Gravity Rush thread

Kat is a stinky hobo!

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Literally the worst fanbase on Sup Forums. And that's fucking saying something

Her games also stink, considering no one bought them and her franchise is dead.

give us reasons besides waifuposting

She can live with me. Better than my pot head roommate that lives in his own trash

but what if she brings her own trash?

Because it's a game that he personally dislikes.


taking pictures through water bubbles is way more fun than it should be

Plus side is no weed smoke in the living room




Kat's online services got extended! Aren't you guys excited? Also if you don't have White Kat you're a piece of shit.

#1 maid outfit
#2 nier dress w/ visor
#3 krazy kitten

Kat's default outfit is one of my least favorites.


#1 Worker outfit
#2 School girl 2.0
#3 Cat Kat

I don't preorder games destined to fail.
>Implying I didn't go so far as to buy GR2 used off of eBay for 25 burgers.

>w/ visor

no way, then you can't see Kat's cute faces.

>started playing Gravity Rush Remastered
This game is cute and fun

>give us a reason besides the reason
All you fucks ever do is post the same shit over and over again just let the game die if you have literally nothing to discuss other than how Kat smells

a few people posting their "stinky" memes doesn't define the whole thread.

>entering threads about things you don't like.


Don't forget to participate!

I want to fuck Kat on the beach.

This game is fun to move around in. I wish theyd have more enemies and walls and ceilings though in tight spaces so you had to fight ground combat sideways or upside down.

Kat's abilities are fun but the game never really puts them to the test, besides sections where you're forced to use a certain style.

>Kat's abilities are fun but the game never really puts them to the test,
I think if the story was too difficult, more people would just get frustrated and give up and you already have people who can't deal with the controls. It's the challenge mission that really test your skills.

Yes. I spent two months reaching 6000. There were special days when they would bump it up to 10 per treasure hunt so I could get a whopping 180 a day if I was lucky. Those event days were really really hype when they happened.
Later on they changed the rate to either 5 or 6. Don't remember at this point.

But if I had today's Dusty Token rate I would probably have five digits of Dusty Tokens.
Back then just thinking about getting 6000 was a near impossible thought to accomplish.

Sadly this is true. desu I'm just glad we have talismans that facilitate combos by lowering damage output.


How can we force people to buy Kat's game?

>in tight spaces
the camera works poorly in tight spaces
it's why people hate the mission where you get Jupiter so much

this shilling isn't working. it's hilarious.

>"we're shutting the servers down and with it access to half the game"
>literally months of shill threads notifying people
>still no one buys it
>"we're extending the servers"
>no one gives a fuck

>Not Nintendo

Truth, but very very unfortunate. Kat would probably do better on nintendo

Nintendo games sell like shit too. There's a reason almost everything is multiplatform these days.

Make GR3 and have baby mode controls. Its really difficult to explain but reviewers are too retarded to understand the game's control scheme. I don't know how they can make it happen but they have to if they want to capture the western gaming media. I mean Lunar style is basically for them but what good is it if they can't make the game fun for themselves by getting good?

Its like a game design barrier. Game works perfectly fine and is in fact amazing but the problem lies not in the gamer audience and instead with the press needed to communicate to those gamers in the first place.

This is the same problem RTS game designers faced at the turn of the century. The market had actually become retarded and MOBAs became the standard to this day.

The reason people don't buy it is because it's a creepy weeb game.

>tfw I get to that part of Delvool

What kind of counter argument is that? So is Bayonetta and thats even more grotesque. So is Nier Automata especially that game. You sound like a woman. Anime is big globally.

What the fuck is creepy about Bayonetta or Nier? Those games have sex appeal, Gravity Rush panders to waifufags who like teenage brown girls.
>Anime is big globally.
Explain why anime games sell poorly then.

Not that guy but Persona 5 was huge too, and you romance plenty of teenage girls in that. So your argument is still shit.

My wife Kat is not a stinky hobo. She's a beautiful young lady.

