment it dies, Nintendo announces Switch Smash and Melee VC.
So, when you fail at everything in life you just blame autism? Autistic people are genetically superior to you then.
Same shit, different shape.
I mean have you seen these Smash players? You actually idolize these people?
They don't even have the same buttons and sticks. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>half korean half swedish
What the fuck? how is that even a thing? so that's what a leffen is
This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever had to read.
Try melee is dying
Smash 4 just had more majors/super majors last year then melee did in its hayday and its only picking up steam
Cali literally has there own smash 4 league with b class locals every day
I would love to see tekken babies play a series that isn't dead and gets two slots at evo :)
>No one has posted it yet
Reminder that smashfags are subhuman
Smash is a Nintendo party game.
I'm arguing that if someone is consistently outperforming you in anything in life then they're better than you regardless if they're autistic or not.
>The Smash community itself doesn't give a shit about Smash 4
Which is fucking sad because Smash4 is the first good one in the series.
>two year old post for fat Florida swampees
It's true man. Why do you think 95% of sports movies, shows, comics etc. are about underdogs coming from nothing and rising to the top? Nobody gives a shit about watching the guy that is already the best in the world stay the best in the world.
Tekken had more entrants than either Smash game though lol. And I can even play Tekken online!
meanwhile with FGCucks
It's still a fighting game
Just because it's popular doesn't make it a fighting game.