I have the controls are bad, and even I have to admit, however good I am now, my first 2 playthroughs of GR1 made me feel like the controls were a chore. It costs a lot of effort to get around normally. I was already actively into games with technical stuff in them, so if even I experienced it, how would a total casual player feel?

But it's also due to the cartoony artstyle and the playstation audience being more focused on realistic shit, be graphics or gameplay wise, strangely though, the japanese aren't scared of some weeaboo artstyle, so that still doesn't explain the sales for that.

Here's an idea: playstation 4 owners switched to pc and don't care about their console anymore because it only has 3 games.

Now why are you talking about a densely packed JRPG?

not even worth a (You)

It is clearly shit from youtube gameplay

No amount of shilling will change this, now fuck off

I just finished the Raven DLC

Studio Japan for tne love of god, stop doing time plots, you do nothing but leave giant holes that make me say “What the Fuck”

I can forgive the main games plot hole but the Raven DLC plot hole took it way too far

make GR3 and have it be about the pillar world ending. Kat is now a normal person, but like neo in the matrix can sometimes sort of do some gravity related stuff. Most of the game will be on the ground, and since gravity kicks and stasis field throwing made everything else in GR2 obsolete, the game is now better, and suited for casuals.


>lets his opinions be dictated by youtubers

>receive a treasure hunt
>it's in Elgona

Post Kats.

>and with it access to half the game
Damn, 3 optional unlockable costumes sure is a lot, half the game I could say!


I'm talking about pure gameplay with no commentary. It's one of the few games where it's just blatantly obvious it's not satisfying.

If it was these threads would be more than "stinky kat" and waifu shitposting.

>photo sharing
>treasure hunting


I guess I'm just blatantly different from you, becaue from actually playing this game with my own hands instead of looking at it, I can say that it's satysfying to just move through the environment and dick around in it.

I don't even like Kat that much.

You aren't fooling anyone, retard.

we've already played the game to death so there's not much more to talk about in that department, and yet, we still have people talking about it anyway. but who am I kidding, you're not here to actually read the thread, just to shitpost and let youtubers play video games for you.

All available offline, when the serves will go down then only SHARING photos or scores will not be possible.

Playing a challenge mission while another player's ghost is present isn't a race.
Still can get all of it.
>treasure hunting
Still can find them without photos.

I see you're starting to lose your nerve.

>Make GR3 and have baby mode controls. Its really difficult to explain but reviewers are too retarded to understand the game's control scheme. I don't know how they can make it happen but they have to if they want to capture the western gaming media. I mean Lunar style is basically for them but what good is it if they can't make the game fun for themselves by getting good?
I think most people understand the controls. It just takes a while to get the hang of it and wrap your mind around the gravity shifting concept. I don't think you can really simplify it anymore. I think aim and go is already pretty basic and if you simply it even more than the game won't be Gravity Rush anymore.
The sequel already starts with a really long gravity shifting tutorial for the casuals, compared to the relatively quick tutorial in the first game.

>one of those games where the movement mechanics alone are already fun in itself, like the PS2 Spiderman, Sonic mania or Sky soldier
>hurr not fun

>we've already played the game to death so there's not much more to talk about in that department, and yet, we still have people talking about it anyway. but who am I kidding, you're not here to actually read the thread, just to shitpost and let youtubers play video games for you.

It was like this since day 1.


One thing I would want in the game is the ability to shift gravity gradually instead of stopping in midair every time you need to choose the angle.



it's your loss, honestly

I've just looked those up and they all appear fine. GR2 is just one of the few exception where it clearly doesn't work, and it's not just me who thinks this or it would have got reviewed better and sold decently

>>one of those games where the movement mechanics alone are already fun in itself, like the PS2 Spiderman, Sonic mania or Sky soldier
Said no one ever.

Would be better if you had any control over the jump angle.
Also I feel the lunar style should let you straight run against walls.

took me a while to learn that you can rocket off walls

I want to caress Kat's feet!

somebody tell them about spikat

I enjoy the movement in gravity rush.

how does it "clearly not work"? Genuinely curious.

I would say that, yeah. Spent a lot of time moon jumping around Halvina doing nothing in particular.

>One thing I would want in the game is the ability to shift gravity gradually instead of stopping in midair every time you need to choose the angle.
I'm not sure what you mean by shifting gravity gradually, but you can change direction without stopping. When you are shifting gravity in one direction you can aim the camera in the new direction you want to go and press R1 twice, press R1 and X at the same time, or do a gravity kick and you'll immediately change directions.

>Also I feel the lunar style should let you straight run against walls.
You can kinda of do this already. When you hit a wall in lunar you can press L2 to stick to it and start sliding right away.

>a straight as an arrow mechanic where you change the vector of gravity so that you can fall in the direction you want is apparently too difficult for the general public to understand

No feedback in combat and flying seems "clunky" (admittedly I think this is just near impossible to pull off).

>you'll immediately change directions
Still comes with a slight hitch. I'd like to have an ability to gradually steer gravity.

>you can press L2 to stick to it and start sliding right away
I don't mean like sticking, I mean running against it a-la prince of persia. Also you can do that with every style.

It's easy to understand, it just doesn't work. You're obviously going to disagree buty almost everyone else thinks the same.

In what way it "doesn't work"? To disagree with you, I must first understand your stance.

>No feedback in combat
What does this even mean? not enough explosions when you kick something?

>flying seems "clunky"
???? you look in a direction and fall in that direction its the least clunky movement ever.

Too floaty/no feedback

Feedback means the results of your inputs are very clear. In real life imagine if you had no nerve endings, were deaf and had terrible sight. You then get into a fistfight with someone. Imagine how that would feel, that's the general concept.

A very good example of this at the moment is the shooting mechanics in pubg vs fortnite.

>???? you look in a direction and fall in that direction its the least clunky movement ever.
The picture of sonic changing angles at 90 degrees vs slowly comes to mind but I don't have it saved

>stealth missions
Also, gib treasure hunts.

>why no feedback
>because no feedback
Come on, user, do better than that.

>Feedback means the results of your inputs are very clear.

And they are? kat kicks something and they recoil back. use Saturn style if you want even more.

>The picture of sonic changing angles at 90 degrees vs slowly comes to mind but I don't have it saved

its not slow at all. you'd know this if actually played the fucking game. Kat can turn mid air without stopping at all.

>No feedback in combat
Look at all these hit sparks and Kali's hitstun animation
I think you just need to play more. I admit this game is weird at first but you just need to get a handle on how everything works and then it will feel much more natural.

I can't be arsed with this.

Nearly everyone but you can see it. If they couldn't they would have either bought it or reviewed it better.

Refer to the pubg vs fortnite example. No one can explain the difference but everyone notices it.

Everyone notices these issues or they would have bought it

Just started GRR a week ago and on chapter 18 now, some thoughts
>Kat is Cute!
>Art style and weirdness of the world is great
>Music rocks
>Flying around is really really fun
>Why the fuck is there not a retry button for challenges?
>Game works fine most of the time but the occasional getting caught on a sign/ledge or something making your gravity randomly change 90° is really annoying
>combat is fun but too simple. gravity kicking everything is really all you do
>Kat is Cute!
>World feels designed well and exploring and collecting gems is fun

so you have no arguments?

>muh reviews
>muh purchases

If it was me who was just making shit up it would have sold better. People can just tell from game play.

>laying out his hot gourmet take opinions and not being assed not even to back them up, but even elaborating on them a little

I don't think you know what hitstun is. That's just a low frame rate animation. I agree with him that there's little feedback, everything feels really soft, fast, light, etc and you don't have a lot of control of your melee attacks. Gravity hits have more feedback but it's still got that feeling where you aren't in control, sometimes you get hit by things you could avoid in proper action games. And hell, dodging in iGR feels "empty" as well.

Fits the gravity theme though so it's not much of a complain, but he's not wrong.